- init
- close
- newEpisode
- replayEpisode
- isRunning
- isMultiplayerGame
- setAction
- advanceAction
- makeAction
- isNewEpisode
- isEpisodeFinished
- isPlayerDead
- respawnPlayer
- sendGameCommand
- getState
- getLastAction
- getEpisodeTime
- getAvailableButtons
- setAvailableButtons
- addAvailableButton
- clearAvailableButtons
- getAvailableButtonsSize
- setButtonMaxValue
- getButtonMaxValue
- getAvailableGameVariables
- setAvailableGameVariables
- addAvailableGameVariable
- clearAvailableGameVariables
- getAvailableGameVariablesSize
- getGameVariable
- loadConfig
- getMode
- setMode
- getTicrate
- setTicrate
- setViZDoomPath
- setDoomGamePath
- setDoomScenarioPath
- setDoomMap
- setDoomSkill
- setDoomConfigPath
- getSeed
- setSeed
- getEpisodeStartTime
- setEpisodeStartTime
- getEpisodeTimeout
- setEpisodeTimeout
- setScreenResolution
- getScreenFormat
- setScreenFormat
- isDepthBufferEnabled
- setDepthBufferEnabled
- isLabelsBufferEnabled
- setLabelsBufferEnabled
- isAutomapBufferEnabled
- setAutomapBufferEnabled
- setAutomapMode
- setAutomapRotate
- setAutomapRenderTextures
- setRenderHud
- setRenderMinimalHud
- setRenderWeapon
- setRenderCrosshair
- setRenderDecals
- setRenderParticles
- setRenderEffectsSprites
- setRenderMessages
- setRenderCorpses
- setRenderScreenFlashes
- setRenderAllFrames
- setWindowVisible
- setConsoleEnabled
- setSoundEnabled
- getScreenWidth
- getScreenHeight
- getScreenChannels
- getScreenPitch
- getScreenSize
C++ | bool init() |
Lua | boolean init() |
Java | boolean init() |
Python | bool init() |
Initializes ViZDoom game instance and starts newEpisode. After calling this method, the first state from a new episode will be available. Some configuration options cannot be changed after calling this method. Init returns true when the game was started properly and false otherwise.
C++ | void close() |
Lua | void close() |
Java | void close() |
Python | void close() |
Closes ViZDoom game instance. It is automatically invoked by the destructor. The game can be initialized again after being closed.
C++ | void newEpisode(std::string recordFilePath = "") |
Lua | void newEpisode(string recordFilePath = "") |
Java | void newEpisode(String recordFilePath = "") |
Python | void new_episode(str recordFilePath = "") |
Changed in 1.1.0
Initializes a new episode. All rewards, variables and state are restarted. After calling this method, the first state from the new episode will be available. If the recordFilePath is not empty, given episode will be recorded to this file (as a Doom lump).
In multiplayer game, the host can call this method to finish the game. Then the rest of the players must also call this method to start a new episode.
C++ | void replayEpisode(std::string filePath, unsigned int player = 0) |
Lua | void replayEpisode(string filePath, number player = 0) |
Java | void replayEpisode(String filePath, int player = 0) |
Python | void replay_episode(str filePath, int player = 0) |
Added in 1.1.0
Replays recorded episode from the given file and using the perspective of the specified player.
Players are numbered from 1, player
equal to 0 results in replaying demo using perspective
of default player in the recording file.
After calling this method, the first state from replay will be available.
All rewards, variables and state are available during replaying episode.
See also:
C++ | bool isRunning() |
Lua | boolean isRunning() |
Java | boolean isRunning() |
Python | bool is_running() |
Checks if the ViZDoom game instance is running.
C++ | bool isMultiplayerGame() |
Lua | boolean isMultiplayerGame() |
Java | boolean isMultiplayerGame() |
Python | bool is_multiplayer_game() |
Added in 1.1.2
Checks if the game is in multiplayer mode.
C++ | void setAction(std::vector<double> const &actions) |
Lua | void setAction(DoubleTensor/table actions) |
Java | void setAction(double[] actions) |
Python | void set_action(list actions) |
Sets the player's action for the next tics.
Each value corresponds to a button specified with addAvailableButton
or in the configuration file (in order of appearance).
