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Spring Boot Docker Image Deployment to GCP Artifact Registry

This repository contains the setup for deploying a Spring Boot application Docker image to Google Cloud Platform's Artifact Registry using GitHub Actions and Workload Identity Federation. There are two options for setting up the infrastructure:

Option 1: Using GCP CLI Commands Option 2: Using Terraform


Before starting the setup, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Required Accounts and Access

  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Account

    • Active billing account enabled
    • Owner or Editor role permissions
    • Project created in GCP Console
  2. GitHub Account

    • Repository with Spring Boot application code
    • Permissions to add GitHub Actions workflows
    • Access to repository settings

Local Development Environment

1. Install Google Cloud SDK

# Download and install from:

# Verify installation
gcloud --version

# Initialize and authenticate
gcloud init
gcloud auth login

2. Install Docker

# Download and install from:

# Verify installation
docker --version

3. Install Terraform (Required for Option 2 only)

# Download and install from:

# Verify installation
terraform --version

Enable Required GCP APIs

# Windows single line command
gcloud services enable && gcloud services enable && gcloud services enable

# Expanded version
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

Configure GCP Project

  1. Set your project ID:
# List your projects
gcloud projects list

# Set the active project
gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
  1. Verify project configuration:
# Check current project
gcloud config get-value project

# Check enabled APIs
gcloud services list --enabled

Required Permissions

Ensure your GCP account has the following roles:

  • roles/iam.workloadIdentityPoolAdmin
  • roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
  • roles/artifactregistry.admin
# Grant necessary roles (if needed)
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_ID \
    --member="user:[email protected]" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_ID \
    --member="user:[email protected]" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_ID \
    --member="user:[email protected]" \

Repository Requirements

  1. Dockerfile in repository root
  2. Valid Spring Boot application
  3. .github/workflows directory (will be created during setup)

Environment Variables Needed

Make note of the following values that you'll need during setup:

  • YOUR_PROJECT_ID: Your GCP project ID
  • YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER: Your GCP project number (can be found in project settings)
  • YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME: Your GitHub username
  • YOUR_REPO_NAME: Your GitHub repository name
  • YOUR_REPOSITORY: Name for your Artifact Registry repository
  • YOUR_IMAGE_NAME: Name for your Docker image

Verify Setup

Run these commands to ensure everything is properly installed and configured:

# Check GCloud SDK
gcloud --version

# Check Docker
docker --version

# Check Terraform (if using Option 2)
terraform --version

# Verify GCP authentication
gcloud auth list

# Check project configuration
gcloud config get-value project

Next Steps

Once all prerequisites are met, you can proceed with either:

  • Option 1: Setup using GCP CLI Commands
  • Option 2: Setup using Terraform

Choose the option that best fits your infrastructure management preferences.

Option 1: Setup using GCP CLI Commands

  • Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled
  • GitHub repository with Spring Boot application
  • gcloud CLI installed and initialized
  • Docker installed locally (for testing)
  • Required GCP APIs enabled:
    # Windows single line
    gcloud services enable && gcloud services enable && gcloud services enable
    # Expanded version
    gcloud services enable
    gcloud services enable
    gcloud services enable

Initial Setup

1. Set Project

# Verify current project
gcloud config get-value project

# Set project if needed
gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

2. Create Workload Identity Pool

# Windows single line
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create github-pool-new --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global --display-name="GitHub Actions Pool"
# Expanded version
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create "github-pool-new" \
  --project="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" \
  --location="global" \
  --display-name="GitHub Actions Pool"

3. Verify Pool Creation

# Windows single line
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools describe github-pool-new --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global
# Expanded version
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools describe "github-pool-new" \
  --project="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" \

4. Create Workload Identity Provider

# Windows single line
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc github-provider --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global --workload-identity-pool=github-pool-new --display-name="GitHub provider" --attribute-mapping="google.subject=assertion.sub,attribute.repository=assertion.repository" --issuer-uri="" --attribute-condition="assertion.repository=='YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/YOUR_REPO_NAME'"
# Expanded version
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc "github-provider" \
  --project="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" \
  --location="global" \
  --workload-identity-pool="github-pool-new" \
  --display-name="GitHub provider" \
  --attribute-mapping="google.subject=assertion.sub,attribute.repository=assertion.repository" \
  --issuer-uri="" \

5. Create Service Account

# Windows single line
gcloud iam service-accounts create github-actions --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --display-name="GitHub Actions Service Account"
# Expanded version
gcloud iam service-accounts create github-actions \
  --project="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" \
  --display-name="GitHub Actions Service Account"

6. Create Artifact Registry Repository

# Windows single line
gcloud artifacts repositories create YOUR_REPOSITORY --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --repository-format=docker --location=asia-south1 --description="Docker repository for Spring Boot applications"
# Expanded version
gcloud artifacts repositories create YOUR_REPOSITORY \
  --project="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" \
  --repository-format=docker \
  --location=asia-south1 \
  --description="Docker repository for Spring Boot applications"

