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Meteor Cheatsheet

Meteor Cheat Sheet and Best Practices. This cheatsheet are suitable to used for Meteor v.1.2.1 or lower, but you can also used this for the latest meteor version with some little improvement.

1. Folder Structure

Meteor 1.2.1 and lower have strictly located folder structure, so follow this for the best practice.

  client/             # Client only folder
     components/      # For html/js files which act as reusable components
     scenes/          # For html/js files which act as menu/scene/route
  lib/                # Both Accessible folder for Client & Server Code
     collections/     # Collections folder
     router.js        # Router js file
  server/             # Server only folder          

Let's take a look at some example. This one is an example of Blog app folder structure

  client/                    # Client only folder
     scenes/                 # For html/js files which act as menu/scene/route
        layout/              # For layouting, and your first file to be called/rendered
          main/              # The layout name called "main", you can also create another layout with other name to switch
            index.html       # Your main container on layout html file
            index.js         # Your main container on layout js file
            navbar.html      # Your navigation bar to be attached at (layout/main/index.html)
          index.html         # List of posts html file        
          index.js           # List of posts js file
          view.html          # Detail of post html file
          view.js            # Detail of post js file
          index.html         # List of comment in a post html file
          index.js           # List of comment in a post js file
     components/             # For html/js files which act as reusable components
          Readmore.js        # Let u easily create Long text to short text 
          ImageGallery.js    # Easily show image list of a post js file
          ImageGallery.html  # Easily show image list of a post html file                    
  lib/                       # Both Accessible folder for Client & Server Code
     collections/            # Collections folder
        Post.js              # Mongo Collection from "post"
        Comment              # Mongo Collection from "comment"
     router.js               # Router js file, to define router
  server/                    # Server only folder 
      PostServer.js          # Server Publication and Method for "post"
      CommentServer.js       # Server Publication and Method for "comment"      

2. Blaze Component

Rather than using original Blaze Template, it will be better to use Blaze Component (this is inspired by React).

2.1. Blaze Component Quick Start

a. Installation

meteor remove templating
meteor add peerlibrary:blaze-components

b. Naming Convention

In order to make great app, you must follow this naming convention and folder structure To decide best template naming convention, follow these steps:

  • for example you have collection name called "post" which is instantiated to a variable called "Post"
Post = new Meteor.Collection('post');
  • and have routing like this
  • so you need to have template name like this
/post                      =>         PostIndex
/post/:_id                 =>         PostView
/post/update/:_id          =>         PostUpdate
/post/insert               =>         PostInsert

c. Template inclusion

Template inclusion is the way to instantiate your template in your html by referencing from your js file. Now let's try to make template inclusion

create js file "/client/scenes/post/index.js"

class PostIndex extends BlazeComponent{  

create html file "/client/scenes/post/index.html"

<template name="PostIndex">
  Hello World

now let's make the inclusion wherever you want. (Note: in real world app, the one thing that need inclusion only from layout with dynamic inclusion from routing. Except component inclusion.)

{{> PostIndex }}

this way will print "Hello World" on your screen.

d. Template helpers

edit js file "/client/scenes/post/index.js"

class PostIndex extends BlazeComponent{  
   //this one called Template#helpers which can be passed to the html
    return "Ega Radiegtya";

edit html file "/client/scenes/post/index.html"

<template name="PostIndex">
  Hello {{myName}}

use {{}} to call helpers, then your screen will print "Hello Ega Radiegtya"

e. Template events

for example adding events code in "/client/scenes/post/index.js"

class PostIndex extends BlazeComponent{  
    return Post.findOne({title: "Jordan the Bad Boy"});
    console.log("Like btn pressed");

html file "/client/scenes/post/index.html"

<template name="PostIndex">
  {{#with post}}
    <button onClick="{{handleLike}}">Like this post</button>

there are another event like "onKeyup", "onKeydown", etc.

f. Template data

example get current data inside each tag, or with tag, or data props in js helper

  //don't confuse! This is ES6 syntax similar to var firstData = this.currentData; var secondData = this.currentData();
  const {firstData, secondData} = this.currentData(); 
  return firstData + secondData;

example get current data in events

  const {_id, currentLike} = this.currentData();
  Post.update(_id, {$set: {
    currentLike: currentLike + 1,

example get current data inside each tag, or with tag, or data props in js helper

  const {firstData, secondData} =;
  return firstData + " - " + secondData;

For more info about using Blaze Component, follow this link:

3. Flow Router

Use this router package for production ready routing.

meteor add kadira:flow-router

Complete Doc COMING SOON. For now refer to this link

4. MongoDB Schema with Collection2

Use this package to scheming your mongoDB, field validation, etc.

meteor add aldeed:collection2

and this will automatically add:
meteor add aldeed:simple-schema

Complete Doc COMING SOON. For now refer to this link

5. Form

Use this package to make cool form with validation inside

meteor add aldeed:autoform

Complete Doc COMING SOON. For now refer to this link

6. Publish & Subscribe Best Practice with Publish Composite

meteor add reywood:publish-composite

Server Example:

Meteor.publishComposite('post', function(selector, options) {
    return {
        find: function() {
            // Find posts with selector and options passed from client
            return Post.find(selector, options);
        children: [
            find: function(collection) {
                // Find comment relation (HAS MANY COMMENT)
                return Collection.find({postId: collection._id});

Client Example, for template level subscriptions:

on template component subscribe needed data:

PostIndex extends BlazeComponent{

      this.subscribe('post', this.selector(), this.options());
  //your query goes here
    return {title: {$regex: "abc", $options: "i"}};
  //your options like limit, and sort goes here
    return {limit: 10, sort: {title: -1}};


Complete Doc COMING SOON. For now refer to this link

7. Reactive Variable

Reactive variable is a variable which changed automatically when emitted or there is an event that trigger it to change. Never use Meteor.session!!! Use Meteor Reactive Var insted.

meteor add reactive-var

simple example:

//init limit
let limit = new ReactiveVar(5);

//set limit value reactively

//get limit value reactively on template lifeCycle like onCreated, onRendered etc
  //pass the value to this.limit inside Tracker.autorun
  this.limit = limit.get();

//get limit value reactively on template helper
  return limit.get(); //you don't need to use Tracker.autorun in template helpers

Complete Doc COMING SOON. For now refer to this link