The website uses al-folio. For their original instructions, see [ORIG_README] ( Here, we maintain a list of (non-obvious) instructions for how to keep the website up to date.
To add and change contents, fork the repo, clone it, make changes locally, push, and then do a pull request from your fork to this repository. Always make the pull request to master. Once pull request is merged and the master is updated, the page is automatically rebuilt and deployed (usually takes a few minutes).
If you want to test changes locally, you can follow these instructions for installation.
- Add your profile picture to assets/img/team/.
- Add entry in _data/team.yml. It doesn't matter where, all members will be sorted by category.
- Specify the name of your profile pic (without path), your position, and the type: "faculty", "postdoc/engineer", "student", "visitor" and "staff".
Add entry in _data/seminars.yml, following the example there.
You can specify "date," "recording," "slides," "academic_institution," "company," "abstract," and "bio."