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Update Dockerfile
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pradeepkl authored Dec 2, 2024
1 parent 558756f commit 7b2c2dc
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 34 deletions.
83 changes: 49 additions & 34 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,42 +1,57 @@
# Set of commands to create a docker image
# the instructions to convert our application to a docker image
# Base image
# docker commands
FROM openjdk:11-jdk-slim as builder

# Build stage
FROM eclipse-temurin:11-jdk-jammy as builder
#copies file/directory from src location to destination location
COPY mvnw .
COPY .mvn .mvn
COPY pom.xml .

# Run the dos2unix command
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dos2unix

#creates a container
# Ensure the Maven wrapper is executable and convert line endings
RUN dos2unix mvnw && chmod +x mvnw && ./mvnw -B dependency:go-offline
#builds an image and disposes the container

COPY src src
RUN ./mvnw package -DskipTests

RUN mkdir -p target/dependency && (cd target/dependency; jar -xf ../*.jar)
# Add non-root user
RUN addgroup --system --gid 1001 appgroup && \
adduser --system --uid 1001 --group appgroup

# Copy maven files first for better caching
COPY --chown=appgroup:appgroup mvnw .
COPY --chown=appgroup:appgroup .mvn .mvn
COPY --chown=appgroup:appgroup pom.xml .

# Fix line endings and download dependencies
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends dos2unix && \
dos2unix mvnw && \
chmod +x mvnw && \
./mvnw dependency:go-offline && \
apt-get remove -y dos2unix && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Copy source and build with layers
COPY --chown=appgroup:appgroup src src
RUN ./mvnw package -DskipTests && \
java -Djarmode=layertools -jar target/*.jar extract

# Runtime stage
FROM eclipse-temurin:11-jre-jammy as runtime

# Add non-root user
RUN addgroup --system --gid 1001 appgroup && \
adduser --system --uid 1001 --group appgroup && \
mkdir -p /app/logs && \
chown -R appgroup:appgroup /app

FROM openjdk:11.0.13-jre-slim-buster as stage
# Copy layers in order of least to most likely to change
COPY --from=builder --chown=appgroup:appgroup /app/dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder --chown=appgroup:appgroup /app/spring-boot-loader/ ./
COPY --from=builder --chown=appgroup:appgroup /app/snapshot-dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder --chown=appgroup:appgroup /app/application/ ./

ARG DEPENDENCY=/app/target/dependency
# Configure container
USER appgroup

# Copy the dependency application file from builder stage artifact
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/BOOT-INF/lib /app/lib
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/META-INF /app/META-INF
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/BOOT-INF/classes /app
# Health check
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=3s \
CMD curl -f http://localhost:8081/actuator/health || exit 1

# just for development purpose
RUN apt update && apt install -y curl
# JVM configuration for containers
ENV JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0 -XX:InitialRAMPercentage=50.0 -XX:+UseContainerSupport"

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-cp", "app:app/lib/*", "com.classpathio.order.OrderMicroserviceApplication"]
# Start application
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "java $JAVA_OPTS org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]

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