import type { Scope, Policy } from "@httpd-client";
+ import { capitalize } from "lodash";
export let scope: Scope;
export let policy: Policy;
-{#if policy === "allow"}
- All discovered repositories will get seeded,
-{:else if policy === "block"}
- Only repositories marked as such will get seeded,
-{#if scope === "all"}
- and all changes in those repositories, made by any peer, will be synced.
-{:else if scope === "followed"}
- and only changes made by explicitly followed peers will be synced.
+ Scope:
+ {capitalize(scope)}
+ {#if scope === "all"}
+ All changes in seeded repositories, made by any peer, will be synced.
+ {:else if scope === "followed"}
+ Only changes made by explicitly followed peers will be synced.
+ {/if}
+ Policy:
+ {capitalize(policy)}
+ {#if policy === "allow"}
+ All discovered repositories will get seeded.
+ {:else if policy === "block"}
+ Only repositories marked as such will get seeded.
+ {/if}
diff --git a/src/views/nodes/View.svelte b/src/views/nodes/View.svelte
index 0a60ca6d27..1092587153 100644
--- a/src/views/nodes/View.svelte
+++ b/src/views/nodes/View.svelte
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+ Delegates
+ {project.delegates.length}
+ {project.threshold}/{project.delegates.length}
+ {#if !disablePopovers}
+ {project.threshold} out of {project.delegates.length} delegates have
+ to accept changes to be included in the canonical branch.
+ {/if}
+ {#each project.delegates as { id: nodeId, alias }}
+ {/each}
+ {#if isLocal(baseUrl.hostname)}
+ Local Node
+ {:else}
+ {baseUrl.hostname}
+ {/if}
+ (expandedNode = !expandedNode)}>
+ Seeding Policy
+ {capitalize(shortSeedingPolicy)}
+ {#if expandedNode && node.config}
+ {/if}
+ Radicle version
+ {node.version}
diff --git a/src/views/projects/Source.svelte b/src/views/projects/Source.svelte
index 548f306eb5..75102443fc 100644
--- a/src/views/projects/Source.svelte
+++ b/src/views/projects/Source.svelte
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@