Qintronics is a comprehensive full-stack e-commerce application built to provide a seamless shopping experience for electronics. It features robust functionalities for customers, admins, and delivery personnel, ensuring an efficient and scalable solution.
- React: Component-based user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: For modern and responsive styling.
- Framer Motion: For animations.
- TypeScript: Ensures type safety and is used for the entire frontend codebase.
- Node.js: Server-side runtime.
- NestJS: Framework for scalable backend architecture.
- TypeORM: ORM for database interactions.
- TypeScript: Used for the backend to enforce type safety and provide a consistent development experience.
- PostgreSQL: Relational database for storing application data.
- Swagger: API documentation.
The project is divided into two main directories:
- Client: Contains the frontend code.
- Server: Contains the backend code.
Server Folder Structure:
- auth: Handles authentication and authorization.
- categories, sections: Manage product sections and categories.
- products: CRUD operations for products.
- orders: Manage order lifecycle.
- email: Manages email notifications.
- users, user-info: User profiles and additional information.
- Perform CRUD operations on products, sections, and categories.
- Manage user roles (customer, admin, delivery person).
- View all registered orders.
- Cancel orders if needed.
- View analytics, including:
- Total Sales
- Orders
- Customers
- Average Order Value
- See a chart displaying orders by months in the current year.
- Delete registered user profiles.
Delivery Person:
- Mark orders as taken or delivered.
- Make orders and pay with cash or card (save card details if needed).
- Cancel orders if they haven’t been taken.
- Receive email notifications for order registration or cancellation.
- View and edit profile information.
- Save and use delivery and payment details for future orders.
- Add products to favorites.
- Compare products.
- View products on sale with calculated discount.
- Real-time status tracking.
- Order details including product list, address, quantity, and total cost.
- Notifications via email for order confirmation and cancellation.
Gift Cards:
- Customize and add gift cards to orders.
- Search bar in the navbar allows users to quickly search for products by name.
- Use an AI chatbot to search for specific products.
- User registration, login, and logout.
- Password reset functionality via email.
- Uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure authentication and authorization.
- Session management and token storage handled securely using cookies.
Sections and Categories:
- Categorized browsing for products (e.g., Electronics, Gaming, Accessories).
Contact Form:
- Allows users to send inquiries.
- Product Display: Shows added products with images, names, prices, quantities, and subtotal.
- Quantity Management: Adjust product quantity using "➕" and "➖" buttons with real-time updates.
- Remove Products: Easily remove items from the cart with a ❌ button.
- Summary and Actions:
- View total price and cart summary.
- Continue Shopping or proceed to Checkout.
- Includes tables for users, products, orders, categories, sections, and more.
- Complex relations between tables to support all the functionalities of the application.
- Users receive real-time email updates for order status and inquiries.
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the client and server directories and install dependencies using npm install.
- Start the client and server:
- Client: npm run dev (React app).
- Server: npm run start:dev (NestJS app).
- Initialize the database with Swagger APIs:
- /api/users/init-users
- /api/sections/backfill
- Open the application in your browser.