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HOL step-by step - Azure Synapse Analytics and

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Azure Synapse Analytics and AI
Hands-on lab step-by-step
May 2020

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Azure Synapse Analytics end-to-end solution hands-on lab step-by-step

Abstract and learning objectives

In this hands-on-lab, you will build an end-to-end data analytics with machine learning solution using Azure Synapse Analytics. The information will be presented in the context of a retail scenario. We will be heavily leveraging Azure Synapse Studio, a tool that conveniently unifies the most common data operations from ingestion, transformation, querying, and visualization.


In this lab various features of Azure Synapse Analytics will be explored. Azure Synapse Analytics Studio is a single tool that every team member can use collaboratively. Synapse Studio will be the only tool used throughout this lab through data ingestion, cleaning, and transforming raw files to using Notebooks to train, register, and consume a Machine learning model. The lab will also provide hands-on-experience monitoring and prioritizing data related workloads.

Solution architecture

Architecture diagram explained in the next paragraph.

This lab explores the cold data scenario of ingesting various types of raw data files. These files can exist anywhere. The file types used in this lab are CSV, parquet, and JSON. This data will be ingested into Synapse Analytics via Pipelines. From there, the data can be transformed and enriched using various tools such as data flows, Synapse Spark, and Synapse SQL (both provisioned and serverless). Once processed, data can be queried using Synapse SQL tooling. Azure Synapse Studio also provides the ability to author notebooks to further process data, create datasets, train, and create machine learning models. These models can then be stored in a storage account or even in a SQL table. These models can then be consumed via various methods, including T-SQL. The foundational component supporting all aspects of Azure Synapse Analytics is the ADLS Gen 2 Data Lake.


  1. Microsoft Azure subscription

  2. Azure Synapse Workspace / Studio

Before the hands-on lab

Refer to the Before the hands-on lab setup guide manual before continuing to the lab exercises.

Resource naming throughout this lab

For the remainder of this lab, the following terms will be used for various ASA (Azure Synapse Analytics) related resources (make sure you replace them with actual names and values from your environment):

Azure Synapse Analytics Resource To be referred to
Azure Subscription WorkspaceSubscription
Azure Region WorkspaceRegion
Workspace resource group WorkspaceResourceGroup
Workspace / workspace name asaworkspace{suffix}
Primary Storage Account asadatalake{suffix}
Default file system container DefaultFileSystem
SQL Pool SqlPool01
SQL Serverless Endpoint SqlServerless01
Azure Key Vault asakeyvault{suffix}

Exercise 1: Accessing the Azure Synapse Analytics workspace

All exercises in this lab utilize the workspace Synapse Studio user interface. This exercise will outline the steps to launch Synapse Studio. Unless otherwise specified, all instruction including menu navigation will occur in Synapse Studio.

Task 1: Launching Synapse Studio

  1. Log into the Azure Portal.

  2. Expand the left menu, and select the Resource groups item.

    The Azure Portal left menu is expanded with the Resource groups item highlighted.

  3. From the list of resource groups, select WorkspaceResourceGroup.

  4. From the list of resources, select the Synapse Workspace resource, asaworkspace{suffix}.

    In the resource list, the Synapse Workspace item is selected.

  5. On the Overview tab of the Synapse Workspace page, select the Launch Synapse Studio item from the top toolbar. Alternatively you can select the Workspace web URL link.

    On the Synapse workspace resource screen, the Overview pane is shown with the Launch Synapse Studio button highlighted in the top toolbar. The Workspace web URL value is also highlighted.

Exercise 2: Create and populate the supporting tables in the SQL Pool

Duration: 45 minutes

The first step in querying meaningful data is to create tables to house the data. In this case, we will create four different tables: SaleSmall, CustomerInfo, CampaignAnalytics, and Sales. When designing tables in Azure Synapse Analytics, we need to take into account the expected amount of data in each table, as well as how each table will be used. Utilize the following guidance when designing your tables to ensure the best experience and performance.

Table design performance considerations

Table Indexing Recommended use
Clustered Columnstore recommended for tables with greater than 100 million rows, offers the highest data compression with best overall query performance
Heap Tables Smaller tables with less than 100 million rows, commonly used as a staging table prior to transformation
Clustered Index large lookup tables (> 100 million rows) where querying will only result in a single row returned
Clustered Index + non-clustered secondary index large tables (> 100 million rows) when single (or very few) records are being returned in queries
Table Distribution/Partition Type Recommended use
Hash distribution tables that are larger than 2 GBs with infrequent insert/update/delete operations, works well for large fact tables in a star schema
Round robin distribution default distribution, when little is known about the data or how it will be used. Use this distribution for staging tables
Replicated tables smaller lookup tables less than 1.5 GB in size

Task 1: Create the sale table

Over the past 5 years, Wide World Importers has amassed over 3 billion rows of sales data. With this quantity of data, the storage consumed would be greater than 2 GB. While we will be using only a subset of this data for the lab, we will design the table for the production environment. Using the guidance outlined in the current Exercise description, we can ascertain that we will need a Clustered Columnstore table with a Hash table distribution based on the CustomerId field which will be used in most queries. For further performance gains, the table will be partitioned by transaction date to ensure queries that include dates or date arithmetic are returned in a favorable amount of time.

  1. Expand the left menu and select the Develop item. From the Develop blade, expand the + button and select the SQL script item.

    The left menu is expanded with the Develop item selected. The Develop blade has the + button expanded with the SQL script item highlighted.

  2. In the query tab toolbar menu, ensure you connect to your SQL Pool, SQLPool01.

    The query tab toolbar menu is displayed with the Connect to set to the SQL Pool.

  3. In the query window, copy and paste the following query to create the customer information table. Then select the Run button in the query tab toolbar.

      CREATE TABLE [wwi_mcw].[SaleSmall]
        [TransactionId] [uniqueidentifier]  NOT NULL,
        [CustomerId] [int]  NOT NULL,
        [ProductId] [smallint]  NOT NULL,
        [Quantity] [tinyint]  NOT NULL,
        [Price] [decimal](9,2)  NOT NULL,
        [TotalAmount] [decimal](9,2)  NOT NULL,
        [TransactionDateId] [int]  NOT NULL,
        [ProfitAmount] [decimal](9,2)  NOT NULL,
        [Hour] [tinyint]  NOT NULL,
        [Minute] [tinyint]  NOT NULL,
        [StoreId] [smallint]  NOT NULL
        DISTRIBUTION = HASH ( [CustomerId] ),
          [TransactionDateId] RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (
            20180101, 20180201, 20180301, 20180401, 20180501, 20180601, 20180701, 20180801, 20180901, 20181001, 20181101, 20181201,
            20190101, 20190201, 20190301, 20190401, 20190501, 20190601, 20190701, 20190801, 20190901, 20191001, 20191101, 20191201)
  4. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Task 2: Populate the sale table

The data that we will be retrieving to populate the sale table is currently stored as a series of parquet files in the asadatalake{SUFFIX} data lake (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2). This storage account has already been added as a linked service in Azure Synapse Analytics when the environment was provisioned. Linked Services are synonymous with connection strings in Azure Synapse Analytics. Azure Synapse Analytics linked services provides the ability to connect to nearly 100 different types of external services ranging from Azure Storage Accounts to Amazon S3 and more.

  1. Review the presence of the asadatalake{SUFFIX} linked service, by selecting Manage from the left menu, and selecting Linked services from the blade menu. Filter the linked services by the term asadatalake to find the asadatalake{SUFFIX} item. Further investigating this item will unveil that it makes a connection to the storage account using a storage account key.

    The Manage item is selected from the left menu. The Linked services menu item is selected on the blade. On the Linked services screen the term asadatalake{SUFFIX} is entered in the search box and the asadatalake{SUFFIX} Azure Blob Storage item is selected from the filtered results list.

  2. The sale data for each day is stored in a separate parquet file which is placed in storage following a known convention. In this lab, we are interested in populating the Sale table with only 2018 and 2019 data. Investigate the structure of the data by selecting the Data tab, and in the Data pane, select the Linked tab, and expanding the asadatalake{SUFFIX} Storage account.

    Note: The current folder structure for daily sales data is as follows: /wwi-02/sale-small/Year=YYYY/Quarter=Q#/Month=M/Day=YYYYMMDD - where YYYY is the 4 digit year (eg. 2019), Q# represents the quarter (eg. Q1), M represents the numerical month (eg. 1 for January) and finally YYYYMMDD represents a numeric date format representation (eg. 20190516 for May 16, 2019). A single parquet file is stored each day folder with the name sale-small-YYYYMMDD-snappy.parquet (replacing YYYYMMDD with the numeric date representation).

    Sample path to the parquet folder for January 1st, 2019:
  3. Create a new Dataset by selecting Data from the left menu, expanding the + button on the Data blade and selecting Dataset. We will be creating a dataset that will point to the root folder of the sales data in the data lake.

  4. In the New dataset blade, with the All tab selected, choose the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 item. Select Continue.

    The New dataset blade is displayed with the All tab selected, the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 item is selected from the list.

