To install kube-image-deployer in your Kubernetes cluster, you should deploy it as a StatefulSet.
This pod monitors workloads in your Kubernetes cluster that have the "kube-image-deployer" label set, and deploys new images to those workloads using Strategic Merge Patch when a new image is discovered. To enable this, the kube-image-deployer pod requires the appropriate Kubernetes service account and role binding.
In addition, the kube-image-deployer pod needs permission to read image tags from the Docker Registry you are using. To simplify the setup, you can inject a "dockerconfig" file into the Pod as a Volume. You can find sample YAML files for a Service Account, Cluster Role, Cluster Role Binding, StatefulSet, and Docker Access Secret at the provided links.
- Service Account
- Cluster Role
- Cluster Role Binding
- StatefulSet
- Docker Access Secret
- Open the yaml/secrets.yaml file and change the docker registry access permissions correctly.
To create the kube-image-deployer namespace, run the following command:
kubectl create namespace kube-image-deployer
Then, install all YAML files by running:
kubectl apply -f ./yaml
To check the status of kube-image-deployer, run:
kubectrl get pod -n kube-image-deployer
You should see output similar to:
kube-image-deployer-0 1/1 Running 0 0d