This document describes the Nuclio function code-entry types and related configuration fields.
- Overview
- Function-image code-entry type (
) - Function source-code entry types
- External function-code entry types
- See also
As part of the function specification (spec
), you must configure one of the following code-entry types and related information that points either to a pre-built function image or to code from which to build such an image:
Function image (
) — set thespec.image
configuration field to the name of a function container image. See Function-image code-entry type (image
). -
Function source code — provide the function source code either by setting the
configuration field to an encoded source-code string (sourceCode
), or by setting
field to a URL for downloading a function source-code file. See Function source-code entry types. -
External function code — set the
configuration field to a code-entry type for downloading the function's source code and optional additional configuration ("function code") from an external source — GitHub repository (github
), archive file (archive
), or AWS S3 bucket (s3
) — and configure the required download information. See External function-code entry types.
Go Note
To import packages in Go source code, use the following syntax:
import "<package_name>"
The code-entry type is determined by using the following processing logic:
is set, the implied code-entry type is function image (image
) and the configured function image is used.
fields are ignored.Note: When you build and deploy a Nuclio function, the
field is automatically updated to the name of the function's container image, so to use a different code-entry type for a redeployed function you must first reset thespec.image
configuration field. This is handled implicitly when deploying a function from the Nuclio dashboard. -
is set (andspec.image
isn't set), the implied code-entry type is encoded source-code string (sourceCode
) and the function is built from the configured source code.
fields are ignored. -
is set (andspec.image
aren't set), the value of the code-entry field determines the external function-code code-entry type (archive
, ors3
). -
is set (andspec.image
aren't set), the implied code-entry type is source-code-file and the function is built from the configured source code.
When deploying a function from the Nuclio dashboard, you select the code-entry type from the Code entry type drop-down list in the Code function tab. Additional configuration parameters are displayed according to the selected entry type. When you select to deploy the function, the respective function-configuration parameters are automatically updated based on your dashboard configuration. The dashboard notes in this reference refer to fields in the Code function dashboard tab.
Set the spec.image
function-configuration field to the name of a function container image ([<host name>.]<namespace>.<repository>[:<tag>]
) to deploy the function from this image.
Note: When
is set, the implied code-entry type isimage
are ignored. See Determining the code-entry type.
Dashboard Note: To configure a function image from the dashboard, select
from the Code entry type list, and then enter the image name in the URL field.
description: my Go function
image: mydockeruser/my-func:latest
Use either of the following methods to provide the function source code:
- Set the
configuration field to the function's source code, encoded as a Base64 string. This implies thesourceCode
code-entry type. See Encoded source-code string code-entry type (sourceCode
). - Set the
configuration field to a URL for downloading a function source-code file. See Source-code file code-entry type.
Set the
function-configuration field to the function's source code, encoded as a Base64-encoded string, to build the function image from this code.
Note: When
is set andspec.image
isn't set, the implied code-entry type issourceCode
are ignored. Whenspec.image
is set,
is ignored. See Determining the code-entry type.
Dashboard Note: To configure the function source code from the dashboard, select
Edit online
from the Code entry type list (default), and then edit the code in the unnamed function-code text box, as needed. When you select to deploy the function, the source code will automatically be encoded as a Base64 encoded string.
description: my Go function
handler: main:Handler
runtime: golang
functionSourceCode: "cGFja2FnZSBtYWluDQoNCmltcG9ydCAoDQogICAgImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vbnVjbGlvL251Y2xpby1zZGstZ28iDQopDQoNCmZ1bmMgSGFuZGxlcihjb250ZXh0ICpudWNsaW8uQ29udGV4dCwgZXZlbnQgbnVjbGlvLkV2ZW50KSAoaW50ZXJmYWNle30sIGVycm9yKSB7DQogICAgcmV0dXJuIG5pbCwgbmlsDQp9"
Set the
function-configuration field to a URL for downloading a function source-code file.
Note: This code-entry type is applicable only when
aren't set. See Determining the code-entry type.
Dashboard Note: The source-code file code-entry type isn't supported from the dashboard.
description: my Go function
handler: main:Handler
runtime: golang
path: ""
Set the
function-configuration field to one of the following code-entry types to download the function code from the respective external source:
— download the code from a GitHub repository. See GitHub code-entry type (github
— download the code as an archive file from an Iguazio Data Science Platform data container (authenticated) or from any URL that doesn't require download authentication. See Archive-file code-entry type (archive
— download the code as an archive file from an AWS S3 bucket. See AWS S3 code-entry type (s3
Additional information for performing the download — such as the download URL or authentication information — is provided in dedicated configuration fields for each code-entry type, as detailed in the documentation of each code-entry type.