  5. In the Select format screen, choose the Parquet item. Select Continue.

    In the Select format screen, the Parquet item is highlighted.

  6. In the Set properties blade, populate the form as follows then select OK.

    Field Value
    Name Enter asamcw_sales_parquet
    Linked service Select asadatalake{SUFFIX}
    File path - Container Enter wwi-02
    File path - Folder Enter sale-small
    Import schema Select From connection/store

    The Set properties blade is displayed with fields populated with the values from the preceding table.

  7. Now we will need to define the destination dataset for our data. In this case we will be storing sale data in our SQL Pool. Create a new dataset by expanding the + button on the Data blade and selecting Dataset.

  8. On the New dataset blade, with the Azure tab selected, enter synapse as a search term and select the Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW) item. Select Continue.

  9. On the Set properties blade, set the field values to the following, then select OK.

    Field Value
    Name Enter asamcw_sale_asa
    Linked service Select SQLPool01.
    Table name Select wwi_mcw.SaleSmall.
    Import schema Select From connection/store

    The Set properties blade is populated with the values specified in the preceding table.

  10. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new dataset definitions. When prompted, select the Publish button to deploy the changes to the workspace.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  11. Since we want to filter on multiple sale year folders (Year=2018 and Year=2019) and copy only the 2018 and 2019 sales data, we will need to create a data flow to define the specific data that we wish to retrieve from our source dataset. To create a new data flow, start by selecting Develop from the left menu, and in the Develop blade, expand the + button and select Data flow.

    From the left menu, the Develop item is selected. From the Develop blade the + button is expanded with the Data flow item highlighted.

  12. In the side pane on the General tab, name the data flow by entering ASAMCW_Exercise_2_2018_and_2019_Sales in the Name field.

    The General tab is displayed with ASAMCW_Exercise_2_2018_and_2019_Sales entered as the name of the data flow.

  13. In the data flow designer window, select the Add Source box.

    The Add source box is highlighted in the data flow designer window.

  14. With the added source selected in the designer, in the lower pane with the Source settings tab selected, set the following field values:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter salesdata
    Source type Select Dataset.
    Dataset Select asamcw_sales_parquet.

    The Source settings tab is selected displaying the Output stream name set to salesdata and the selected dataset being asamcw_sales_parquet.

  15. Select the Source options tab, and add the following as Wildcard paths, this will ensure that we only pull data from the parquet files for the sales years of 2018 and 2019:

    1. sale-small/Year=2018/*/*/*/*

    2. sale-small/Year=2019/*/*/*/*

    The Source options tab is selected with the above wildcard paths highlighted.

  16. Select the Project tab, then select Import projection

  17. At the bottom right of the salesdata source, expand the + button and select the Sink item located in the Destination section of the menu.

    The + button is highlighted toward the bottom right of the source element on the data flow designer.

  18. In the designer, select the newly added Sink element and in the bottom pane with the Sink tab selected, fill the form as follows:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter sale
    Incoming stream Select salesdata.
    Sink type Select Dataset.
    Dataset Select asamcw_sale_asa.

    The Sink tab is displayed with the form populated with the values from the preceding table.

  19. Select the Mapping tab and toggle the Auto mapping setting to the off position. You will need to select Input columns for the following:

    Input column Output column
    Quantity Quantity
    TransactionDate TransactionDateId
    Hour Hour
    Minute Minute

    The Mapping tab is selected with the Auto mapping toggle set to the off position. The + Add mapping button is highlighted along with the mapping entries specified in the preceding table.

  20. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new dataset definitions. When prompted, select the Publish button to deploy the new data flow to the workspace.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  21. We can now use this data flow as an activity in a pipeline. Create a new pipeline by selecting Orchestrate from the left menu, and in the Orchestrate blade, expand the + button and select Pipeline.

  22. On the Properties blade, Enter ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Sale Data as the Name of the pipeline.

  23. From the Activities menu, expand the Move & transform section and drag an instance of Data flow to the design surface of the pipeline.

    The Activities menu of the pipeline is displayed with the Move and transform section expanded. An arrow indicating a drag operation shows adding a Data flow activity to the design surface of the pipeline.

  24. In the Adding data flow blade, ensure Use existing data flow is selected, and choose ASAMCW_Exercise_2_2018_and_2019_Sales from the select list and select Finish.

    The Adding data flow blade is displayed populated with the appropriate values.

  25. Select the Settings tab and set the form fields to the following values:

    Field Value
    Data flow Select ASAMCW_Exercise_2_2018_and_2019_Sales
    Staging linked service Select asadatalake{SUFFIX}.
    Staging storage folder - Container Enter staging
    Staging storage folder - Folder Enter mcwsales

    The data flow activity Settings tab is displayed with the fields specified in the preceding table highlighted.

  26. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new dataset definitions. When prompted, select the Publish button to commit the changes.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  27. Once published, expand the Add trigger item on the pipeline designer toolbar, and select Trigger now. In the Pipeline run blade, select OK to proceed with the latest published configuration. You will see notification toast windows indicating the pipeline is running and when it has completed.

  28. View the status of the pipeline run by locating the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Sale Data pipeline in the Orchestrate blade. Expand the actions menu, and select the Monitor item.

    In the Orchestrate blade, the Action menu is displayed with the Monitor item selected on the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Sale Data pipeline.

  29. You should see a run of the pipeline we created in the Pipeline runs table showing as in progress. It will take approximately 45 minutes for this pipeline operation to complete. You will need to refresh this table from time to time to see updated progress. Once it has completed. You should see the pipeline run displayed with a Status of Succeeded. Feel free to proceed to the following tasks in this exercise while this pipeline runs.

    On the pipeline runs screen, a successful pipeline run is highlighted in the table.

  30. Verify the table has populated by creating a new query. Select the Develop item from the left menu, and in the Develop blade, expand the + button, and select SQL script. In the query window, be sure to connect to the SQL Pool database (SQLPool01), then paste and run the following query. When complete, select the Discard all button from the top toolbar.

  select count(TransactionId) from wwi_mcw.SaleSmall;

Task 3: Create the customer information table

Over the past 5 years, Wide World Importers has amassed over 3 billion rows of sales data. With this quantity of data, the customer information lookup table is estimated to have over 100 million rows but will consume less than 1.5 GB of storage. While we will be using only a subset of this data for the lab, we will design the table for the production environment. Using the guidance outlined in the Exercising description, we can ascertain that we will need a Clustered Columnstore table with a Replicated table distribution to hold customer data.

  1. Expand the left menu and select the Develop item. From the Develop blade, expand the + button and select the SQL script item.

    The left menu is expanded with the Develop item selected. The Develop blade has the + button expanded with the SQL script item highlighted.

  2. In the query tab toolbar menu, ensure you connect to your SQL Pool, SQLPool01.

    The query tab toolbar menu is displayed with the Connect to set to the SQL Pool.

  3. In the query window, copy and paste the following query to create the customer information table. Then select the Run button in the query tab toolbar.

     CREATE TABLE [wwi_mcw].[CustomerInfo]
       [UserName] [nvarchar](100)  NULL,
       [Gender] [nvarchar](10)  NULL,
       [Phone] [nvarchar](50)  NULL,
       [Email] [nvarchar](150)  NULL,
       [CreditCard] [nvarchar](21)  NULL

    The query tab toolbar is displayed with the Run button selected.

  4. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Task 4: Populate the customer information table

  1. The data that we will be retrieving to populate the customer information table is currently stored in CSV format in the data lake (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account). The storage account that possesses this data has already been added as a linked service in Azure Synapse Analytics when the environment was provisioned.

  2. Similar to the previous step, the destination for our data has also been added as a linked service. In this case, the destination for our data is our SQL Pool, SQLPool01. Repeat the previous step, this time filtering with the term sqlpool to verify the existence of the linked service.

  3. The next thing that we will need to do is define a source dataset that will represent the information that we are copying over. This dataset will reference the CSV file containing customer information. From the left menu, select Data. From the Data blade, expand the + button and select Dataset.

    The Data item is selected from the left menu. On the Data blade, the + button is expanded with the Dataset item highlighted.

  4. On the New dataset blade, with the All tab selected, choose the Azure Data Lake Gen2 item. Select Continue.

    On the New dataset blade, the All tab is selected and the Azure Blob Storage item is highlighted.

  5. On the Select format blade, select CSV Delimited Text. Select Continue.

    On the Select format blade the CSV Delimited Text item is highlighted.

  6. On the Set properties blade, set the fields to the following values, then select OK.

    Field Value
    Name Enter asamcw_customerinfo_csv
    Linked service Select asadatalake{SUFFIX}.
    File Path - Container Enter wwi-02
    File Path - Directory Enter customer-info
    File Path - File Enter customerinfo.csv
    First row as header Checked
    Import schema Select From connection/store

    The Set properties form is displayed with the values specified in the previous table.

  7. Now we will need to define the destination dataset for our data. In this case we will be storing customer information data in our SQL Pool. On the Data blade, expand the + button just as you did in Step 3.