C++ | void advanceAction(unsigned int tics = 1, bool updateState = true) |
Lua | void advanceAction(number tics = 1, boolean updateState = true) |
Java | void advanceAction(int tics = 1, boolean updateState = true) |
Python | void advance_action(int tics = 1, bool updateState = True) |
Processes a specified number of tics. If updateState
is set the state will be updated after last processed tic
and a new reward will be calculated. To get new state use getState
and to get the new reward use getLastReward
If updateState
is not set the state will not be updated.
C++ | double makeAction(std::vector<double> const &actions, unsigned int tics = 1) |
Lua | number makeAction(DoubleTensor/table actions, number tics = 1); |
Java | double makeAction(double[] actions, int tics = 1); |
Python | float make_action(list actions, int tics = 1); |
Method combining usability of setAction
, advanceAction
and getLastReward
Sets the player's action for the next tics, processes a specified number of tics,
updates the state and calculates a new reward, which is returned.
C++ | bool isNewEpisode() |
Lua | boolean isNewEpisode() |
Java | boolean isNewEpisode() |
Python | bool is_new_episode() |
Returns true if the current episode is in the initial state - the first state, no actions were performed yet.
C++ | bool isEpisodeFinished() |
Lua | boolean isEpisodeFinished() |
Java | boolean isEpisodeFinished() |
Python | bool is_episode_finished() |
Returns true if the current episode is in the terminal state (is finished).
and advanceAction
methods will take no effect after this point (unless newEpisode
method is called).
C++ | bool isPlayerDead() |
Lua | boolean isPlayerDead() |
Java | boolean isPlayerDead() |
Python | bool is_player_dead() |
Returns true if the player is dead.
In singleplayer player death is equivalent to the end of the episode.
In multiplayer when the player is dead respawnPlayer
can be called.
C++ | void respawnPlayer() |
Lua | void respawnPlayer() |
Java | void respawnPlayer() |
Python | void respawn_player() |
This method respawns player after death in multiplayer mode. After calling this method, the first state after respawn will be available.
See also:
C++ | void sendGameCommand(std::string cmd) |
Lua | void sendGameCommand(string cmd) |
Java | void sendGameCommand(String cmd) |
Python | void send_game_command(str cmd) |
Sends the command to Doom console. Can be used for cheats, multiplayer etc. Some commands will be blocked in some modes.
See also: ZDoom Wiki
C++ | GameStatePtr (std::shared_ptr<GameState>) GameState getState() |
Lua | GameState getState() |
Java | GameState getState() |
Python | GameState get_state() |
Changed in 1.1.0
Returns GameState
object with the current game state.
If the game is not running or the current episode is finished nullptr/null/None
will be returned.
See also:
C++ | std::vector<double> getLastAction() |
Lua | DoubleTensor getLastAction() |
Java | double[] getLastAction() |
Python | list get_last_action() |
Returns the last action performed.
Each value corresponds to a button added with [addAvailableButton](#addAvailableButton)
(in order of appearance).
Most useful in SPECTATOR
C++ | unsigned int getEpisodeTime() |
Lua | number getEpisodeTime() |
Java | int getEpisodeTime() |
Python | int get_episode_time() |
Returns number of current episode tic.
C++ | std::vector<Button> getAvailableButtons() |
Lua | table getAvailableButtons() |
Java | Button[] getAvailableButtons() |
Python | list get_available_buttons() |
See also:
C++ | void setAvailableButtons(std::vector<Button> buttons) |
Lua | void addAvailableButton(table) |
Java | void addAvailableButton(Button[] buttons) |
Python | void add_available_button(list) |
Config key: availableButtons/available_buttons
See also:
C++ | void addAvailableButton(Button button, double maxValue = 0) |
Lua | void addAvailableButton(Button button, number maxValue = 0) |
Java | void addAvailableButton(Button button, double maxValue = 0) |
Python | void add_available_button(Button button, float maxValue = 0) |
Add Button
type (e.g. TURN_LEFT
) to Buttons
available in action
and sets the maximum allowed, absolute value for the specified button.
If the given button has already been added, it will not be added again, but the maximum value is overridden.
Config key: availableButtons/available_buttons
See also:
C++ | void clearAvailableButtons() |
Lua | void clearAvailableButtons() |
Java | void clearAvailableButtons() |
Python | void clear_available_buttons() |
Clears all available Buttons
added so far.
