Releases: project-koku/koku-ui
Releases · project-koku/koku-ui
- Updates
- Various package dependency updates
- Setup containerized build for prod environment
- COST-3822 vCPU count, RAM and storage capacity to node details
- COST-3554 Use new field for amortized cost
- Various bug fixes
- COST-3818 Stub-out page platform projects tab for settings page (stage-beta only)
- COST-3918 Removes toFixed for optimization CPU and recommendation values
- COST-3940 Omit overhead label for platform unallocated costs
- Update Typescript types for future React 18 update
- Updates
- Various package dependency updates
- COST-3611 AWS cost categories
- Various bug fixes
- COST-3681 Show distributed costs for "top 3 projects" in overview and "cost by projects" card when grouped by cluster.
- COST-3877 Update loading state to 'Searching for your optimizations…”
- COST-3877 Optimizations loading state
- COST-3681 Move "Others" to be the last legend label
- COST-3834 Omit unsupported filters from tag request
- COST-3838 "Cost by default projects" card should reflect "Overhead cost" selection
- Updates
- Various package dependency updates
- COST-3307 Continue moving settings page (stage env only)
- Various bug fixes
- COST-3789 workload type and workload should be interchanged
- Parse multiple trailing commas from filters
- Fix omitted typeahead for cost explorer
- Prevent resource-types/aws-categories API is being called unnecessarily (stage env only)
- Fix filter for checkbox selections
- Updates
- Various package dependency updates
- Various bug fixes
- COST-3789 Fix optimizations drawer cluster type
- Update no optimizations message for Summit
- Adjust last column padding when data table does not have an action column