  8. On the New dataset blade, with the Azure tab selected, enter synapse as a search term and select the Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW) item. Select Continue.

    On the New dataset blade, synapse is entered as the search term and Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW) is selected from the filtered results.

  9. On the Set properties blade, set the field values to the following, then select OK.

    Field Value
    Name Enter asamcw_customerinfo_asa
    Linked service Select SQLPool01.
    Table name Select wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo.
    Import schema Select From connection/store

    The Set properties blade is populated with the values specified in the preceding table.

  10. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new dataset definitions. When prompted, select the Publish button to commit the changes.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  11. Next, we will define a pipeline to populate data into the CustomerInfo table. From the left menu, select Orchestrate. From the Orchestrate blade, select the + button and select the Pipeline item.

    The Orchestrate menu item is selected from the left menu. On the Orchestrate blade, the + button is expanded with the Pipeline item highlighted.

  12. In the bottom pane, on the General tab, enter ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Customer Information in the Name field.

    The General tab is shown with the name field populated as described above.

  13. In the Activities menu, expand the Move & transform item. Drag an instance of the Copy data activity to the design surface of the pipeline.

    In the Activities menu, the Move and transform section is expanded. An arrow denotes an instance of the Copy data activity being dragged over to the design surface of the pipeline.

  14. Select the Copy data activity on the pipeline design surface. In the bottom pane, on the General tab, enter Copy Customer Information Data in the Name field.

    The General tab is selected with the Name field set to Copy Customer Information Data.

  15. Select the Source tab in the bottom pane. In the Source dataset field, select asamcw_customerinfo_csv.

    The Source tab is selected with the Source dataset field set to asamcw_customerinfo_csv.

  16. Select the Sink tab in the bottom pane. In the Sink dataset field, select asamcw_customerinfo_asa, for the Copy method field, select Bulk insert, and for Pre-copy script enter:

      truncate table wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo

    The Sink tab is selected with the Sink dataset field set to asamcw_customerinfo_asa, the Copy method set to Bulk insert, and the Pre-copy script field set to the previous query.

  17. Select the Mapping tab in the bottom pane. Select the Import schemas button. You will notice that Azure Synapse Analytics automated the mapping for us since the field names and types match.

    The Mapping tab is selected in the bottom pane. The source to destination field mapping is shown.

  18. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new dataset definitions. When prompted, select the Publish button to commit the changes.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  19. Once published, expand the Add trigger item on the pipeline designer toolbar, and select Trigger now. In the Pipeline run blade, select OK to proceed with the latest published configuration. You will see notification toast windows indicating the pipeline is running and when it has completed.

  20. View the status of the completed run by locating the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Customer Information pipeline in the Orchestrate blade. Expand the actions menu, and select the Monitor item.

    In the Orchestrate blade, the Action menu is displayed with the Monitor item selected on the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Customer Information pipeline.

  21. You should see a successful run of the pipeline we created in the Pipeline runs table.

    On the pipeline runs screen, a successful pipeline run is highlighted in the table.

  22. Verify the table has populated by creating a new query. Remember from Task 1, select the Develop item from the left menu, and in the Develop blade, expand the + button, and select SQL script. In the query window, be sure to connect to the SQL Pool database (SQLPool01), then paste and run the following query. When complete, select the Discard all button from the top toolbar.

  select * from wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo;

Task 5: Create the campaign analytics table

The campaign analytics table will be queried primarily for dashboard and KPI purposes. Performance is a large factor in the design of this table, and as such we can ascertain that we will need a Clustered Columnstore table with a Hash table distribution based on the Region field which will fairly evenly distribute the data.

  1. Expand the left menu and select the Develop item. From the Develop blade, expand the + button and select the SQL script item.

    The left menu is expanded with the Develop item selected. The Develop blade has the + button expanded with the SQL script item highlighted.

  2. In the query tab toolbar menu, ensure you connect to your SQL Pool, SQLPool01.

    The query tab toolbar menu is displayed with the Connect to set to the SQL Pool.

  3. In the query window, copy and paste the following query to create the customer information table. Then select the Run button in the query tab toolbar.

    CREATE TABLE [wwi_mcw].[CampaignAnalytics]
        [Region] [nvarchar](50)  NULL,
        [Country] [nvarchar](30)  NOT NULL,
        [ProductCategory] [nvarchar](50)  NOT NULL,
        [CampaignName] [nvarchar](500)  NOT NULL,
        [Analyst] [nvarchar](25) NULL,
        [Revenue] [decimal](10,2)  NULL,
        [RevenueTarget] [decimal](10,2)  NULL,
        [City] [nvarchar](50)  NULL,
        [State] [nvarchar](25)  NULL
        DISTRIBUTION = HASH ( [Region] ),

    The query tab toolbar is displayed with the Run button selected.

  4. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Task 6: Populate the campaign analytics table

Similar to the customer information table, we will also be populating the campaign analytics table via a CSV file located in the data lake. This will require source and sink datasets to point to the CSV file in storage and the campaign analytics table that you just created in the SQL Pool. The source CSV file that was received is poorly formatted - we will need to add data transformations to make adjustments to this data before it is imported into the data warehouse.

  1. The source dataset will reference the CSV file containing campaign analytics information. From the left menu, select Data. From the Data blade, expand the + button and select Dataset.

    The Data item is selected from the left menu. On the Data blade, the + button is expanded with the Dataset item highlighted.

  2. On the New dataset blade, with the All tab selected, choose the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 item. Select Continue.

    The New dataset blade is displayed with the All tab selected, the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 item is selected from the list.

  3. On the Select format blade, select CSV Delimited Text. Select Continue.

    On the Select format blade the CSV Delimited Text item is highlighted.

  4. On the Set properties blade, set the fields to the following values, then select OK. You may choose to preview the data which will show a sample of the CSV file. Notice that since we are not setting the first row as the header, the header columns appear as the first row. Also, notice that the city and state values do not appear. This is because of the mismatch in the number of columns in the header row compared to the rest of the file. Soon, we will exclude the first row as we transform the data.

    Field Value
    Name Enter asamcw_campaignanalytics_csv
    Linked service Select asadatalake{SUFFIX}.
    File Path - Container Enter wwi-02
    File Path - Directory Enter campaign-analytics
    File Path - File Enter campaignanalytics.csv
    First row as header Unchecked
    Import schema Select From connection/store

    The Set properties form is displayed with the values specified in the previous table.

  5. Now we will need to define the destination dataset for our data. In this case we will be storing campaign analytics data in our SQL Pool. On the Data blade, expand the + button and select Dataset.

  6. On the New dataset blade, with the Azure tab selected, enter synapse as a search term and select the Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW) item. Select Continue.

    On the New dataset blade, synapse is entered as the search term and Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW) is selected from the filtered results.

  7. On the Set properties blade, set the field values to the following, then select OK.

    Field Value
    Name Enter asamcw_campaignanalytics_asa
    Linked service Select SQLPool01.
    Table name Select wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics.
    Import schema Select From connection/store

    The Set properties blade is populated with the values specified in the preceding table.

  8. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new dataset definitions. When prompted, select the Publish button to commit the changes.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  9. Since our source data is malformed and does not contain an Analyst column, we will need to create a data flow to transform the source data. A data flow allows you to graphically define dataset filters and transformations without writing code. These data flows can be leveraged as an activity in an orchestration pipeline. Create a new data flow, start by selecting Develop from the left menu, and in the Develop blade, expand the + button and select Data flow.

    From the left menu, the Develop item is selected. From the Develop blade the + button is expanded with the Data flow item highlighted.

  10. Select the Properties icon on the right side of the dataflow designer toolbar. In the Properties blade name the data flow by entering ASAMCW_Exercise_2_Campaign_Analytics_Data in the Name field.

    The Properties blade is displayed with ASAMCW_Exercise_2_Campaign_Analytics_Data entered as the name of the data flow.

  11. In the data flow designer window, select the Add Source box.

    The Add source box is highlighted in the data flow designer window.

  12. Under Source settings, configure the following:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter campaignanalyticscsv
    Source type Select Dataset
    Dataset Select asamcw_campaignanalytics_csv.
    Skip line count Enter 1

    The Source settings tab is displayed with a form populated with the values defined in the preceding table.

  13. When you create data flows, certain features are enabled by turning on debug, such as previewing data and importing a schema (projection). Due to the amount of time it takes to enable this option, as well as environmental constraints of the lab environment, we will bypass these features. The data source has a schema we need to set. To do this, select Script from the right side of the dataflow designer toolbar menu.

    A portion of the dataflow designer toolbar is shown with the Script icon highlighted.

  14. Replace the script with the following to provide the column mappings (output), then select OK:

            {_col0_} as string,
            {_col1_} as string,
            {_col2_} as string,
            {_col3_} as string,
            {_col4_} as string,
            {_col5_} as double,
            {_col6_} as string,
            {_col7_} as double,
            {_col8_} as string,
            {_col9_} as string
        allowSchemaDrift: true,
        validateSchema: false,
        skipLines: 1) ~> campaignanalyticscsv

    NOTE: We are changing the mappings as the source file was corrupted with the wrong headers.