See also:
C++ | int getAvailableButtonsSize() |
Lua | number getAvailableButtonsSize() |
Java | int getAvailableButtonsSize() |
Python | int get_available_buttons_size() |
Returns the number of available Buttons
See also:
C++ | void setButtonMaxValue(Button button, double maxValue = 0) |
Lua | void setButtonMaxValue(Button button, number maxValue = 0) |
Java | void setButtonMaxValue(Button button, double maxValue = 0) |
Python | void set_button_max_value(Button button, float maxValue = 0) |
Sets the maximum allowed, absolute value for the specified button. Setting maximum value equal to 0 results in no constraint at all (infinity). This method makes sense only for delta buttons. Constraints limit applies in all Modes.
See also:
C++ | unsigned int getButtonMaxValue(Button button) |
Lua | number getButtonMaxValue(Button button) |
Java | int getButtonMaxValue(Button button) |
Python | int get_button_max_value(Button button) |
Returns the maximum allowed, absolute value for the specified button.
See also:
C++ | std::vector<GameVariable> getAvailableGameVariables() |
Lua | table getAvailableGameVariables() |
Java | GameVariable[] getAvailableGameVariables() |
Python | list get_available_game_variables() |
See also:
C++ | void setAvailableGameVariables(std::vector<GameVariable> variables) |
Lua | void setAvailableGameVariables(table variables) |
Java | void setAvailableGameVariables(GameVariable[] variables) |
Python | void set_available_game_variables(list variables) |
Config key: availableGameVariables/available_game_variables
See also:
C++ | void addAvailableGameVariable(GameVariable variable) |
Lua | void addAvailableGameVariable(GameVariable variable) |
Java | void addAvailableGameVariable(GameVariable variable) |
Python | void add_available_game_variable(GameVariable variable) |
Adds the specified GameVariable
to the list of game variables (e.g. HEALTH
that are included in the GameState
returned by getState
Config key: availableGameVariables/available_game_variables
See also:
C++ | void clearAvailableGameVariables() |
Lua | void clearAvailableGameVariables() |
Java | void clearAvailableGameVariables() |
Python | void clear_available_game_variables() |
Clears the list of available GameVariables
that are included in the GameState returned by getState
See also:
C++ | unsigned int getAvailableGameVariablesSize() |
Lua | number getAvailableGameVariablesSize() |
Java | int getAvailableGameVariablesSize() |
Python | int get_available_game_variables_size() |
Returns the number of available GameVariables
See also:
C++ | double getGameVariable(GameVariable variable) |
Lua | number getGameVariable(GameVariable variable) |
Java | double getGameVariable(GameVariable variable) |
Python | float get_game_variable(GameVariable variable) |
Returns the current value of the specified game variable (HEALTH
The specified game variable does not need to be among available game variables (included in the state).
It could be used for e.g. shaping. Returns 0 in case of not finding given GameVariable
See also:
C++ | void addGameArgs(std::string args) |
Lua | void addGameArgs(string args) |
Java | void addGameArgs(String args) |
Python | void add_game_args(str args) |
Adds a custom argument that will be passed to ViZDoom process during initialization. Useful for changing additional game settings.
Config key: gameArgs/game_args
See also:
C++ | void clearGameArgs() |
Lua | void clearGameArgs() |
Java | void clearGameArgs() |
Python | void clear_game_args() |
Clears all arguments previously added with addGameArgs
C++ | double getLivingReward() |
Lua | number getLivingReward() |
Java | double getLivingReward() |
Python | double get_living_reward() |
Returns the reward granted to the player after every tic.
C++ | void setLivingReward(double livingReward) |
Lua | void setLivingReward(number livingReward) |
Java | void setLivingReward(double livingReward) |
Python | void set_living_reward(float livingReward) |
Sets the reward granted to the player after every tic. A negative value is also allowed.
Default value: 0
Config key: livingReward/living_reward
C++ | double getDeathPenalty() |
Lua | double getDeathPenalty() |
Java | double getDeathPenalty() |
Python | double get_death_penalty() |
Returns the penalty for player's death.
C++ | void setDeathPenalty(double deathPenalty) |
Lua | void setDeathPenalty(number deathPenalty) |
Java | void setDeathPenalty(double deathPenalty) |
Python | void set_death_penalty(float deathPenalty) |
Sets a penalty for player's death. Note that in case of a negative value, the player will be rewarded upon dying.
