diff --git a/spec/unit/type/postgresql_conf_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/postgresql_conf_spec.rb index 9ce4269bfa..a2d54006be 100644 --- a/spec/unit/type/postgresql_conf_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/type/postgresql_conf_spec.rb @@ -51,5 +51,68 @@ expect { described_class.new(name: 'foo', ensure: :foo) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{Invalid value}) end end + # boolean https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-boolean.html + describe 'validate boolean values with newvalues function' do + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value on' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'on') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value off' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'off') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value true' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'true') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value false' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'false') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value yes' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'yes') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value no' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'no') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value 1' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: '1') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates log_checkpoints with value 0' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_checkpoints', value: '0') }.not_to raise_error + end + end + # enums https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-enum.html + describe 'validate enum values with newvalues function' do + it 'validates ssl_min_protocol_version with value TLSv1.3' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'ssl_min_protocol_version', value: 'TLSv1.3') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates ssl_min_protocol_version with value TLSv1.1' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'ssl_min_protocol_version', value: 'TLSv1.1') }.not_to raise_error + end + end + # integer https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-INT + describe 'validate integer values with newvalues function' do + it 'validates max_connections with value 1000' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'max_connections', value: '1000') }.not_to raise_error + end + end + # real https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-FLOAT + describe 'validate real values with newvalues function' do + it 'validates parallel_tuple_cost with value 0.3' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'parallel_tuple_cost', value: '0.3') }.not_to raise_error + end + end + # string https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-character.html + describe 'validate complex string values with newvalues function' do + it 'validates log_filename with value psql_01-%Y-%m-%d.log' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_filename', value: 'psql_01-%Y-%m-%d.log') }.not_to raise_error + end + end + # string https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-character.html + describe 'validate string values with newvalues function' do + it 'validates log_timezone with value UTC' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'log_timezone', value: 'UTC') }.not_to raise_error + end + it 'validates ssl_ciphers with value HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL' do + expect { described_class.new(name: 'ssl_ciphers', value: 'HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL') }.not_to raise_error + end + end end end