- oneof: 어떻게?
- map: Json Editor?
- scala: 주 과제
- repeated: Scala, messsage의 list형, 어떻게?
- optional
- expose
- message in message
- select with external source: 툴파트랑 필드 이름 논의해야 함
- string options: min, max, regex?
- number options: ?
- boolean type: checkbox or toggle
- enum type: select or radio set
- String
- Number
- Enum
- Boolean
- Any
- timestamp
- duration
- k8s.io.apimachinery.pkg.apis.util.v1.IntOrString
- k8s.io.api.pkg.core.v1.Volume
- map
- boolean-repeated
- string repeated (aka. multi string)
- https://protobuf.dev/reference/protobuf/google.protobuf/
- plugin fatal test
- multiple target file test
- Multiple file but single target file
- proto syntax2 test
- 2차원 Location Override
- Property Override
- protobuf package name change to [pubg.venus]