  15. Select the campaignanalyticscsv data source, then select Projection. The projection should display the following schema:

    The Projection tab is displayed with columns defined as described in the column mapping script.

  16. Select the + to the bottom right of the campaignanalyticscsv source, then select the Select schema modifier from the context menu.

    The + button on the bottom right of the campaignanalyticscsv source is highlighted.

  17. In the bottom pane, under Select settings, configure the following:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter mapcampaignanalytics

    For Input Columns, under the Name as column, enter the following list values in order:

    • Region
    • Country
    • ProductCategory
    • CampaignName
    • RevenuePart1
    • Revenue
    • RevenueTargetPart1
    • RevenueTarget
    • City
    • State

    The Select settings tab is displayed with the form filled as described in the preceding table.

  18. Select the + to the right of the mapCampaignAnalytics source, then select the Derived Column schema modifier from the context menu.

  19. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter convertandaddcolums

    For Columns, add the following (Note you will need to type in the Analyst column):

    Column Expression Description
    Revenue toDecimal(replace(concat(toString(RevenuePart1), toString(Revenue)), '\\', ''), 10, 2, '$###,###.##') Concatenate the RevenuePart1 and Revenue fields, replace the invalid \ character, then convert and format the data to a decimal type.
    RevenueTarget toDecimal(replace(concat(toString(RevenueTargetPart1), toString(RevenueTarget)), '\\', ''), 10, 2, '$###,###.##') Concatenate the RevenueTargetPart1 and RevenueTarget fields, replace the invalid \ character, then convert and format the data to a decimal type.
    Analyst iif(isNull(City), '', replace('DataAnalyst'+ City,' ','')) If the city field is null, assign an empty string to the Analyst field, otherwise concatenate DataAnalyst to the City value, removing all spaces.

    The derived column's settings are displayed as described.

  20. Select the + to the right of the convertandaddcolumns step, then select the Select schema modifier from the context menu.

  21. Under Select settings, configure the following:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter selectcampaignanalyticscolumns
    Input columns Delete the RevenuePart1 and RevenueTargetPart1 columns

    The Select settings are displayed showing the updated column mappings.

  22. Select the + to the right of the selectcampaignanalyticscolumns step, then select the Sink destination from the context menu.

  23. In the bottom pane, on the Sink tab, configure it as follows:

    Field Value
    Output stream name Enter campaignanlyticsasa
    Dataset Select asamcw_campaignanalytics_asa.

    The Sink settings form is displayed populated with the values defined in the previous table.

  24. Select Settings tab, and for Table action select Truncate table.

    The sink Settings tab is displayed with the Table action set to Truncate table.

  25. Your completed data flow should look similar to the following:

    The completed data flow is displayed.

  26. Select Publish all to save your new data flow.

    Publish all is highlighted.

  27. Now that the data flow is published, we can use it in a pipeline. Create a new pipeline by selecting Orchestrate from the left menu, then in the Orchestrate blade, expand the + button and select Pipeline.

  28. Expand the Properties pane on the right side of the pipeline designer. Enter ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Campaign Analytics Data in the Name field.

    The pipeline properties blade is displayed with the Name field populated with ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Campaign Analytics Data.

  29. From the Activities menu, expand the Move & transform section and drag an instance of Data flow to the design surface of the pipeline.

    The Activities menu of the pipeline is displayed with the Move and transform section expanded. An arrow indicating a drag operation shows adding a Data flow activity to the design surface of the pipeline.

  30. In the Adding data flow blade, select the data flow ASAMCW_Exercise_2_Campaign_Analytics_Data, then Finish. Select the Mapping Data Flow activity on the design surface.

  31. In the bottom pane, select the Settings tab and set the form fields to the following values:

    Field Value
    Data flow Select ASAMCW_Exercise_2_Campaign_Analytics_Data
    Staging linked service Select asadatalake{SUFFIX}.
    Staging storage folder - Container Enter staging
    Staging storage folder - Directory Enter mcwcampaignanalytics

    The data flow activity Settings tab is displayed with the fields specified in the preceding table highlighted.

  32. In the top toolbar, select Publish all to publish the new pipeline. When prompted, select the Publish button to commit the changes.

    The top toolbar is displayed with the Publish all button highlighted.

  33. Once published, expand the Add trigger item on the pipeline designer toolbar, and select Trigger now. In the Pipeline run blade, select OK to proceed with the latest published configuration. You will see notification toast window indicating the pipeline is running and when it has completed.

  34. View the status of the pipeline run by locating the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Campaign Analytics Data pipeline in the Orchestrate blade. Expand the actions menu, and select the Monitor item.

    In the Orchestrate blade, the Action menu is displayed with the Monitor item selected on the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Sale Data pipeline.

  35. You should see a run of the pipeline we created in the Pipeline runs table showing as in progress. You will need to refresh this table from time to time to see updated progress. Once it has completed. You should see the pipeline run displayed with a Status of Succeeded.

  36. Verify the table has populated by creating a new query. Select the Develop item from the left menu, and in the Develop blade, expand the + button, and select SQL script. In the query window, be sure to connect to the SQL Pool database (SQLPool01), then paste and run the following query. When complete, select the Discard all button from the top toolbar.

  select count(Region) from wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics;

Task 7: Populate the product table

When the lab environment was provisioned, the wwi_mcw.Product table and datasets required for its population were created. Throughout this exercise, you have gained experience creating datasets, data flows, and pipelines. The population of the product table would be repetitive, so we will simply trigger an existing pipeline to populate this table.

  1. From the left menu, select Orchestrate. From the Orchestrate blade, expand the Pipelines section and locate and select the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Product Information pipeline.

  2. Expand the Add trigger item on the pipeline designer toolbar, and select Trigger now. In the Pipeline run blade, select OK to proceed with the latest published configuration. You will see notification toast windows indicating the pipeline is running and when it has completed.

  3. View the status of the pipeline run by locating the ASAMCW - Exercise 2 - Copy Product Information pipeline in the Orchestrate blade. Expand the actions menu, and select the Monitor item.

  4. You should see a run of the pipeline we created in the Pipeline runs table showing as in progress (or succeeded). Once it has completed. You should see the pipeline run displayed with a Status of Succeeded.

  5. Verify the table has populated by creating a new query. Select the Develop item from the left menu, and in the Develop blade, expand the + button, and select SQL script. In the query window, be sure to connect to the SQL Pool database (SQLPool01), then paste and run the following query. When complete, select the Discard all button from the top toolbar.

  select * from wwi_mcw.Product;

Exercise 3: Exploring raw parquet

Duration: 15 minutes

Understanding data through data exploration is one of the core challenges faced today by data engineers and data scientists. Depending on the underlying structure of the data as well as the specific requirements of the exploration process, different data processing engines will offer varying degrees of performance, complexity, and flexibility.

In Azure Synapse Analytics, you have the possibility of using either the Synapse SQL Serverless engine, the big-data Spark engine, or both.

In this exercise, you will explore the data lake using both options.

Task 1: Query sales Parquet data with Synapse SQL Serverless

When you query Parquet files using Synapse SQL Serverless, you can explore the data with T-SQL syntax.

  1. From the left menu, select Data.

  2. Expand Storage accounts. Expand the asadatalake{SUFFIX} ADLS Gen2 account and select wwi-02.

  3. Navigate to the sale-small/Year=2010/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20101231 folder. Right-click on the sale-small-20101231-snappy.parquet file, select New SQL script, then Select TOP 100 rows.

    The Storage accounts section is expanded with the context menu visible on the asadatalake{SUFFIX} account with the Select TOP 100 rows option highlighted.

  4. Ensure SQL on-demand is selected in the Connect to dropdown list above the query window, then run the query. Data is loaded by the Synapse SQL Serverless endpoint and processed as if was coming from any regular relational database.

    The SQL on-demand connection is highlighted on the query window toolbar.

  5. Modify the SQL query to perform aggregates and grouping operations to better understand the data. Replace the query with the following, making sure that the file path in OPENROWSET matches your current file path, be sure to substitute asadatalake{SUFFIX} for the appropriate value in your environment:

        TransactionDate, ProductId,
        CAST(SUM(ProfitAmount) AS decimal(18,2)) AS [(sum) Profit],
        CAST(AVG(ProfitAmount) AS decimal(18,2)) AS [(avg) Profit],
        SUM(Quantity) AS [(sum) Quantity]
            BULK 'https://asadatalake{SUFFIX}',
        ) AS [r] GROUP BY r.TransactionDate, r.ProductId;

    The T-SQL query above is displayed within the query window.

  6. Now let's figure out how many records are contained within the Parquet files for 2019 data. This information is important for planning how we optimize for importing the data into Azure Synapse Analytics. To do this, replace your query with the following (be sure to update the name of your data lake in BULK statement, by replacing asadatalake{SUFFIX}):

            BULK 'https://asadatalake{SUFFIX}*/*/*/*',
        ) AS [r];

    Notice how we updated the path to include all Parquet files in all subfolders of sale-small/Year=2019.

