This is a one-page app, there doesn't need to be routing.
We used create-react-app.
Uses React. Uses MobX, not Redux. ANd with decorators.
/src folder contains all the source code. tsconfig.json disables decorator warnings (decorates are needed for MobX).
All the data about pokemon, the abilities, items, etc. are store in the /src/data folder.
We use ES6: -const (default) and let, never var -destructuring -template strings -dynamic imports -arrow functions -classes
Stylesheet is in /src/styles.js
Huge credits to Pokemon Showdown
This app was created and debugged with Visual Studio Code, which is why there's a .vscode folder. The launch.json inside helps with debugging.
Using tilde for indexOf responsiveness, lg, xl, etc.
recompose is not used.
primal kyogre and groudon don't tier attributes by default