- Install bazel - https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/install.html
- Clone git repo and build:
git clone https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/snowblossom.git
cd snowblossom
bazel build :all
To build jar files that can be copied around (including to windows) do:
This is the Snowblossom P2P full node. It connects to other nodes, downloads and verifies the blockchain. It acts as a server for miners and clients.
This is the Snowblossom basic wallet. It needs a SnowBlossomNode to connect to, it doesn't need to be your node but for privacy it is recommended to run your own node.
This is the mining agent, it conencts to a node (doesn't have to be your node) to get block templates and then submits them back when it solves them. Requires a local copy of snow fields to work or can create them as needed.
Program that generates snow fields. It is recommended to use tools/snowfall... scripts rather than running directly or simply turn on auto_snow=true in the miner.
Program that generates the snow field decks and verifies the overall hash of the field. The decks are required in conjunction with the snow fields themselves to mine. The decks are files of intermediate hash values used to greatly speed up block pow proof generation. It is recommended to use tools/snowfall... scripts rather than running directly or simple turn on auto_snow=true in the miner.