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Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling

0xtavian edited this page Sep 2, 2021 · 20 revisions

Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling with Axiom-scan

While most modules are designed to scan a lot of targets (vertical scaling), any Simple Module can be rewritten to scan one target with the combined power of the entire fleet (horizontal scaling).

With axiom-scan modules, most of the time we are splitting a target list (a bunch of IPs for example) and uploading parts of the target list to every instance, but if we wanted to do something like brute-forcing one target with 5 axiom instances, we can do that by splitting a wordlist instead.

By rearranging the special input file in the module to point to a wordlist instead of a target list, axiom-scan will split the wordlist and run it against the target you hardcoded in the module or specified inline.

Vertical Scaling - Many to Many

The following puredns module spits a target list and brute-forces each target with the entire wordlist.

    "command":"/home/op/go/bin/puredns bruteforce /home/op/lists/2m-subdomains.txt input | tee output",

Example: axiom-scan myrootdomains.txt -m puredns -o myresults

Adding the special _wordlist_ variable in the module allows axiom-scan to change the wordlist if -w is present the command line, but not required. This is only included to demonstrate the optional _wordlist_ variable.

    "command":"/home/op/go/bin/puredns bruteforce _wordlist_ input | tee output",

Example: axiom-scan myrootdomains.txt -m puredns -w /home/op/lists/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/bitquark-subdomains-top100000.txt -o myresults

Both modules above are examples of vertical scaling. We take the target list e.g. myrootdomains.txt, split and upload parts of the target list to every instance and brute-force the targets with the entire wordlist.

Horizontal Scaling - Many to One

If we wanted to horizontally scale e.g targeting one host with the combined power of the entire fleet, lets look at the next example:

    "command":"/home/op/go/bin/puredns bruteforce input | tee output",

Example: axiom-scan bitquark-subdomains-top100000.tx -m puredns -o my-horizontal-results

In the above example, we are hardcoding the target directly into the module. More importantly, the special file input is now positioned as a wordlist. When running the axiom-scan command we must pick a wordlist as our second positional argument to split and upload.

Alternative you could have a module without the hardcoded target and instead specify the target in the command line:

    "command":"/home/op/go/bin/puredns bruteforce input | tee output",

Example: axiom-scan bitquark-subdomains-top100000.txt -m puredns -o myoutput.txt

The last two modules are examples of horizontal scaling. We take a wordlist, e.g. bitquark-subdomains-top100000.txt, split it and upload parts of the wordlist to every instance. All instances brute-force a singular target .e.g.

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