Default value: 0
Config key: deathPenalty/death_penalty
C++ | double getLastReward() |
Lua | number getLastReward() |
Java | double getLastReward() |
Python | float get_last_reward() |
Returns a reward granted after the last update of state.
C++ | double getTotalReward() |
Lua | number getTotalReward() |
Java | double getTotalReward() |
Python | float get_total_reward() |
Returns the sum of all rewards gathered in the current episode.
C++ | bool loadConfig(std::string filePath) |
Lua | boolean loadConfig(string filePath) |
Java | boolean loadConfig(String filePath) |
Python | bool load_config(str filePath) |
Loads configuration (resolution, available buttons, game variables etc.) from a configuration file. In case of multiple invocations, older configurations will be overwritten by the recent ones. Overwriting does not involve resetting to default values. Thus only overlapping parameters will be changed. The method returns true if the whole configuration file was correctly read and applied, false if the file contained errors.
See also:
C++ | Mode getMode() |
Lua | Mode getMode() |
Java | Mode getMode() |
Python | Mode get_mode() |
Returns current mode.
C++ | void setMode(Mode mode) |
Lua | void setMode(Mode mode) |
Java | void setMode(Mode mode) |
Python | void set_mode(Mode mode) |
Sets mode (PLAYER
) in which the game will be running.
Default value: PLAYER
Config key: mode
See also:
C++ | unsigned int getTicrate() |
Lua | number getTicrate() |
Java | int getTicrate() |
Python | int get_ticrate() |
Added in 1.1.0
Returns current ticrate.
C++ | void setTicrate(unsigned int ticrate) |
Lua | void setTicrate(number ticrate) |
Java | void setTicrate(int ticrate) |
Python | void set_ticrate(int ticrate) |
Added in 1.1.0
Sets ticrate for ASNYC Modes - number of tics executed per second.
Default value: 35 (default Doom ticrate).
Config key: ticrate
See also:
C++ | void setViZDoomPath(std::string filePath) |
Lua | void setViZDoomPath(string filePath) |
Java | void setViZDoomPath(String filePath) |
Python | void set_vizdoom_path(str filePath) |
Sets path to ViZDoom engine executable.
Default value: "$VIZDOOM.SO_LOCATION/vizdoom", "vizdoom.exe" on Windows.
Config key: ViZDoomPath/vizdoom_path
C++ | void setDoomGamePath(std::string filePath) |
Lua | void setDoomGamePath(string filePath) |
Java | void setDoomGamePath(String filePath) |
Python | void set_doom_game_path(str filePath) |
Sets path to the Doom engine based game file (wad format). If not used DoomGame will look for doom2.wad and freedoom2.wad (in that order) in the directory of ViZDoom's installation (where vizdoom.so is).
Default value: "$VIZDOOM.SO_LOCATION/{doom2.wad or freedoom2.wad}"
Config key: DoomGamePath/doom_game_path
C++ | void setDoomScenarioPath(std::string filePath) |
Lua | void setDoomScenarioPath(string filePath) |
Java | void setDoomScenarioPath(String filePath) |
Python | void set_doom_scenario_path(str filePath) |
Sets path to additional scenario file (wad format).
Default value: ""
Config key: DoomScenarioPath/set_doom_scenario_path
C++ | void setDoomMap(std::string map) |
Lua | void setDoomMap(string map) |
Java | void setDoomMap(String map) |
Python | void set_doom_map(str map) |
Sets the map name to be used.
Default value: "map01", if set to empty "map01" will be used.
Config key: DoomMap/doom_map
C++ | void setDoomSkill(int skill) |
Lua | void setDoomSkill(number skill) |
Java | void setDoomSkill(int skill) |
Python | void setDoomSkill(int skill) |
Sets Doom game difficulty level which is called skill in Doom. The higher is the skill, the harder the game becomes. Skill level affects monsters' aggressiveness, monsters' speed, weapon damage, ammunition quantities etc. Takes effect from the next episode.
- 1 - VERY EASY, “I'm Too Young to Die” in Doom.
- 2 - EASY, “Hey, Not Too Rough" in Doom.
- 3 - NORMAL, “Hurt Me Plenty” in Doom.
- 4 - HARD, “Ultra-Violence” in Doom.
- 5 - VERY HARD, “Nightmare!” in Doom.
