Planguage is a planning language that uses these keywords:
- Tag: A unique, persistent identifier
- Gist: A brief summary of the requirement or area addressed
- Requirement: The text that details the requirement itself
- Rationale: The reasoning that justifies the requirement
- Priority: A statement of priority and claim on resources
- Stakeholders: Parties materially affected by the requirement
- Status: The status of the requirement (draft, reviewed, committed, etc.)
- Owner: The person responsible for implementing the requirement
- Author: The person that wrote the requirement
- Revision: A version number for the statement
- Date: The date of the most recent revision
- Assumptions: Anything that could cause problems if untrue now or later
- Risks: Anything that could cause malfunction, delay, or other negative impacts
- Defined: The definition of a term (better to use a glossary)