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Repository files navigation

Automated PoV Dataset Generator

First Time Start

  1. Install Docker: Docker Toolbox for Windows

  2. Install Vagrant: Follow the advice found in these sections before continuing #### ERROR: for nameserver Cannot start service nameserver: network not found #### On Windows File doesnt exist, error on vagrantinterface

  3. Install Pyro4: pip install Pyro4

  4. Install python-vagrant: pip install python-vagrant

  5. Install requests: pip install requests

  6. Install requests: pip install guacapy

  7. Clone repo

  8. Navigate to repo folder (where the file is)

  9. Verify everything is installed: python check_req. If anything is not installed, install it before continuing.

  10. Build the system: python db rebuild

    Note: This will take some time to complete

  11. Start the system: python start

  12. Navigate to

  13. Shutdown the system: ctrl-c

Subsequent Starts

  1. Navigate to the project folder and start the system: python start

  2. In a web browser, navigate to

  3. To stop the server: ctrl-c


ERROR: for nameserver Cannot start service nameserver: network not found

If on windows and using DockerToolbox, add the following port forwading rule to the default vm by using virtualbox, do not remove existing rules: Name Protocol Host IP Host Port Guest Port nameserver TCP 9090 9090 guac_rdp TCP 8080 8080

Site can't be reached (localhost refused connection) (Windows OS)

If all of the containers are running (none of them exited) but no site is being served to, you may need to navigate to Docker's IP address instead of localhost. To obtain Docker's IP, run docker machine ip. Then navigate to port 5000 of that IP


The file is not in sync with the database. The database needs to be brought up to speed with the

  1. Delete everything in the app/migrations/versions folder

  2. Rebuild the database: python db rebuild

  3. Start the system: python start

On Windows File doesnt exist, error on vagrantinterface

  1. add virtualbox folder to path: 'C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox'

ERROR: Network Does Exist but required Network ip( vbox host only adapter in use by other hostonlyifs

  1. If you want to repurpose the existing hostonly adapter, in the same directory open or create the file "existing_network" and put the name of the corresponding network inside: Examples of file: Windows: "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2" Mac: "vboxnet1"