- Version 0.1
- Install to python site-packages folder
pip install git+https://github.com/pyscf/fciqmcscf
- Install in a custom folder for development
git clone https://github.com/pyscf/fciqmcscf /home/abc/local/path
# Set pyscf extended module path
echo 'export PYSCF_EXT_PATH=/home/abc/local/path:$PYSCF_EXT_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
You can find more details of extended modules in the document extension modules
Using FCIQMC as the FCI solver for CASSCF. The FCIQMC program is maintained by Booth group at Cambridge
NECI (https://github.com/ghb24/NECI_STABLE)
After installing the NECI, the path of its binary file needs to be added to pyscf/fciqmcscf/settings.py