    The output should be 339507246 records.

Task 2: Query sales Parquet data with Azure Synapse Spark

  1. Select Data from the left menu, then browse to the data lake storage account folder sale-small/Year=2010/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20101231 located in asadatalake{SUFFIX} if needed, then right-click the Parquet file and select New notebook.

    The Parquet file is displayed with the New notebook menu item highlighted.

  2. This will generate a notebook with PySpark code to load the data in a dataframe and display 100 rows with the header.

  3. Attach the notebook to a Spark pool.

    The Spark pool list is displayed.

  4. Select Run all on the notebook toolbar to execute the notebook.

    Note: The first time you run a notebook in a Spark pool, Synapse creates a new session. This can take approximately 5 minutes. Note: To run just the cell, either hover over the cell and select the Run cell icon to the left of the cell, or select the cell then type Ctrl+Enter on your keyboard.

  5. Create a new cell underneath by selecting {} Add code when hovering over the blank space at the bottom of the notebook.

    The Add Code menu option is highlighted.

  6. The Spark engine can analyze the Parquet files and infer the schema. To do this, enter the following in the new cell:


    Your output should look like the following:

        |-- TransactionId: string (nullable = true)
        |-- CustomerId: integer (nullable = true)
        |-- ProductId: short (nullable = true)
        |-- Quantity: short (nullable = true)
        |-- Price: decimal(29,2) (nullable = true)
        |-- TotalAmount: decimal(29,2) (nullable = true)
        |-- TransactionDate: integer (nullable = true)
        |-- ProfitAmount: decimal(29,2) (nullable = true)
        |-- Hour: byte (nullable = true)
        |-- Minute: byte (nullable = true)
        |-- StoreId: short (nullable = true)
  7. Now let's use the dataframe to perform the same grouping and aggregate query we performed with the SQL Serverless pool. Create a new cell and enter the following:

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    profitByDateProduct = (data_path.groupBy("TransactionDate","ProductId")
            round(avg("Quantity"), 4).alias("(avg)Quantity"),

We import required Python libraries to use aggregation functions and types defined in the schema to successfully execute the query.

Exercise 4: Exploring raw text based data with Azure Synapse SQL Serverless

Duration: 10 minutes

A common format for exporting and storing data is with text based files. These can delimited text files such as CSV as well as JSON structured data files. Azure Synapse Analytics also provides ways of querying into these types of raw files to gain valuable insights into the data without having to wait for them to be processed.

Task 1: Query CSV data

  1. Create a new SQL Script by selecting Develop from the left menu, then in the Develop blade, expanding the + button and selecting SQL Query.

  2. Ensure SQL on-demand is selected in the Connect to dropdown list above the query window.

    The SQL on-demand connection is highlighted on the query window toolbar.

  3. In this scenario, we will be querying into the CSV file that was used to populate the product table. This file is located in the asadatalake{SUFFIX} account at: wwi-02/data-generators/generator-product.csv. We will select all data from this file. Copy and paste the following query into the query window and select Run from the query window toolbar menu. Remember to replace asadatalake{SUFFIX} with your storage account name.

            BULK 'https://asadatalake{SUFFIX}',
            FIRSTROW = 1
        ) WITH (
            ProductID INT,
            Seasonality INT,
            Price DECIMAL(10,2),
            Profit DECIMAL(10,2)
        ) as csv

    Note: In this query we are querying only a single file. Azure Synapse Analytics allows you to query across a series of CSV files (structured identically) by using wildcards in the path to the file(s).

  4. You are also able to perform aggregations on this data. Replace the query with the following, and select Run from the toolbar menu. Remember to replace asadatalake{SUFFIX} with your storage account name.

        SUM(Price) as TotalSalesPrice,
        SUM(Profit) as TotalProfit
            BULK 'https://asadatalake{SUFFIX}',
            FIRSTROW = 1
        ) WITH (
            ProductID INT,
            Seasonality INT,
            Price DECIMAL(10,2),
            Profit DECIMAL(10,2)
        ) as csv
  5. After you have run the previous query, switch the view on the Results tab to Chart to see a visualization of the aggregation of this data. Feel free to experiment with the chart settings to obtain the best visualization!

    The result of the previous aggregation query is displayed as a chart in the Results pane.

  6. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Task 2: Query JSON data

  1. Create a new SQL Script by selecting Develop from the left menu, then in the Develop blade, expanding the + button and selecting SQL Query.

  2. Ensure SQL on-demand is selected in the Connect to dropdown list above the query window.

    The SQL on-demand connection is highlighted on the query window toolbar.

  3. Replace the query with the following, remember to replace asadatalake{SUFFIX} with the name of your storage account:

            BULK 'https://asadatalake{SUFFIX}*.json',
            FIELDTERMINATOR ='0x0b',
            FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b',
            ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0b'
        WITH (
            jsonContent NVARCHAR(200)
        ) AS [raw]
    WITH (
        ProductId INT,
        Seasonality INT,
        Price DECIMAL(10,2),
        Profit DECIMAL(10,2)
    ) AS products
  4. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Exercise 5: Security

Duration: 15 minutes

Task 1: Column level security

It is important to identify data columns of that hold sensitive information. Types of sensitive information could be social security numbers, email addresses, credit card numbers, financial totals, and more. Azure Synapse Analytics allows you define permissions that prevent users or roles select privileges on specific columns.

  1. Create a new SQL Script by selecting Develop from the left menu, then in the Develop blade, expanding the + button and selecting SQL Query.

  2. Copy and paste the following query into the query window. Then, step through each statement by highlighting it in the query window, and selecting Run from the query window toolbar menu. The query is documented inline. Ensure you are connected to SQLPool01 when running the queries.

        /*  Column-level security feature in Azure Synapse simplifies the design and coding of security in applications.
        It ensures column level security by restricting column access to protect sensitive data. */
    /* Scenario: In this scenario we will be working with two users. The first one is the CEO, he has access to all
        data. The second one is DataAnalystMiami, this user doesn't have access to the confidential Revenue column
        in the CampaignAnalytics table. Follow this lab, one step at a time to see how Column-level security removes access to the
        Revenue column to DataAnalystMiami */
    --Step 1: Let us see how this feature in Azure Synapse works. Before that let us have a look at the Campaign Analytics table.
    select  Top 100 * from wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics
    where City is not null and state is not null
    /*  Consider a scenario where there are two users.
        A CEO, who is an authorized  personnel with access to all the information in the database
        and a Data Analyst, to whom only required information should be presented.*/
    -- Step:2 Verify the existence of the “CEO” and “DataAnalystMiami” users in the Datawarehouse.
    SELECT Name as [User1] FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name = N'CEO';
    SELECT Name as [User2] FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name = N'DataAnalystMiami';
    -- Step:3 Now let us enforcing column level security for the DataAnalystMiami.
    /*  The CampaignAnalytics table in the warehouse has information like ProductID, Analyst, CampaignName, Quantity, Region, State, City, RevenueTarget and Revenue.
        The Revenue generated from every campaign is classified and should be hidden from DataAnalystMiami.
    REVOKE SELECT ON wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics FROM DataAnalystMiami;
    GRANT SELECT ON wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics([Analyst], [CampaignName], [Region], [State], [City], [RevenueTarget]) TO DataAnalystMiami;
    -- This provides DataAnalystMiami access to all the columns of the Sale table but Revenue.
    -- Step:4 Then, to check if the security has been enforced, we execute the following query with current User As 'DataAnalystMiami', this will result in an error
    --  since DataAnalystMiami doesn't have select access to the Revenue column
    EXECUTE AS USER ='DataAnalystMiami';
    select TOP 100 * from wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics;
    -- The following query will succeed since we are not including the Revenue column in the query.
    EXECUTE AS USER ='DataAnalystMiami';
    select [Analyst],[CampaignName], [Region], [State], [City], [RevenueTarget] from wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics;
    -- Step:5 Whereas, the CEO of the company should be authorized with all the information present in the warehouse.To do so, we execute the following query.
    GRANT SELECT ON wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics TO CEO;  --Full access to all columns.
    -- Step:6 Let us check if our CEO user can see all the information that is present. Assign Current User As 'CEO' and the execute the query
    select * from wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics

    The query tab toolbar is displayed with the Run button selected.

  3. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Task 2: Row level security

In many organizations it is important to filter certain rows of data by user. In the case of WWI, they wish to have data analysts only see their data. In the campaign analytics table, there is an Analyst column that indicates to which analyst that row of data belongs. In the past, organizations would create views for each analyst - this was a lot of work and unnecessary overhead. Using Azure Synapse Analytics, you can define row level security that compares the user executing the query to the Analyst column, filtering the data so they only see the data destined for them.

  1. Create a new SQL Script by selecting Develop from the left menu, then in the Develop blade, expanding the + button and selecting SQL Query.

  2. Copy and paste the following query into the query window. Then, step through each statement by highlighting it in the query window, and selecting Run from the query window toolbar menu. The query is documented inline.