Default value: 3
Config key: DoomSkill/doom_skill
C++ | void setDoomConfigPath(std::string filePath) |
Lua | void setDoomConfigPath(string filePath) |
Java | void setDoomConfigPath(String filePath) |
Python | void set_doom_config_path(str filePath) |
Sets path for ViZDoom engine configuration file. The file is responsible for configuration of Doom engine itself. If it does not exist, it will be created after vizdoom executable is run. This method is not needed for most of the tasks and is added for convenience of users with hacking tendencies.
Default value: "", if left empty "_vizdoom.ini" will be used.
Config key: DoomConfigPath/doom_config_path
C++ | unsigned int getSeed() |
Lua | number getSeed() |
Java | int getSeed() |
Python | int getSeed() |
Return ViZDoom's seed.
C++ | void setSeed(unsigned int seed) |
Lua | void setSeed(number seed) |
Java | void setSeed(int seed) |
Python | void set_seed(int seed) |
Sets the seed of the ViZDoom's RNG that generates seeds (initial state) for episodes.
Default value: randomized in constructor
Config key: seed
See also:
C++ | unsigned int getEpisodeStartTime() |
Lua | number getEpisodeStartTime() |
Java | int getEpisodeStartTime() |
Python | int get_episode_start_time() |
Returns start delay of every episode in tics.
C++ | void setEpisodeStartTime(unsigned int tics) |
Lua | void setEpisodeStartTime(number tics) |
Java | void setEpisodeStartTime(int tics) |
Python | void set_episode_start_time(int tics) |
Sets start delay of every episode in tics. Every episode will effectively start (from the user's perspective) after given number of tics.
Default value: 1
Config key: episodeStartTime/episode_start_time
C++ | unsigned int getEpisodeTimeout() |
Lua | number getEpisodeTimeout() |
Java | int getEpisodeTimeout() |
Python | int get_episode_timeout() |
Returns the number of tics after which the episode will be finished.
C++ | void setEpisodeTimeout(unsigned int tics) |
Lua | void setEpisodeTimeout(number tics) |
Java | void setEpisodeTimeout(int tics) |
Python | void set_episode_timeout(int tics) |
Sets the number of tics after which the episode will be finished. 0 will result in no timeout.
Config key: episodeTimeout/episode_timeout
C++ | void setScreenResolution(ScreenResolution resolution) |
Lua | void setScreenResolution(ScreenResolution resolution) |
Java | void setScreenResolution(ScreenResolution resolution) |
Python | void set_screen_resolution(ScreenResolution resolution) |
Sets the screen resolution. ZDoom engine supports only specific resolutions,
supported resolutions are part of ScreenResolution enumeration (e.g. RES_320X240
, RES_640X480
, RES_1920X1080
The buffers as well as the content of ViZDoom's display window will be affected.
Default value: RES_320X240
Config key: screenResolution/screen_resolution
See also:
C++ | ScreenFormat getScreenFormat() |
Lua | ScreenFormat getScreenFormat() |
Java | ScreenFormat getScreenFormat() |
Python | ScreenFormat get_screen_format() |
Returns the format of the screen buffer and the automap buffer.
C++ | void setScreenFormat(ScreenFormat format) |
Lua | void setScreenFormat(ScreenFormat format) |
Java | void setScreenFormat(ScreenFormat format) |
Python | void set_screen_format(ScreenFormat format) |
Sets the format of the screen buffer and the automap buffer.
Supported formats are defined in ScreenFormat
enumeration type (e.g. CRCGCB
, RGB24
The format change affects only the buffers so it will not have any effect on the content of ViZDoom's display window.
Default value: CRCGCB
Config key: screenFormat/screen_format
See also:
C++ | bool isDepthBufferEnabled() |
Lua | boolean isDepthBufferEnabled() |
Java | boolean isDepthBufferEnabled() |
Python | bool isDepthBufferEnabled() |
Added in 1.1.0
Returns true if the depth buffer is enabled.
C++ | void setDepthBufferEnabled(bool depthBuffer) |
Lua | void setDepthBufferEnabled(boolean depthBuffer) |
Java | void setDepthBufferEnabled(boolean depthBuffer) |
Python | void set_depth_buffer_enabled(bool depthBuffer) |
Added in 1.1.0
Enables rendering of the depth buffer, it will be available in the state.
Depth buffer will contain noise if viz_nocheat
is enabled.
