diff --git a/docs/storage-swift-object-store.md b/docs/storage-swift-object-store.md
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+++ b/docs/storage-swift-object-store.md
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+# Swift Object Store
+## Goal
+Use the command-line utility `swift` to perform operations on your object store.
+## Requirements
+## Swift client documentation
+``` shell
+swift --help
+### Useful commands
+| command | description |
+| list | Lists the containers for the account or the objects for a container. |
+| capabilities | Retrieve capability of the proxy. |
+| post | Updates meta information on the account, container, or object.
If the container is not found, it will be created automatically. |
+| stat | Displays information for the account, container, or object. |
+| upload | Uploads specified files and directories to the given container. |
+| download | Download objects from containers. |
+| tempurl | Generates a temporary URL for a Swift object. |
+| delete | Delete a container or objects within a container. |
+For a more detailed explanation of any specific command, add `--help` after it:
+``` shell
+swift list --help
+!!! example
+ Usage: swift list [--long] [--lh] [--totals] [--prefix ]
+ [--delimiter ] [--header ]
+ [--versions] []
+ Lists the containers for the account or the objects for a container.
+ Positional arguments:
+ [] Name of container to list object in.
+ Optional arguments:
+ -l, --long Long listing format, similar to ls -l.
+ --lh Report sizes in human readable format similar to
+ ls -lh.
+ -t, --totals Used with -l or --lh, only report totals.
+ -p , --prefix
+ Only list items beginning with the prefix.
+ -d , --delimiter
+ Roll up items with the given delimiter. For containers
+ only. See OpenStack Swift API documentation for what
+ this means.
+ -j, --json Display listing information in json
+ --versions Display listing information for all versions
+ -H, --header
+ Adds a custom request header to use for listing.
+### Create an object container
+Create the container named "flex-container01":
+``` shell
+swift post flex-container01
+If you like, make the container public:
+``` shell
+swift post --header "X-Container-Read: .r:*" flex-container01
+Verify the container's configuration:
+``` shell
+swift stat flex-container01
+!!! example
+### Upload files to the container
+Upload the entire contents of a folder to the container:
+``` shell
+swift upload flex-container01 example-files/
+!!! example
+ example-docs/readme.md
+ example-docs/image01.jpg
+ example-docs/image02.png
+Uploading an entire folder will add that prefix to your filenames inside the container.
+``` shell
+swift list flex-container01
+!!! example
+ example-docs/readme.md
+ example-docs/image01.jpg
+ example-docs/image02.png
+ document01.rtf
+ document02.rtf
+Filter the display of files only with the prefix by using the `--prefix` argument:
+``` shell
+swift list flex-container01 --prefix example-docs
+!!! example
+ example-docs/readme.md
+ example-docs/image01.jpg
+ example-docs/image02.png
+### Downloading files
+When the container is public, you can access each file using a specific URL, made up of your region's endpoint, the name of your container, the prefix (if any) of your object, and finally, the object name.
+``` shell
+Using the swift client to download a single file:
+``` shell
+swift download flex-container01 document01.rtf
+Using the swift client to download multiple files with the same prefix:
+``` shell
+swift download flex-container01 --prefix example-docs
+### Deleting containers or objects
+``` shell
+swift delete flex-container01 document01.rtf
+!!! example
+ document01.rtf
+Similar to downloading, you can delete multiple files with the same prefix:
+``` shell
+swift delete flex-container01 example-docs/*
+!!! example
+ example-docs/readme.md
+ example-docs/image01.jpg
+ example-docs/image02.png
+Deleting a container:
+``` shell
+swift delete flex-container01
+!!! example
+ document01.rtf
+ document02.rtf
+Deleting a container will delete all files in the container.
+## Additional documentation
+Additional documentation can be found at the official swift client site, on the Openstack Documentation Site.