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391 lines (277 loc) · 16.9 KB

File metadata and controls

391 lines (277 loc) · 16.9 KB

Important: You need to log in to public GitHub, not the enterprise GitHub, to contribute. If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].

Contributing to the Rackspace How-To content repository

This file describes the general process for maintaining source code for content published at

We have two short video tutorials that provide an overview for contributing new How-To articles and editing existing articles:

If you are a Racker, search the Rackspace University for the Treat Docs Like Code courses.

Note: If you already have a GitHub account, you can quickly edit an existing article by clicking on the Edit This Article button on the left-hand side of the page.

Getting started with GitHub

To contribute to the How-To repository, you need a GitHub account. If you do not have a GitHub account, you can sign up for one

Create a fork of this repository

Before you create a new article or make edits to an existing one, create a fork of the How-To repository.

  1. In the top-right corner of the page, click the Fork button.

  2. In the pop-up box, select your personal GitHub account.

Github creates a personal copy of the How-To repository in your GitHub account. You can access your fork by going to the GitHub home page and selecting support-how-to under Your repositories.

Keeping your fork up to date

Because your forked copy of the repository is not live, you need to periodically update it with changes from the live repository. A status message above the latest commit activity informs you whether your forked repository is current with the master How-To repository. If the status says This branch is X commits behind rackerlabs:master, update your repo by clicking the Pull request button to the right of the message.

Note: If you get a message that the rackerlabs:master branch is up-to-date with commits from your master branch, click the switching the base link.

WARNING: To avoid any merge conflicts or difficulties when making a pull request, always check that your copy of the fork is up to date with the master repository.

Creating and changing articles

The repository content directory contains a directory for each product. Each product directory has multiple directories, one for each article, containing the content file and any images for the content file.

Use the following instructions to create a new article, make edits to an existing one, or suggest edits via an issue.

Create an article

Important: Before creating an article, make sure that a Rackspace Technology team supports the product or service you describe. We cannot publish or maintain articles without available subject matter experts to validate the content.

Use the following steps to create a new article within a product folder of the rackerlabs/support-how-to repo:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your local copy of this repo by using the command line.

  2. Create a branch for your new article.

    git checkout -b my-new-server-article

  3. Create a new directory within /content/how-to/**product** that contains the initial by using the following command:

    hugo new --kind support-bundle how-to/**product**/article-title

    For example, the command, hugo new --kind support-bundle how-to/cloud-servers/create-a-new-cloud-server, creates a new directory, create-a-new-cloud-server, in the cloud-server product directory. The new directory contains four files:


    You can use the information in the template files to create your new article in the file. When you have everything you need from the template files, delete them. You need only the content file with the text of your article.

    Note: These templates are intended to be a starting point for a new article. You might not need every section included in each template, or you might have additional sections that aren't included in the template. If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].

    If your article has images, place the image files within the newly created article folder.

  4. Write your article in Markdown in the file. Find Markdown guidelines at Add your name in the created_by line in the metadata. Also, update the product and product_url entries. This content is the same for all articles within a product, so you can copy the lines from any article for your product.

    Note: If your article includes images, add the image to your article directory and add a link to the image in your article. For example, assuming your image is named Picture1.png: {{}}

  5. Save the file.

  6. Create a pull request (PR).

    a. Add your new content and image files, if any:

    `git add`
    `git add Picture1.png`

    b. Commit the file:

    `git commit -m "Created new cloud server article"`

    c. Push the change:

    `git push upstream`

    d. In your web browser, navigate to Log in if you are not already signed on.

    e. In the How-to repo, click Pull Requests.

    f. At the top, you should see a message with your branch name and a green Compare & pull request button. Click it.

    g. Click Compare across forks.

    h. base-repository should default to rackerlabs/support-how-to and base should default to master. Click the down arrow on head-repository and select your clone of the support-how-to repo. Click the down arrow on compare and select your branch. Click Create new pull request. Add any comments describing your change. Finally, click Create pull request.

  7. After the build completes, preview it by clicking the Details link next to Deploy preview ready! in the All Checks Passed section of the GitHub PR. This action takes you to the staging location. Click How-To and then paste the permalink for your article (from the metadata) at the end of the URL after support/how-to. For example:

  8. If you need to make any changes, modify the files in your local repo and push the changes up to the PR. Then, preview the article again.

  9. When you're ready, request reviews of your PR from the Information Development team in the #how-to channel in Slack.

The Content Services team will review your PR. Depending on the review feedback, you might need to make additional changes. The How-To editorial team merges your pull request after we review your contribution.

Edit an article

Follow these steps to edit an existing article within a product folder of the rackerlabs/support-how-to GitHub repository, not from your local clone:

  1. Go to the Rackspace How-To content folder and click the product for which you want to edit an article.

  2. Find the article you want to edit and click to open the file within the article folder.

  3. At the top of the article, click the pencil (Edit this file) icon.

  4. Make any edits to the article directly through the GitHub website.

    Note: If you are using a desktop client or the command line and are forking or cloning the repository, be sure to make your changes in a new branch. Doing so ensures that you are producing a pull request (PR) rather than committing changes directly to the master.

  5. At the bottom of the page, in the Commit changes section, add a title for your change.

  6. Accept the default branch name or make a new one and click Commit changes.

  7. base should default to master and compare should default to {your-branch}.

    If the settings are not correct, use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate settings. The fork menus might not be present.

