Puma leverages UITest scheme to take screenshot. You are also encouraged to use test plan feature of Xcode 11, but not required.
Use a simple takeScreenshot
below to take screenshot, remember to specify life time to keep always
class TestAppUITests: XCTestCase {
func testFirstScreen() {
let app = XCUIApplication()
takeScreenshot(name: "MainScreen")
func takeScreenshot(name: String) {
let screenshot = XCUIScreen.main.screenshot()
let attach = XCTAttachment(screenshot: screenshot)
attach.lifetime = .keepAlways
Then in Puma, we can use Screenshot
destination: .init(
name: Destination.Name.iPhone11,
platform: Destination.Platform.iOSSimulator,
os: Destination.OS.iOS13_2_2
language: Language.en_US,
locale: Locale.en_US
destination: .init(
name: Destination.Name.iPhone11Pro,
platform: Destination.Platform.iOSSimulator,
os: Destination.OS.iOS13_2_2
language: Language.ja,
locale: Locale.ja