title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Informal Telechat Agenda |
Topics for the next IESG Informal Telechat |
true |
2022-09-15 13:13:31 UTC |
iesg |
markdown |
2022-07-23 19:46:23 UTC |
There will be a meeting on this date.
Note to the community: Unlike formal IESG telechats, informal IESG telechats are not generally open to the public. (The Webex URL and meeting calendar are available below purely as a service to the IESG.)
Webex URL (updated 2015-09-09):
https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m38beb3706c7e5a24dd749a50d7e87dfd Meeting number: 642 944 708 Meeting password: 1234
The current calendar subscription URL is at (updated 2019-03-07): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/ietf.org_vad13t4tfg35fc27nispen5pnc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
Folks want to standardize this in CCAMP (rather than NETMOD, OPSAWG or RTGWG), and I want to check that IESG is aware and okay with this.
Held over topic from the September 1 meeting.
WG News
Documents to Swap
When you add an agenda item, please change the line at the top to indicate that there is a meeting scheduled (change "NO" to "a"). Please enter agenda items using the appropriate section numbers as below. The first item under "Management Issues" would be "3.1".
- Administrivia
- Document Discussions
- Management Issues
- WG News
- Documents to Swap
- Executive Sessions (will be taken last)
Use the blcockquote > on each line to ensure the text appears without formatting but in a grey box. Like so:
The quick brown fox says .....
Note that this page is public.