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153 lines (117 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (117 loc) · 5.17 KB

IEE - PROCESS portal

Project description

IEE provides:

  • A consistent, Web-based GUI
  • HPC access automation, including staging of input data and retrieval of results from HPC storage
  • A WebDAV like data federation to manage all file-based data relevant to PROCESS
  • A uniform security model, permitting authentication and authorization when accessing any of the above


  • MRI 2.3.x
  • PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL citext extension (sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib)
  • Redis (sudo apt-get install redis-server)
  • PostgreSQL libpq-dev (sudo apt-get install libpq-dev)
  • NodeJS (sudo apt-get install nodejs)

DBMS Settings

You need to create user/role for your account in PostgreSQL. At the moment Superuser privileges are required due to citext. You may also manually activate the citext extension as shown below - in which case normal privileges would be sufficient.

Manual activation of the citext extension

  1. Create the databases (at least for the development and test environments). You may run bin/setup (and allow it to fail due to insufficient privileges, but only after the DBs are created) or create them manually with an unprivileged user as the owner.
  2. As the PostgreSQL superuser, run the CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext WITH SCHEMA public; on all databases (dev, test, ...) to activate the extension.




You need to:

  • copy config/puma.rb.example into config/puma.rb and edit as required (env, location, socket/tcp),
  • create required directories defined in the config in tmp (such as pids)


To start only web application run:

bin/rails server

We are also using sidekiq to execute delayed jobs and clockwork for triggering delayed jobs in defined interval. To run full application stack perform following steps:

gem install foreman
foreman start

To load sample data for development purposes run:

bundle exec rake dev:prime RAILS_ENV=development

This task depends on db:setup task so be aware that data present in database is erased.

ENV variables

We are using ENV variables to keep secrets safe. To customize the application you can set the following ENV variables:

  • GRANT_ID (optional) - grant id used to start slurm jobs on Prometheus supercomputer
  • PIPELINE_SSH_KEY - path to ssh key which allows to clone computations gitlab repositories (such as Heart model or Blood flow)
  • SEGMENTATION_URL - segmentation own cloud service url
  • SEGMENTATION_UI_URL - segmentation own cloud UI url
  • SEGMENTATION_USER - segmentation own cloud service username
  • SEGMENTATION_PASSWORD - segmentation own cloud service password
  • JWT_KEY_PATH (optional) - path to key used to generate user JWT tokens
  • REDIS_URL (optional) - redis database url
  • ATMOSPHERE_BASE_URL (optional) - Atmosphere root URL
  • DATA_SETS_PAGE_URL (optional) - ArQ URL
  • GITLAB_HOST - Gitlab host (without https, e.g.
  • GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN - Gitlab access token used to fetch Rimrock
  • CLOCK_UPDATE - Computations update period (in seconds)
  • ANSYSLI_SERVERS - location of custom ansys license servers
  • ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE- location of custom ansys license file


Some tests require Chrome headless installed. Please take a look at: for manual. To install chrome on your debian based machine use following snippet:

curl -sS -L | apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list

apt-get update -q
apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable

To execute all tests run:

bundle exec rspec

To execute File Storage integration tests:

  1. Obtain the dev file store key in the form of a pem file
  2. Set path to this certificate in application.yml jwt.key value
  3. Set test user names and email ENV values (see secrets.yml) - this user needs to be in the 'webdav' group
  4. Run rspec with files tag on:
bundle exec rspec --tag files

Use guard to execute tests connected with modified file:


To execute Gitlab integration tests:

  1. Obtain a valid Gitlab user token with access to the flow project
  2. Assign token payload to the GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN environmental variable (e.g. by editing .env)
  3. Run rspec with gitlab tag on:
bundle exec rspec --tag gitlab

Using bullet to increase application performance

Bullet gem is enabled in development and test environments. While running application in development or running tests bullet logs warnings to log/bullet.log file.


  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new pull request
  6. When feature is ready add reviewers and wait for feedback (at least one approve should be given and all review comments should be resolved)