The following library can be used to check if a number is greater than another using bulletproofs
This is based on
- Node.js
- Basic undrstanding of cryptography
- Knowledge of the working of Self sovereign Identity
- Generate the initial Pedersen Commitment for the value of x1 run
node prover.js
.This would be signed by the issuer using his privatekey you should see output likeGenerated commitment,randomness and token
- Send the commitment token to the Holder, who in turn will pass it to a verifier
- The Verifier will verify the signature on the token and decode it to recover the commitment. The Verifier will generate a commitment for the value of
and subtract it from the original comitment and send it back to the holder. runnode verifier.js
Output should be
Verified token true Recovered pedcomm commitment <EC Point x: 4fbaa4a7f27e11a76579bf6625df28731ce07859cb64a117e7b389df1e45c614 y: 24c7feb300efd2141456c9a7ecfa77ce35ffa2f9be2554a6e9f972aaf11e58b0> Generated new commitment by subtracting prover commitment from verifier commitment
- The Holder generates the proof for the same using commitment from the verifier. run
node prover.js proof
output will beproof generated
- The Verifier verifies this proof
node verifier.js verify
output will be
The provided proof that x>a is true