    /* Row level Security (RLS) in Azure Synapse enables us to use group membership to control access to rows in a table.
    Azure Synapse applies the access restriction every time the data access is attempted from any user.
    Let see how we can implement row level security in Azure Synapse.*/
    -- Row-Level Security (RLS), 1: Filter predicates
    -- Step:1 The Sale table has two Analyst values: DataAnalystMiami and DataAnalystSanDiego. 
    --     Each analyst has jurisdiction across a specific Region. DataAnalystMiami on the South East Region
    --      and DataAnalystSanDiego on the Far West region.
    SELECT DISTINCT Analyst, Region FROM wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics order by Analyst ;
    /* Scenario: WWI requires that an Analyst only see the data for their own data from their own region. The CEO should see ALL data.
        In the Sale table, there is an Analyst column that we can use to filter data to a specific Analyst value. */
    /* We will define this filter using what is called a Security Predicate. This is an inline table-valued function that allows
        us to evaluate additional logic, in this case determining if the Analyst executing the query is the same as the Analyst
        specified in the Analyst column in the row. The function returns 1 (will return the row) when a row in the Analyst column is the same as the user executing the query (@Analyst = USER_NAME()) or if the user executing the query is the CEO user (USER_NAME() = 'CEO')
        whom has access to all data.
    -- Review any existing security predicates in the database
    SELECT * FROM sys.security_predicates
    --Step:2 Create a new Schema to hold the security predicate, then define the predicate function. It returns 1 (or True) when
    --  a row should be returned in the parent query.
    CREATE SCHEMA Security
    CREATE FUNCTION Security.fn_securitypredicate(@Analyst AS sysname)  
        RETURN SELECT 1 AS fn_securitypredicate_result
        WHERE @Analyst = USER_NAME() OR USER_NAME() = 'CEO'
    -- Now we define security policy that adds the filter predicate to the Sale table. This will filter rows based on their login name.
    ADD FILTER PREDICATE Security.fn_securitypredicate(Analyst)
    ON wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics
    WITH (STATE = ON);
    ------ Allow SELECT permissions to the Sale Table.------
    GRANT SELECT ON wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics TO CEO, DataAnalystMiami, DataAnalystSanDiego;
    -- Step:3 Let us now test the filtering predicate, by selecting data from the Sale table as 'DataAnalystMiami' user.
    EXECUTE AS USER = 'DataAnalystMiami'
    SELECT * FROM wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics;
    -- As we can see, the query has returned rows here Login name is DataAnalystMiami
    -- Step:4 Let us test the same for  'DataAnalystSanDiego' user.
    EXECUTE AS USER = 'DataAnalystSanDiego';
    SELECT * FROM wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics;
    -- RLS is working indeed.
    -- Step:5 The CEO should be able to see all rows in the table.
    SELECT * FROM wwi_mcw.CampaignAnalytics;
    -- And he can.
    --Step:6 To disable the security policy we just created above, we execute the following.
    DROP FUNCTION Security.fn_securitypredicate;
    DROP SCHEMA Security;

    The query tab toolbar is displayed with the Run button selected.

  3. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Task 3: Dynamic data masking

As an alternative to column level security, SQL Administrators also have the option of masking sensitive data. This will result in data being obfuscated when returned in queries. The data is still stored in a pristine state in the table itself. SQL Administrators can grant unmask privileges to users that have permissions to see this data.

  1. Create a new SQL Script by selecting Develop from the left menu, then in the Develop blade, expanding the + button and selecting SQL Query.

  2. Copy and paste the following query into the query window. Then, step through each statement by highlighting it in the query window, and selecting Run from the query window toolbar menu. The query is documented inline.

    ----- Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) ---------
    /*  Dynamic data masking helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data by enabling customers
        to designate how much of the sensitive data to reveal with minimal impact on the application layer.
        Let see how */
    /* Scenario: WWI has identified sensitive information in the CustomerInfo table. They would like us to
        obfuscate the CreditCard and Email columns of the CustomerInfo table to DataAnalysts */
    -- Step:1 Let us first get a view of CustomerInfo table.
    SELECT TOP (100) * FROM wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo;
    -- Step:2 Let's confirm that there are no Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) applied on columns.
    SELECT, as table_name, c.is_masked, c.masking_function  
    FROM sys.masked_columns AS c  
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl
        ON c.[object_id] = tbl.[object_id]  
    WHERE is_masked = 1
        AND = 'CustomerInfo';
    -- No results returned verify that no data masking has been done yet.
    -- Step:3 Now lets mask 'CreditCard' and 'Email' Column of 'CustomerInfo' table.
    ALTER TABLE wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo  
    ALTER COLUMN [CreditCard] ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'partial(0,"XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-",4)');
    ALTER TABLE wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo
    -- The columns are successfully masked.
    -- Step:4 Let's see Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) applied on the two columns.
    SELECT, as table_name, c.is_masked, c.masking_function  
    FROM sys.masked_columns AS c  
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl
        ON c.[object_id] = tbl.[object_id]  
    WHERE is_masked = 1
        AND ='CustomerInfo';
    -- Step:5 Now, let us grant SELECT permission to 'DataAnalystMiami' on the 'CustomerInfo' table.
    GRANT SELECT ON wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo TO DataAnalystMiami;  
    -- Step:6 Logged in as  'DataAnalystMiami' let us execute the select query and view the result.
    EXECUTE AS USER = 'DataAnalystMiami';  
    SELECT * FROM wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo;
    -- Step:7 Let us remove the data masking using UNMASK permission
    GRANT UNMASK TO DataAnalystMiami;
    EXECUTE AS USER = 'DataAnalystMiami';  
    SELECT *
    FROM wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo;
    REVOKE UNMASK TO DataAnalystMiami;  
    ----step:8 Reverting all the changes back to as it was.
    ALTER TABLE wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo
    ALTER TABLE wwi_mcw.CustomerInfo

    The query tab toolbar is displayed with the Run button selected.

  3. From the top toolbar, select the Discard all button as we will not be saving this query. When prompted, choose to Discard all changes.

    The top toolbar menu is displayed with the Discard all button highlighted.

Exercise 6: Machine Learning

Duration: 45 minutes

Azure Synapse Analytics provides a unified environment for both data science and data engineering. What this means in practice, is that your data scientists can train and deploy models using Azure Synapse Analytics and your data engineers can write T-SQL queries that use those models to make predictions against tabular data stored in a SQL Pool database table.

In this lab, you will create several machine learning models and use them to make predictions using the T-SQL Predict statement.

For context, the following are the high level steps taken to create a Spark ML based model and deploy it so it is ready for use from T-SQL.

The process for registering and using a model

All of the steps are performed within your Azure Synapse Analytics Studio.

  • Within a notebook, a data scientist will:

    a. Train a model using Spark ML, the machine learning library included with Apache Spark. Models can also be trained using other approaches, including by using Azure Machine Learning automated ML. The main requirement is that the model format must be supported by ONNX.

    b. Convert the model to the ONNX format using the onnxml tools.

    c. Save a hexadecimal encoded version of the ONNX model to a table in the SQL Pool database. This is an interim step while this feature is in preview.

  • To use the model for making predictions, in a SQL Script a data engineer will:

    a. Read the model into a binary variable by querying it from the table in which it was stored.

    b. Execute a query using the FROM PREDICT statement as you would a table. This statement defines both the model to use and the query to execute that will provide the data used for prediction. You can then take these predictions and insert them into a table for use by downstream analytics applications.

What is ONNX? ONNX is an acronym for the Open Neural Network eXchange and is an open format built to represent machine learning models, regardless of what frameworks were used to create the model. This enables model portability, as models in the ONNX format can be run using a wide variety of frameworks, tools, runtimes and platforms. Think of it like a universal file format for machine learning models.

Task 1: Training models

  1. Open the ASAMCW - Exercise 6 - Machine Learning notebook (select Develop from the left menu, from the Develop menu, expand the Notebooks section and select the notebook)
  2. Run the notebook step by step (DO NOT RUN ALL) to complete this exercise. Some of the most important tasks you will perform are:
  • Exploratory data analysis (basic stats)
  • Use PCA for dimensionality reduction
  • Train ensemble of trees classifier (using XGBoost)
  • Train classifier using Auto ML

Please note that each of these tasks will be addressed through several cells in the notebook.

Task 2: Registering the models with Azure Synapse Analytics

In this task, you will explore the model registration process in Azure Synapse Analytics that enables trained model for use from T-SQL. This task picks up where you left off, with the ONNX model being made available in Azure Storage.

  1. The next step is to convert the ONNX model to hexadecimal. The resulting hex encoded model is also upload to Azure Storage. A sample script that performs this functionality is available in this PowerShell script. We will execute the following Powershell script that leverages this functionality. Open the Cloud Console and execute the following:

    './Synapse-MCW/Hands-on lab/artifacts/convert-automl-model-to-hex.ps1'

    You will be prompted for the following information:

    Enter the name of the resource group containing the Azure Synapse Analytics Workspace
    Enter the unique suffix you used in the deployment
  2. From the left menu, select Data.

