Quobyte volumes can be accessed from Pods in multiple ways. Either, via
the QuobyteVolumeSource like in deploy/example-pod.yaml
- name: quobytevolume
registry: ignored:7861 # Unused string required for API compatibility
volume: testVolume
readOnly: false
user: username
group: groupname
or as a PersistentVolumeClaim, which is defined in the same namespace, where the accessing pod is running. The claim (volumes/claim.json)
"kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "test"
"spec": {
"accessModes": [
"resources": {
"requests": {
"storage": "3Gi"
"storageClassName": "base"
$ kubectl -n quobyte create -f volumes/claim.json
is mounted in the Pod like (see volumes/example-pod.yaml):
- name: quobytepvc
claimName: test
The PersistentVolumeClaim is bound to a PersistentVolume which is created by an administrator for existing Quobyte Volumes or dynamically by the StorageClass (volumes/storageclass.yaml).
If a Quobyte Volume already exists, the administrator can make it available as a PersistentVolume by creating a resource (volumes/pv.yaml). Please note that Quobyte currently ignores the required capacity.storage field, since its using internal quota mechanisms.
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: test
type: quobyte
storage: 1Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: "base"
registry: ignored:7861 # Unused string required for API compatibility
volume: test
readOnly: false
user: username
group: groupname
$ kubectl -n quobyte create -f volumes/pv.yaml
For dynamic provisioning, a StorageClass is created, which manages the lifecycle of Quobyte volumes. Each provisioner is bound to a Quobyte tenant, which is specified in the 'quobyteTenant' field. The UUID of the tenant can be found in the Webconsole. For Kubernetes > 1.10, the 'quobyteTenant' can specify the name of the tenant.
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: base
provisioner: kubernetes.io/quobyte
quobyteAPIServer: "http://api.quobyte:7860"
registry: "registry.quobyte:7861"
adminSecretName: "quobyte-admin-secret"
adminSecretNamespace: "kube-system"
user: "username"
group: "groupname"
quobyteConfig: "BASE"
quobyteTenant: "uuid of tenant"
createQuota: "False"
To enable it, first create the Quobyte admin secret according to your API credentials in volumes/quobyte-admin-secret.yaml (defaults to admin:quobyte):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: quobyte-admin-secret
type: "kubernetes.io/quobyte"
password: cXVvYnl0ZQ==
user: YWRtaW4=
type: kubernetes.io/quobyte
The password and user strings are base64 encoded and can be created like
echo -n "quobyte" | base64
$ kubectl -n kube-system create -f volumes/quobyte-admin-secret.yaml
$ kubectl -n quobyte create -f volumes/storageclass.yaml
Quobyte supports multiple tenants and provides a secure mapping of containers to users known in Quobyte. For a longer read, please see the article on the Quobyte blog: The State of Secure Storage Access in Container Infrastructures
The Kubernetes deployments of the Quobyte client use the --allow-usermapping-in-volumename
, which allows to map all accesses to the
volume to a particular user/group, independent of the accessing user.
If you specify user#group@volume_name
instead of just the volumename,
the Quobyte client will map all storage accesses to the user:group
For example, if your container runs internally with id 0, or you have multiple
arbitrary user ids in your containers, all files in the Quobyte volume will be
owned by user:group