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This directory contains examples, including:

Debug info

alloy target Label Scrape by label:


Grafana LGTMP Stack default port-mapping

Port-mapping Component Description
12345:12345, 4317, 4318, 6831 Alloy Eexpose 12345 port so we can directly access alloy inside container
33100:3100 Loki Expose 33100 port so we can directly access loki inside container
3000:3000, 6060 Grafana Expose 3000 port so we can directly access grafana inside container
33200:3200, 4317, 4318 Tempo Expose 33200 port so we can directly access tempo inside container
38080:8080 Mimir Expose 38080 port so we can directly access mimir inside container
34040:4040 Pyroscope Expose 34040 port so we can directly access pyroscope inside container
9001:9001, 9000 Minio Expose 9001 port so we can access minio console with MINIO_ROOT_USER=lgtmp, MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret
39000:9000, 2500, 1100 Inbucket Expose 39000 port to use for the email testing server web interface.

Resource Utilization

COMPOSE_EXPERIMENTAL_GIT_REMOTE=true docker compose stats
CONTAINER ID   NAME                         CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O         PIDS
613d8d5e7e30   root-alloy-1                 2.72%     180.7MiB / 1.889GiB   9.34%     1.46MB / 4.61MB   3.15MB / 1.56MB   11
53443e6d4c31   root-gateway-1               0.00%     8.102MiB / 1.889GiB   0.42%     497kB / 503kB     6.45MB / 20.5kB   3
750ace278979   root-mimir-1                 1.06%     121.2MiB / 1.889GiB   6.27%     5.09MB / 888kB    111kB / 8.7MB     8
acb81816e078   root-loki-1                  1.11%     83.13MiB / 1.889GiB   4.30%     157kB / 336kB     56.2MB / 340kB    8
f5f28089da9c   root-memcached-1             0.03%     6.762MiB / 1.889GiB   0.35%     31.6kB / 128kB    0B / 0B           10
a91be648c677   root-memcached-exporter-1    0.00%     7.125MiB / 1.889GiB   0.37%     126kB / 75.2kB    0B / 0B           5
4f755dee256b   root-minio-1                 3.99%     163.3MiB / 1.889GiB   8.44%     367kB / 889kB     1.77MB / 557kB    12
fab3799e6a97   root-grafana-1               7.37%     72.63MiB / 1.889GiB   3.76%     666kB / 790kB     1.01MB / 34.2MB   9
d16d6664924c   root-load-rules-to-mimir-1   0.00%     31.69MiB / 1.889GiB   1.64%     54.7kB / 117kB    44.9MB / 4.1kB    1
72262bb29bd1   root-github-exporter-1       0.00%     9.906MiB / 1.889GiB   0.51%     141kB / 41.4kB    3.4MB / 0B        5