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125 lines (118 loc) · 5.67 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (118 loc) · 5.67 KB

Yummly API


  • Api end point (where resources can be accessed) is at
  • response is json #####Crediting
  • Must use the contents of the html field in a visable place near the other fields to credit yummly
  • alternative is displaying the text, logo and a link to the url
Key Use
  • X-Yummly-App-ID: app-id, X-Yummly-App-Key:app-key OR
  • _app_id=app-id&_app_key=app-key in the url

Api Calls

Search Recipes


  • elements of the matches array (matching recipes) contain a sourceDisplayName which must be shown

How to Use

Metadata Dictionaries:

  • API may return a redirect HTTP status code to follow which will return http caching headers, you should use the If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers in your request
  • these APIs are JSONP.
bq. set_metadata('course', [{"id":"course-Appetizers","description":"Appetizers","searchValue":"course^course-Appetizers"}, …]);
  • You can parse to JSON by removing the "bq. set_metadata('course', " and trailing );
  • An example of finding appetizers in your search: &allowedCourse[]=course^course-Appetizers
  • Remember to URL-encode

TLDR parameters

  • Search phrase: q
  • Search by ingredient, allergy, diet, cuisine, course, holiday, time to make, nutrition, flavor
  • get specific number of results, see how many matching ingredients (facet)


  • q, the search phrase: &q=onion+soup
  • &requirePictures=true
  • &allowedIngredient[], excludedIngredient[]
  • To access the metadata dictionary for allowedIngredient[] searchValues, use the following end point:
  • excludedIngredient[]
  • allowedAllergy[] -> supported allergies: Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Peanut, Seafood, Sesame, Soy, Sulfite, Tree Nut, Wheat
  • allowedDiet[] -> supported diets: Lacto vegetarian, Ovo vegetarian, Pescetarian, Vegan, Vegetarian
  • allowedCuisine[], excludedCuisine[] -> supported cuisines: American, Italian, Asian, Mexican, Southern & Soul Food, French, Southwestern, Barbecue, Indian, Chinese, Cajun & Creole, English, Mediterranean, Greek, Spanish, German, Thai, Moroccan, Irish, Japanese, Cuban, Hawaiin, Swedish, Hungarian, Portugese
  • allowedCourse[], excludedCourse[]: Main Dishes, Desserts, Side Dishes, Lunch and Snacks, Appetizers, Salads, Breads, Breakfast and Brunch, Soups, Beverages, Condiments and Sauces, Cocktails
  • allowedHoliday[], excl... Christmas, Summer, Thanksgiving, New Year, Super Bowl / Game Day, Halloween, Hanukkah, 4th of July
  • maxTotalTimeInSeconds[] -> in seconds
  • nutrition.ATTR_NAME.{min|max}: (all is measured in grams except calories) no carbs: &nutrition.CHOCDF.min=0&nutrition.CHOCDF.max=0 high protein: &nutrition.PROCNT.min=20&nutrition.PROCNT.max=50 K:Potassium | NA:Sodium | CHOLE:Choleserol | FATRN:Fatty acids, Trans | FASAT: Fatty acids, Saturated CHOCDF:Carbs by difference | FIBTG:Fiber,total dietary | PROCNT:Protein | VITC:VitaminC | CA:Calcium FE:Iron | SUGAR | FAT | ENERC_KCAL:Energy measured in kcal (1 kcal = 1000 calories)
  • &maxResult=10&start=10 will be the second page of viewing 10 recipes
  • flavor.{sweet|meaty|sour|bitter|salty|piquant}.{min|max} sweet, not very spicy: &flavor.sweet.min=0.8&flavor.sweet.max=1&flavor.piquant.min=0 &flavor.piquant.max=0.2
  • facetField[] &facetField[]=ingredient or &facetField[]=diet

Object Returns

  • attribution (crediting details)
  • totalMatchCount
  • facetCounts
  • matches (the recipes)
  • criteria (query parameters)

Match object

  • attributes: course, cuisine, holiday
  • flavors each on a range from 0 to 1: salty, sour, sweet, bitter, meaty (savory), piquant (spicy)
  • rating
  • id for get recipe
  • smallImageUrls array of thumbnail images for the recipe
  • sourceDisplayName site for recipe
  • totalTimeInSeconds
  • ingredients array of ingredients
  • recipeName

Get Recipe


  • returns source attribution subobject which contains:
  • must display sourceDisplayName and link the url to either the site or the recipe How to use


  • Sample object returned: Object Returns

  • attribution (crediting details)

  • ingredientLines

  • flavors each on a range from 0 to 1: salty, sour, sweet, bitter, meaty (savory), piquant (spicy)

  • nutritionEstimates The nutritional composition of the recipe, in the form of a list of nutrients and their amounts, per serving. We will return nutrition estimates only for those recipes where we are reasonably confident in their accuracy. These are only estimates and you should be clear about that in what you tell your users.

  • images

    • hostedLargeUrl (med, small)
  • name

  • yield (servings)

  • totalTime Either a number in seconds or a human readable string

  • attributes: holiday, course, cuisine

  • totalTimeInSeconds

  • rating can be null

  • numberOfServings

  • source -sourceRecipeUrl -sourceSiteUrl

    • sourceDisplayName
    • id the id used in the request