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How to run local dev


First of all, you need to run Mysql/MariaDB database, where the application can store its data. Other prerequisites is to have installed PHP >= 7.2.5, composer and Symfony CLI. I recommend setting all available on console.

When these criteria are met, you can clone backend project from GitHub.

git clone

cd thesis

Then you can install dependencies through composer.

composer install

To set up connection to your database open file .env and set variable DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:password@address:port/database_name?serverVersion=X.X On the dev server, you should have APP_ENV=dev and APP_DEBUG=1.

In file Constants.php you should set up ENDPOINT constant, on localhost typically https://localhost:8000/rest/ which is already set.

Then you can fill the database using a script or use a prepared command in composer.json. To prepare the database and its structure you can run composer prepare:database:create this command on the first drop database. So if you don't have it, it fails. This command is better to use in process of development. When you would like to create database and load data you should use prepare:database or prepare:database:prod. So for first, you have to run php bin/console doctrine:database:create to create database and php bin/console doctrine:mig:mig -n to create tables.

To insert data you can use php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group=dev -n --group=dev can be change to prod. On dev is testing data and in prod, there are more data similar to production. Same dev/prod difference like in lines above.

But for really production data you need to use create-insert script. For the first run, you need to comment first lines where are commands to drop tables, that you don't have in the database. But when you used it periodically it can be appropriate to have them there. Create script assume that database is already created and launched.

To test HTTPS you need to run symfony server:ca:install

To start dev server use Symfony CLI symfony server:start

To stop server use symfony server:stop

To run tests you should run composer test

When you approach to /api/doc there is a documentation page for REST API.


Prerequisites for the frontend is to have npm installed.

Clone project from GitHub.

git clone

cd thesis-frontend-react

Then install dependecias via npm.

npm install

In file Constatns.ts you have to set up backend ENDPOINT and URL_PREFIX for the frontend. Optionally you can set up several decimal places for mass and set if ID is showing on tables. In Finder, you can set up a proxy in ENDPOINTS. Actually is proxy set in files NorineFinder, ChebiFinder, CoconutFinder and NPAtlasFinder on variable ENDPOINT_URI.

Run server by npm start

If you would like to build code, run npm build and for tests run npm test


To test on local machine I recommend use browser without CORS policy check. But never use this for real browsing. Example:

”C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” — disable-web-security — disable-gpu — user-data-dir=~/chromeTemp