  3. Expand the Databases section, right click your SQL Pool, SQLPool01, and then select New SQL Script, and then Empty script.

    Showing the context menu, selecting New SQL Script, Empty Script

  4. Replace the contents of this script with following:


    The result shows your persisted ONNX model in hexadecimal format:

    Persisted ONNX model in hexadecimal format

  5. ASAMCWMLModelExt is an external table that maps to the data lake location where the trained model was persisted (and then converted to hexadecimal format). Take a moment to read through the code that was used to create the external table (you don't need to run this code as it was already run during the deployment of your environment):

      -- Replace <data_lake_account_key> with the key of the primary data lake account
      ,SECRET = '<data_lake_account_key>';
      -- Create an external data source with CREDENTIAL option.
      -- Replace <data_lake_account_name> with the actual name of the primary data lake account
          LOCATION = 'wasbs://wwi-02@<data_lake_account_name>'
          ,CREDENTIAL = StorageCredential
          ,TYPE = HADOOP
      WITH (
          FORMAT_OPTIONS (
              FIELD_TERMINATOR = ',',
              STRING_DELIMITER = '',
              DATE_FORMAT = '',
              USE_TYPE_DEFAULT = False
      [Model] [varbinary](max) NULL
          LOCATION='/ml/onnx-hex' ,
          DATA_SOURCE = ModelStorage ,
          FILE_FORMAT = csv ,
          REJECT_TYPE = VALUE ,
          REJECT_VALUE = 0
      CREATE TABLE [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel]
          [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
          [Model] [varbinary](max) NULL,
          [Description] [varchar](200) NULL
  6. Import the persisted ONNX model in hexadecimal format into the main models table (to be later used with the PREDICT function) by executing the following query on SQLPool01:

    -- Register the model by inserting it into the table.
        Model, 'Product Seasonality Classifier'

Task 3: Making predictions with the registered models

In this task, you will author a T-SQL query that uses the previously trained model to make predictions.

Note: In order to make use of the PREDICT T-SQL function, your environment will need to be whitelisted. If your environment is not whitelisted, then you should read through the steps of this task as a reference as you will not be able to run the prediction queries.

  1. From the left menu, select Data.

  2. Expand the Databases section, right-click your SQL Pool and then select New SQL Script, and then Empty script.

    The database context menu is shown, with New SQL Script and Empty Script selected.

  3. Replace the contents of this script with following:

    SELECT TOP 100
        ProductId > 4500

    This is the input data you will use to make the predictions.

  4. Select Run from the menubar.

    The Run button is selected from the toolbar.

  5. Create another new SQL script and replace the contents with the following:

    -- Retrieve the latest hex encoded ONNX model from the table
    DECLARE @model varbinary(max) = (SELECT Model FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel] WHERE Id = (SELECT Top(1) max(ID) FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel]));
    -- Run a prediction query
    SELECT d.*, p.*
    FROM PREDICT(MODEL = @model, DATA = [wwi_mcw].[ProductPCA] AS d) WITH (prediction real) AS p;
  6. Run the script and view the results, notice that the Prediction column is the model's prediction of the Seasonality property of each product.

    The query results pane is displayed with the prediction results.

Exercise 7: Monitoring

Duration: 25 minutes

Azure Synapse Analytics provides a rich monitoring experience within the Azure portal to surface insights regarding your data warehouse workload.

You can monitor active SQL requests using the SQL requests area of the Monitor Hub. This includes details like the pool, submitter, duration, queued duration, workload group assigned, importance, and the request content.

Pipeline runs can be monitored using the Monitor Hub and selecting Pipeline runs. Here you can filter pipeline runs and drill in to view the activity runs associated with the pipeline run and monitor the running of in-progress pipelines.

Task 1: Workload Importance

Running mixed workloads can pose resource challenges on busy systems. Solution Architects seek ways to separate classic data warehousing activities (such as loading, transforming, and querying data) to ensure that enough resources exist to hit SLAs.

Synapse SQL pool workload management in Azure Synapse consists of three high-level concepts: Workload Classification, Workload Importance and Workload Isolation. These capabilities give you more control over how your workload utilizes system resources.

Workload importance influences the order in which a request gets access to resources. On a busy system, a request with higher importance has first access to resources. Importance can also ensure ordered access to locks.

Setting importance in Synapse SQL for Azure Synapse allows you to influence the scheduling of queries. Queries with higher importance will be scheduled to run before queries with lower importance. To assign importance to queries, you need to create a workload classifier.

  1. Navigate to the Develop hub.

    The Develop menu item is highlighted.

  2. From the Develop menu, select the + button and choose SQL Script from the context menu.

    The SQL script context menu item is highlighted.

  3. In the toolbar menu, connect to the SQL Pool database to execute the query.

    The connect to option is highlighted in the query toolbar.

  4. In the query window, replace the script with the following to confirm that there are NO queries currently being run by users logged in as asa.sql.workload01, representing the CEO of the organization or asa.sql.workload02 representing the data analyst working on the project:

    --First, let's confirm that there are no queries currently being run by users logged in as CEONYC or AnalystNYC.
    SELECT s.login_name, r.[Status], r.Importance, submit_time,
    start_time ,s.session_id FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions s
    JOIN sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests r ON s.session_id = r.session_id
    WHERE s.login_name IN ('asa.sql.workload01','asa.sql.workload02') and Importance
    is not NULL AND r.[status] in ('Running','Suspended')
    --and submit_time>dateadd(minute,-2,getdate())
    ORDER BY submit_time ,s.login_name
  5. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

    The run button is highlighted in the query toolbar.

  6. You will flood the system with queries and see what happens for asa.sql.workload01 and asa.sql.workload02. To do this, we'll run a Azure Synapse Pipeline which triggers queries.

  7. Select the Orchestrate Tab.

  8. Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Data Analyst and CEO Queries Pipeline, which will run / trigger the asa.sql.workload01 and asa.sql.workload02 queries. You can run the pipeline with the Debug option if you have an instance of the Integration Runtime running.

  9. Select Add trigger, then Trigger now. In the dialog that appears, select OK.

    The add trigger and trigger now menu items are highlighted.

  10. Let's see what happened to all the queries we just triggered as they flood the system. In the query window, replace the script with the following:

    SELECT s.login_name, r.[Status], r.Importance, submit_time, start_time ,s.session_id FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions s
    JOIN sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests r ON s.session_id = r.session_id
    WHERE s.login_name IN ('asa.sql.workload01','asa.sql.workload02') and Importance
    is not NULL AND r.[status] in ('Running','Suspended') and submit_time>dateadd(minute,-4,getdate())
    ORDER BY submit_time ,status
  11. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command. You should see an output similar to the following:

    SQL query results.

  12. We will give our asa.sql.workload01 user queries priority by implementing the Workload Importance feature. In the query window, replace the script with the following:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers WHERE name = 'CEO')
      WITH (WORKLOAD_GROUP = 'largerc'
      ,MEMBERNAME = 'asa.sql.workload01',IMPORTANCE = High);
  13. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

  14. Let's flood the system again with queries and see what happens this time for asa.sql.workload01 and asa.sql.workload02 queries. To do this, we'll run an Azure Synapse Pipeline which triggers queries.

    • Select the Orchestrate Tab

    • Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Data Analyst and CEO Queries Pipeline, which will run / trigger the asa.sql.workload01 and asa.sql.workload02 queries.

  15. In the query window, replace the script with the following to see what happens to the asa.sql.workload01 queries this time:

    SELECT s.login_name, r.[Status], r.Importance, submit_time, start_time ,s.session_id FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions s
    JOIN sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests r ON s.session_id = r.session_id
    WHERE s.login_name IN ('asa.sql.workload01','asa.sql.workload02') and Importance
    is not NULL AND r.[status] in ('Running','Suspended') and submit_time>dateadd(minute,-2,getdate())
    ORDER BY submit_time ,status desc
  16. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command. You should see an output similar to the following that shows query executions for the asa.sql.workload01 user having a high importance.

    SQL query results.

  17. Navigate to the Monitor hub, select Pipeline runs, and then select Cancel recursive for each running Exercise 7 pipelines. This will help speed up the remaining tasks.

    The cancel recursive option is shown.

Task 2: Workload Isolation

Workload isolation means resources are reserved, exclusively, for a workload group. Workload groups are containers for a set of requests and are the basis for how workload management, including workload isolation, is configured on a system. A simple workload management configuration can manage data loads and user queries.

In the absence of workload isolation, requests operate in the shared pool of resources. Access to resources in the shared pool is not guaranteed and is assigned on an importance basis.

Configuring workload isolation should be done with caution as the resources are allocated to the workload group even if there are no active requests in the workload group. Over-configuring isolation can lead to diminished overall system utilization.

Users should avoid a workload management solution that configures 100% workload isolation: 100% isolation is achieved when the sum of min_percentage_resource configured across all workload groups equals 100%. This type of configuration is overly restrictive and rigid, leaving little room for resource requests that are accidentally misclassified. There is a provision to allow one request to execute from workload groups not configured for isolation.

  1. Navigate to the Develop hub.

    The Develop menu item is highlighted.

