+ When mapping an exception to a @ServerExceptionMapper method, the cause of the exception normally does not come into play.
+ However, some exception types in Java only serve as wrappers for other exceptions. Often, checked exceptions are wrapped into RuntimeException just to not have them declared in method throws parameters.
+Working with CompletionStage for example, will require CompletionException . There are many such exception types that are just wrappers around the real cause of the exception.
+ If you wish to make sure your exception mapper is called for your exception type even when it is wrapped by one of those wrapper exceptions, you can use @UnwrapException on the exception wrapper type:
+ public class MyExceptionWrapper extends RuntimeException {
+ public MyExceptionWrapper(Exception cause) {
+ super(cause);
+ }
+ If you don’t control that exception wrapper type, you can place the annotation on any class and specify the exception wrapper types it applies to as annotation parameter:
+ @UnwrapException({CompletionException.class, RuntimeException.class})
+public class Mapper {
+ @ServerExceptionMapper
+ public Response handleMyException(MyException x) {
+ // ...
+ }
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