- When
are set,
is ignored. See Determining the code-entry type.- The
code-entry types support the following archive-file formats: *.jar, *.rar, *.tar, *.tar.bz2, *.tar.lz4, *.tar.gz, *, *.tar.xz, *.zip- The downloaded code files are saved and can be used by the function handler.
Dashboard Note: To configure an external function-code source from the dashboard, select the relevant code-entry type —
, orS3
— from the Code entry type list.
The downloaded function code can optionally contain a function.yaml file with function configuration for enriching the original configuration (in the configuration file that sets the code-entry type) according to the following merge strategy:
- Field values that are set only in the downloaded configuration are added to the original configuration.
- List and map field values — such as
—are merged by adding any values that are set only in the downloaded configuration to the values that are set in the original configuration. - In case of a conflict — i.e., if the original and downloaded configurations set different values for the same element — the original configuration takes precedence and the value in the downloaded configuration is ignored.
Set the
function-configuration field to github
(dashboard: Code entry type = GitHub
) to download the function code from a GitHub repository. The following configuration fields provide additional information for performing the download:
(dashboard: URL) (Required) — the URL of the GitHub repository that contains the function code.codeEntryAttributes
(dashboard: Branch) (Required) — the GitHub repository branch from which to download the function code.headers.Authorization
(dashboard: Token) (Optional) — a GitHub access token for download authentication.workDir
(dashboard: Work directory) (Optional) — the relative path to the function-code directory within the configured repository branch. The default work directory is the root directory of the GitHub repository ("/"
description: my Go function
handler: main:Handler
runtime: golang
codeEntryType: "github"
path: ""
branch: "my-branch"
Authorization: "my-Github-access-token"
workDir: "/go/myfunc"
Set the
function-configuration field to archive
(dashboard: Code entry type = Archive
) to download an archive file of the function code from one of the following sources:
- An Iguazio Data Science Platform ("platform") data container. Downloads from this source require user authentication.
- Any URL that doesn't require user authentication to perform the download.
The following configuration fields provide additional information for performing the download:
(dashboard: URL) (Required) — a URL for downloading the archive file.
To download an archive file from an Iguazio Data Science Platform data container, the URL should be set to<API URL of the platform's web-APIs service>/<container name>/<path to archive file>
, and a respective data-access key must be provided in
(dashboard: Access key) (Required for a platform archive file) — an Iguazio Data Science Platform access key, which is required when the download URL (
) refers to an archive file in a platform data container.workDir
(dashboard: Work directory) (Optional) — the relative path to the function-code directory within the extracted archive-file directory. The default work directory is the root of the extracted archive-file directory ("/"
description: my Go function
handler: main:Handler
runtime: golang
codeEntryType: "archive"
path: ""
X-V3io-Session-Key: "my-platform-access-key"
workDir: "/go/myfunc"
Set the
function-configuration field to s3
(dashboard: Code entry type = S3
) to download an archive file of the function code from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) bucket. The following configuration fields provide additional information for performing the download:
(dashboard: Bucket) (Required) — the name of the S3 bucket that contains the archive file.s3ItemKey
(dashboard: Item key) (Required) — the relative path to the archive file within the bucket.s3AccessKeyId
(dashboard: Access key ID) (Optional) — an S3 access key ID for download authentication.s3SecretAccessKey
(dashboard: Secret access key) (Optional) — an S3 secret access key for download authentication.s3SessionToken
(dashboard: Session token) (Optional) — an S3 session token for download authentication.s3Region
(dashboard: Region) (Optional) — the AWS Region of the configured bucket. When this parameter isn't provided, it's implicitly deduced.workDir
(dashboard: Work directory) (Optional) — the relative path to the function-code directory within the extracted archive-file directory. The default work directory is the root of the extracted archive-file directory ("/"
description: my Go function
handler: main:Handler
runtime: golang
codeEntryType: "s3"
s3Bucket: "my-s3-bucket"
s3ItemKey: "my-folder/"
s3AccessKeyId: "my-@cc355-k3y"
s3SecretAccessKey: "my-53cr3t-@cce55-k3y"
s3SessionToken: "my-s3ss10n-t0k3n"
s3Region: "us-east-1"
workDir: "/go/myfunc"