Default value: false
Config key: depthBufferEnabled/depth_buffer_enabled
See also:
C++ | bool isLabelsBufferEnabled() |
Lua | boolean isLabelsBufferEnabled() |
Java | boolean isLabelsBufferEnabled() |
Python | bool isLabelsBufferEnabled() |
Added in 1.1.0
Returns true if the labels buffer is enabled.
C++ | void setLabelsBufferEnabled(bool labelsBuffer) |
Lua | void setLabelsBufferEnabled(boolean labelsBuffer) |
Java | void setLabelsBufferEnabled(boolean labelsBuffer) |
Python | void set_labels_buffer_enabled(bool labelsBuffer) |
Added in 1.1.0
Enables rendering of the labels buffer, it will be available in the state with the vector of Label
LabelsBuffer will contain noise if viz_nocheat
is enabled.
Default value: false
Config key: labelsBufferEnabled/labels_buffer_enabled
See also:
C++ | bool isAutomapBufferEnabled() |
Lua | boolean isAutomapBufferEnabled() |
Java | boolean isAutomapBufferEnabled() |
Python | bool isAutomapBufferEnabled() |
Added in 1.1.0
Returns true if the automap buffer is enabled.
C++ | void setAutomapBufferEnabled(bool automapBuffer) |
Lua | void setAutomapBufferEnabled(boolean automapBuffer) |
Java | void setAutomapBufferEnabled(boolean automapBuffer) |
Python | void set_automap_buffer_enabled(bool automapBuffer) |
Added in 1.1.0
Enables rendering of the automap buffer, it will be available in the state.
Default value: false
Config key: automapBufferEnabled/automap_buffer_enabled
See also:
C++ | void setAutomapMode(AutomapMode mode) |
Lua | void setAutomapMode(AutomapMode mode) |
Java | void setAutomapMode(AutomapMode mode) |
Python | void set_automap_mode(AutomapMode mode) |
Added in 1.1.0
Sets the automap mode (NORMAL
) with determine what will be visible on it.
Default value: NORMAL
Config key: automapMode/set_automap_mode
See also:
C++ | void setAutomapRotate(bool rotate) |
Lua | void setAutomapRotate(boolean rotate) |
Java | void setAutomapRotate(boolean rotate) |
Python | void set_automap_rotate(bool rotate) |
Added in 1.1.0
Determine if the automap will be rotating with the player. If false, north always will be at the top of the buffer.
Default value: false
Config key: automapRotate/automap_rotate
C++ | void setAutomapRenderTextures(bool textures) |
Lua | void setAutomapRenderTextures(boolean textures) |
Java | void setAutomapRenderTextures(boolean textures) |
Python | void set_automap_render_textures(bool textures) |
Added in 1.1.0
Determine if the automap will be textured, showing the floor textures.
Default value: true
Config key: automapRenderTextures/automap_render_textures
C++ | void setRenderHud(bool hud) |
Lua | void setRenderHud(boolean hud) |
Java | void setRenderHud(boolean hud) |
Python | void set_render_hud(bool hud) |
Determine if the hud will be rendered in game.
Default value: false
Config key: renderHud/render_hud
C++ | void setRenderMinimalHud(bool minHud) |
Lua | void setRenderMinimalHud(boolean minHud) |
Java | void setRenderMinimalHud(boolean minHud) |
Python | void set_render_minimal_hud(bool minHud) |
Added in 1.1.0
Determine if the minimalistic version of the hud will be rendered instead of the full hud.
Default value: false
Config key: renderMinimalHud/render_minimal_hud
C++ | void setRenderWeapon(bool weapon) |
Lua | void setRenderWeapon(boolean weapon) |
Java | void setRenderWeapon(boolean weapon) |
Python | void set_render_weapon(bool weapon) |
Determine if the weapon held by the player will be rendered in game.
Default value: true
Config key: renderWeapon/render_weapon
C++ | void setRenderCrosshair(bool crosshair) |
Lua | void setRenderCrosshair(boolean crosshair) |
Java | void setRenderCrosshair(boolean crosshair) |
Python | void set_render_crosshair(bool crosshair) |
Determine if the crosshair will be rendered in game.
Default value: false
Config key: renderCrosshair/render_crosshair
C++ | void setRenderDecals(bool decals) |
Lua | void setRenderDecals(boolean decals) |
Java | void setRenderDecals(boolean decals) |
Python | void set_render_decals(bool decals) |
Determine if the decals (marks on the walls) will be rendered in game.