  8. Describe the changes that you made in a PR message.

    Use the following guidelines to create the PR message:

    • Provide a brief description of the change, starting with an imperative verb. For example, "Add a paragraph about... ."
    • If you make a complex edit, explain why you are making the edit in the larger box under Commit changes. For example, if you are changing the formatting of an article because you want an ordered list instead of an unordered one, say, "Switch list in middle of article to ordered to show clear progression of steps."
  9. Click Create pull request.

  10. After the build completes, preview it by clicking the Details link next to Deploy preview ready! in the All Checks Passed section of the GitHub PR. This action takes you to the staging location. Click How-To and then paste the permalink for your article (from the metadata) at the end of the URL after support/how-to.

  11. Request reviews of your PR from the Information Development team in the #how-to channel in Slack.

The Content Services team will review your PR. Depending on the review feedback, you might need to make additional changes. The How-To editorial team merges your pull request after we review your contribution.

Make a change to a PR

A member of the editorial team might ask you to update your PR. Use the following steps to make an update to your PR from the GitHub GUI, not your local copy:

  1. Go to the Rackspace How-To content folder and select the Pull requests tab.

  2. Find and click your PR.

  3. Click the Files changed tab.

  4. Click the pencil icon next to the file that you want to change.

  5. Make your change in the editor.

  6. Provide a brief description of the change.

  7. Click the Commit directly to the your-branch-name branch option, and then click Commit changes.

  8. Request reviews of your PR from the Information Development team in the #how-to channel in Slack.

The How-To team will comment on the PR if you need to make any more changes.

Request an article change

To request a change, create an issue by clicking Issue near the top of this page. Describe the changes that you are requesting.

Retire an article

Important: Before you retire an article, search the repository to identify any articles with links to the article you plan to retire. Either remove those links or change the links to point to appropriate content.

For instructions on retiring an article, see

Redirect an article

If you retire an article, you should redirect the old name to the retired article page. See

To redirect an article to a different article (or to the same article with a new name), use the following instructions:

  1. Either in your local How-To repository clone or in the GitHub GUI, edit support-how-to/static/_redirects.

  2. In the Individual Redirects section, add a 404 and a 301 line similar to the following example:

    /support/how-to/supported-features/  /how-to/cloudflare-supported-features/  404
    /how-to/cloudflare-supported-features/  /support/how-to/cloudflare-supported-features/  301
  3. Commit the changes and either create a new PR or push to an existing PR with related changes.

After the pull request is ready, post a link in the #how-to slack channel for review and merge.

Writing guidelines

Use the following general writing guidelines, which the document describes in detail:

  • Use sentence-style capitalization for titles and headings.
  • Use active voice.
  • Use present tense.
  • Write to the user by using second person and imperative mood.
  • Write clear and consistent step text.
  • Use consistent text formatting.
  • Clarify pronouns such as it, this, there, and that.
  • Clarify gerunds and participles.
  • Write clear and consistent code examples.
  • Use consistent terminology.

Following are some specific guidelines for How-To content:

  • For the first-level headings in an article, use the H3 level (designated by ###). Avoid using more than three levels of heading in an article (H3, H4, and H5). If you need more than three levels, you should consider breaking your article into two or more articles.

  • When an article mainly provides step-by-step instructions for users to follow, begin the title of the article with an imperative verb. For example: Install the Cloud Backup agent on Windows.

  • If a title contains a special character, such as a colon, enclose the title with single quotation marks.

  • When code includes placeholders, show them in camelCase and enclose them in angle brackets. For example, <hostName>.

  • To link to another article, use the following format: [<articleName>](/how-to/<articleName>). For example, [Rackspace Email and Hosted Exchange settings](/how-to/rackspace-email-and-hosted-exchange-settings). Note the use of the leading slash.

  • When creating complex lists, such as procedures with sublists, graphics, and code examples, use the spacing guidelines at

Support and feedback

If you find a problem, open a GitHub issue.

If you need additional assistance, contact us at [email protected].

How-to products

Product Product URL
Account Management account-management
Cloud Backup cloud-backup
Cloud Block Storage cloud-block-storage
Cloud Databases cloud-databases
Cloud DNS cloud-dns
Cloud Files cloud-files
Cloud Images cloud-images
Cloud Load Balancers cloud-load-balancers
Cloud Networks cloud-networks
Cloud Orchestration cloud-orchestration
Cloud Queues cloud-queues
Cloud Servers cloud-servers
Dedicated Hosting dedicated-hosting
Microsoft Exchange exchange
General general
Managed Operations managed-operations
Office 365 office-365
RackConnect rackconnect
Rackspace Autoscale rackspace-auto-scale
Rackspace CDN rackspace-cdn
Rackspace Email Archiving rackspace-email-archiving
Rackspace Email rackspace-email
Rackspace Intelligence rackspace-intelligance
Rackspace Metrics rackspace-metrics
Rackspace Monitoring rackspace-monitoring
Rackspace Proactive Detection & Response rackspace-pdr
Alert Logic Security Solutions rms-alert-logic
Cloudflare with Rackspace Managed Services rms-cloudflare
Microsoft Skype for Business skype-for-business
VMware Server Virtualization vmware-server-virtualization

Metadata sample

Following is a default example of article metadata:

permalink: cloud-database-instance-parameters
audit_date: '2021-01-31'
type: article
title: Cloud Database instance parameters
created_date: '2021-01-31'
created_by: John Q. Racker
product: Cloud Databases
product_url: cloud-database