  2. From the Develop menu, select the + button and choose SQL Script from the context menu.

    The SQL script context menu item is highlighted.

  3. In the toolbar menu, connect to the SQL Pool database to execute the query.

    The connect to option is highlighted in the query toolbar.

  4. In the query window, replace the script with the following:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.workload_management_workload_groups where name = 'CEODemo')
        Create WORKLOAD GROUP CEODemo WITH  
        ( MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 50        -- integer value

    The code creates a workload group called CEODemo to reserve resources exclusively for the workload group. In this example, a workload group with a MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE set to 50% and REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT set to 25% is guaranteed 2 concurrency.

  5. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

  6. In the query window, replace the script with the following to create a workload Classifier called CEODreamDemo that assigns a workload group and importance to incoming requests:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers where  name = 'CEODreamDemo')
        Create Workload Classifier CEODreamDemo with
        ( Workload_Group ='CEODemo',MemberName='asa.sql.workload02',IMPORTANCE = BELOW_NORMAL);
  7. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

  8. In the query window, replace the script with the following to confirm that there are no active queries being run by asa.sql.workload02:

    SELECT s.login_name, r.[Status], r.Importance, submit_time,
    start_time ,s.session_id FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions s
    JOIN sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests r ON s.session_id = r.session_id
    WHERE s.login_name IN ('asa.sql.workload02') and Importance
    is not NULL AND r.[status] in ('Running','Suspended')
    ORDER BY submit_time, status
  9. Let's flood the system with queries and see what happens for asa.sql.workload02. To do this, we will run a Azure Synapse Pipeline which triggers queries. Select the Orchestrate Tab. Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Business Analyst Queries Pipeline, which will run / trigger asa.sql.workload02 queries.

  10. In the query window, replace the script with the following to see what happened to all the asa.sql.workload02 queries we just triggered as they flood the system:

    SELECT s.login_name, r.[Status], r.Importance, submit_time,
    start_time ,s.session_id FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions s
    JOIN sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests r ON s.session_id = r.session_id
    WHERE s.login_name IN ('asa.sql.workload02') and Importance
    is not NULL AND r.[status] in ('Running','Suspended')
    ORDER BY submit_time, status
  11. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command. You should see an output similar to the following that shows the importance for each session set to below_normal:

    The script results show that each session was executed with below normal importance.

  12. Navigate to the Monitor hub, select Pipeline runs, and then select Cancel recursive for each running Exercise 7 pipelines. This will help speed up the remaining tasks.

    The cancel recursive option is shown.

  13. In the query window, replace the script with the following to set 3.25% minimum resources per request:

    IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers where group_name = 'CEODemo')
        Drop Workload Classifier CEODreamDemo
        --- Creates a workload group 'CEODemo'.
            Create  WORKLOAD GROUP CEODemo WITH  
        (MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 26 -- integer value
            ,REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT = 3.25 -- factor of 26 (guaranteed more than 4 concurrencies)
        --- Creates a workload Classifier 'CEODreamDemo'.
        Create Workload Classifier CEODreamDemo with
        (Workload_Group ='CEODemo',MemberName='asa.sql.workload02',IMPORTANCE = BELOW_NORMAL);

    Note: Configuring workload containment implicitly defines a maximum level of concurrency. With a CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE set to 60% and a REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT set to 1%, up to a 60-concurrency level is allowed for the workload group. Consider the method included below for determining the maximum concurrency:


  14. Let's flood the system again and see what happens for asa.sql.workload02. To do this, we will run an Azure Synapse Pipeline which triggers queries. Select the Orchestrate Tab. Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Business Analyst Queries Pipeline, which will run / trigger asa.sql.workload02 queries.

  15. In the query window, replace the script with the following to see what happened to all of the asa.sql.workload02 queries we just triggered as they flood the system:

    SELECT s.login_name, r.[Status], r.Importance, submit_time,
    start_time ,s.session_id FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions s
    JOIN sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests r ON s.session_id = r.session_id
    WHERE s.login_name IN ('asa.sql.workload02') and Importance
    is  not NULL AND r.[status] in ('Running','Suspended')
    ORDER BY submit_time, status
  16. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

Task 3: Monitoring with Dynamic Management Views

For a programmatic experience when monitoring SQL Analytics via T-SQL, the service provides a set of Dynamic Management Views (DMVs). These views are useful when actively troubleshooting and identifying performance bottlenecks with your workload.

All logins to your data warehouse are logged to sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions. This DMV contains the last 10,000 logins. The session_id is the primary key and is assigned sequentially for each new logon.

  1. Navigate to the Develop hub.

    The Develop menu item is highlighted.

  2. From the Develop menu, select the + button and choose SQL Script from the context menu.

    The SQL script context menu item is highlighted.

  3. In the toolbar menu, connect to the SQL Pool database to execute the query.

    The connect to option is highlighted in the query toolbar.

  4. In the query window, replace the script with the following:

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions where status <> 'Closed' and session_id <> session_id();

    All queries executed on SQL pool are logged to sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests. This DMV contains the last 10,000 queries executed. The request_id uniquely identifies each query and is the primary key for this DMV. The request_id is assigned sequentially for each new query and is prefixed with QID, which stands for query ID. Querying this DMV for a given session_id shows all queries for a given logon.

  5. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

  6. Let's flood the system with queries to create operations to monitor. To do this, we will run a Azure Synapse Pipeline which triggers queries. Select the Orchestrate Tab. Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Business Analyst Queries Pipeline, which will run / trigger asa.sql.workload02 queries.

  7. In the query window, replace the script with the following:

    SELECT *
    FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests
    WHERE status not in ('Completed','Failed','Cancelled')
      AND session_id <> session_id()
    ORDER BY submit_time DESC;
  8. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command. You should see a list of sessions in the query results similar to the following. Note the Request_ID of a query in the results that you would like to investigate (keep this value in a text editor for a later step):

    Active query results.

  9. As an alternative, you can execute the following SQL command to find the top 10 longest running queries.

    SELECT TOP 10 *
    FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests
    ORDER BY total_elapsed_time DESC;
  10. To simplify the lookup of a query in the sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests table, use LABEL to assign a comment to your query, which can be looked up in the sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests view. To test using the labels, replace the script in the query window with the following:

    SELECT *
    FROM sys.tables
    OPTION (LABEL = 'My Query');
  11. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command.

  12. In the query window, replace the script with the following to filter the results with the label, My Query.

    -- Find a query with the Label 'My Query'
    -- Use brackets when querying the label column, as it it a key word
    SELECT  *
    FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests
    WHERE [label] = 'My Query';
  13. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command. You should see the previously run query in the results view.

  14. In the query window, replace the script with the following to retrieve the query's distributed SQL (DSQL) plan from sys.dm_pdw_request_steps. Be sure to replace the QID##### with the Request_ID you noted in Step 8:

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_request_steps
    WHERE request_id = 'QID####'
    ORDER BY step_index;
  15. Select Run from the toolbar menu to execute the SQL command. You should see results showing the distributed query plan steps for the specified request:

    The query results are displayed.

    When a DSQL plan is taking longer than expected, the cause can be a complex plan with many DSQL steps or just one step taking a long time. If the plan is many steps with several move operations, consider optimizing your table distributions to reduce data movement.

Task 4: Orchestration Monitoring with the Monitor Hub

  1. Let's run a pipeline to monitor its execution in the next step. To do this, select the Orchestrate Tab. Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Business Analyst Queries Pipeline.

    The add trigger and trigger now menu items are highlighted.

  2. Navigate to the Monitor hub. Then select Pipeline runs to get a list of pipelines that ran during the last 24 hours. Observe the Pipeline status.

    The pipeline runs blade is displayed within the Monitor hub.

  3. Hover over the running pipeline and select Cancel to cancel the execution of the current instance of the pipeline.

    The Cancel option is highlighted.

Task 5: Monitoring SQL Requests with the Monitor Hub

  1. Let's run a pipeline to monitor its execution in the next step. To do this, select the Orchestrate Tab. Run the Exercise 7 - Execute Business Analyst Queries Pipeline.

    The add trigger and trigger now menu items are highlighted.

  2. Navigate to the Monitor hub. Then select SQL requests to get a list of SQL requests that ran during the last 24 hours.

  3. Select the Pool filter and select your SQL Pool. Observe the Request Submitter, Submit Time, Duration, and Queued Duration values.

    The SQL requests blade is displayed within the Monitor hub.

  4. Hover onto a SQL Request log and select Request Content to access the actual T-SQL command executed as part of the SQL Request.

    The request content link is displayed over a SQL request.

After the hands-on lab

Duration: 5 minutes

Task 1: Delete the resource group

  1. In the Azure Portal, open the resource group for this lab. Select Delete from the top toolbar menu.

  2. Open the Cloud Shell and issue the following command to remove the lab files:

    Remove-Item -Path .\Synapse-MCW -recurse -force
    Remove-Item -Path .\modelconversion -recurse -force

You should follow all steps provided after attending the Hands-on lab.