Default value: true
Config key: renderDecals/render_decals
C++ | void setRenderParticles(bool particles) |
Lua | void setRenderParticles(boolean particles) |
Java | void setRenderParticles(boolean particles) |
Python | void set_render_particles(bool particles) |
Determine if the particles will be rendered in game.
Default value: true
Config key: renderParticles/render_particles
C++ | void setRenderEffectsSprites(bool sprites) |
Lua | void setRenderEffectsSprites(boolean sprites) |
Java | void setRenderEffectsSprites(boolean sprites) |
Python | void set_render_effects_sprites(bool sprites) |
Added in 1.1.0
Determine if some effects sprites (gun puffs, blood splats etc.) will be rendered in game.
Default value: true
Config key: renderEffectsSprites/render_effects_sprites
C++ | void setRenderMessages(bool messages) |
Lua | void setRenderMessages(boolean messages) |
Java | void setRenderMessages(boolean messages) |
Python | void set_render_messages(bool messages) |
Added in 1.1.0
Determine if ingame messages (information about pickups, kills etc.) will be rendered in game.
Default value: false
Config key: renderMessages/render_messages
C++ | void setRenderCorpses(bool corpses) |
Lua | void setRenderCorpses(boolean corpses) |
Java | void setRenderCorpses(boolean corpses) |
Python | void set_render_corpsess(bool corpses) |
Added in 1.1.0
Determine if actors' corpses will be rendered in game.
Default value: true
Config key: renderCorpses/render_corpses
C++ | void setRenderScreenFlashes(bool flashes) |
Lua | void setRenderScreenFlashes(boolean flashes) |
Java | void setRenderScreenFlashes(boolean flashes) |
Python | void set_render_screen_flashes(bool flashes) |
Added in 1.1.3
Determine if the screen flash effect upon taking damage or picking up items will be rendered in game.
Default value: true
Config key: renderScreenFlashes/render_screen_flashes
C++ | void setRenderAllFrames(bool allFrames) |
Lua | void setRenderAllFrames(boolean allFrames) |
Java | void setRenderAllFrames(boolean allFrames) |
Python | void set_render_all_frames(bool all_frames) |
Added in 1.1.3
Determine if all frames between states will be rendered (when skip greater then 1 is used). Allows smooth preview, but can reduce performance. It only makes sense to use it if the window is visible.
Default value: false
Config key: renderAllFrames/render_all_frames
See also:
C++ | void setWindowVisible(bool visibility) |
Lua | void setWindowVisible(boolean visibility) |
Java | void setWindowVisible(boolean visibility) |
Python | void set_window_visible(bool visibility) |
Determines if ViZDoom's window will be visible. ViZDoom with window disabled can be used on Linux system without X Server.
Default value: false
Config key: windowVisible/window_visible
C++ | void setConsoleEnabled(bool console) |
Lua | void setConsoleEnabled(boolean console) |
Java | void setConsoleEnabled(boolean console) |
Python | void set_console_enabled(bool console) |
Determines if ViZDoom's console output will be enabled.
Default value: false
Config key: consoleEnabled/console_enabled
C++ | void setSoundEnabled(bool sound) |
Lua | void setSoundEnabled(boolean sound) |
Java | void setSoundEnabled(boolean sound) |
Python | void set_sound_enabled(bool sound) |
Determines if ViZDoom's sound will be played.
Default value: false
Config key: soundEnabled/sound_enabled
C++ | int getScreenWidth() |
Lua | number getScreenWidth() |
Java | int getScreenWidth() |
Python | int get_screen_width() |
Returns game's screen width - width of all buffers.
C++ | int getScreenHeight() |
Lua | number getScreenHeight() |
Java | int getScreenHeight() |
Python | int get_screen_height() |
Returns game's screen height - height of all buffers.
C++ | int getScreenChannels() |
Lua | number getScreenChannels() |
Java | int getScreenChannels() |
Python | int get_screen_channels() |
Returns number of channels in screen buffer and map buffer (depth and labels buffer always have one channel).
C++ | size_t getScreenPitch() |
Lua | number getScreenPitch() |
Java | int getScreenPitch() |
Python | int get_screen_pitch() |
Returns size in bytes of one row in screen buffer and map buffer.
C++ | size_t getScreenSize() |
Lua | number getScreenSize() |
Java | int getScreenSize() |
Python | int get_screen_size() |
Returns size in bytes of screen buffer and map buffer.