7. Configure IAM Permissions

# Windows single line
gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_REPOSITORY --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=asia-south1 --member="" --role="roles/artifactregistry.writer"
# Get your project number (needed for next step)
gcloud projects describe YOUR_PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"
# Windows single line - Use project number from previous step
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" --member="principalSet://"

Option 2: Setup using Terraform

1. Create Terraform Configuration Files

Create a new directory for your Terraform configuration and create the following files:

# Configure the Google Cloud provider
provider "google" {
  project = var.project_id
  region  = "asia-south1"

# Variables
variable "project_id" {
  description = "GCP Project ID"
  type        = string

variable "github_repo" {
  description = "GitHub repository in format 'owner/repository'"
  type        = string

# Workload Identity Pool
resource "google_iam_workload_identity_pool" "github_pool" {
  workload_identity_pool_id = "github-pool-new"
  display_name             = "GitHub Actions Pool"
  description             = "Identity pool for GitHub Actions"

# Workload Identity Provider
resource "google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider" "github_provider" {
  workload_identity_pool_id          = google_iam_workload_identity_pool.github_pool.workload_identity_pool_id
  workload_identity_pool_provider_id = "github-provider"
  display_name                       = "GitHub provider"
  attribute_mapping = {
    "google.subject"       = "assertion.sub"
    "attribute.repository" = "assertion.repository"
  oidc {
    issuer_uri = ""

# Service Account
resource "google_service_account" "github_actions" {
  account_id   = "github-actions"
  display_name = "GitHub Actions Service Account"
  description  = "Service account for GitHub Actions"

# Artifact Registry Repository
resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "docker_repo" {
  location      = "asia-south1"
  repository_id = var.repository_name
  description   = "Docker repository for container images"
  format        = "DOCKER"

# IAM binding for Artifact Registry
resource "google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_member" "github_actions_writer" {
  location   = google_artifact_registry_repository.docker_repo.location
  repository =
  role       = "roles/artifactregistry.writer"
  member     = "serviceAccount:${}"

# IAM binding for Workload Identity User
resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "workload_identity_user" {
  service_account_id =
  role               = "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser"
  member             = "principalSet://${var.project_id}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/${google_iam_workload_identity_pool.github_pool.workload_identity_pool_id}/attribute.repository/${var.github_repo}"

# Outputs
output "workload_identity_provider" {
  description = "Workload Identity Provider resource name"
  value       = "projects/${var.project_id}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/${google_iam_workload_identity_pool.github_pool.workload_identity_pool_id}/providers/${google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider.github_provider.workload_identity_pool_provider_id}"

output "service_account_email" {
  description = "Service Account email"
  value       =

output "artifact_registry_repository" {
  description = "Artifact Registry repository path"
  value       = "${google_artifact_registry_repository.docker_repo.location}${var.project_id}/${google_artifact_registry_repository.docker_repo.repository_id}"


project_id     = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
repository_name = "YOUR_REPOSITORY"

2. Initialize and Apply Terraform Configuration

# Initialize Terraform
terraform init

# Preview changes
terraform plan

# Apply configuration
terraform apply

3. Update GitHub Actions Workflow

Use the outputs from Terraform to update your GitHub Actions workflow file (same as in Option 1).

Terraform Teardown Process

To destroy all resources created by Terraform:

# Preview what will be destroyed
terraform plan -destroy

# Destroy resources
terraform destroy

Additional Terraform Troubleshooting

  1. Terraform State Issues:

    • Ensure you're in the correct directory
    • Check if terraform.tfstate exists
    • Verify state is not corrupted
  2. Provider Authentication:

    • Ensure you're authenticated with GCP
    • Check if required APIs are enabled
    • Verify project permissions
  3. Resource Dependencies:

    • Let Terraform handle the deletion order
    • If stuck, check for external dependencies
    • Manual cleanup might be needed for locked resources

GitHub Actions Workflow Setup

Create .github/workflows/build-push.yml with the following content:

name: Build and Push to GCP

    branches: [ "master" ]
    branches: [ "master" ]

  GAR_LOCATION: asia-south1
  contents: read
  id-token: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Google Auth
      id: auth
      uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
        workload_identity_provider: 'projects/YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/github-pool-new/providers/github-provider'
        service_account: ''
        token_format: 'access_token'

    - name: Docker Auth
      uses: 'docker/login-action@v3'
        registry: '${{ env.GAR_LOCATION }}'
        username: 'oauth2accesstoken'
        password: '${{ steps.auth.outputs.access_token }}'

    - name: Build and Push Container
      uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
        context: .
        push: true
        tags: |
          ${{ env.GAR_LOCATION }}${{ env.PROJECT_ID }}/${{ env.REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ github.sha }}
          ${{ env.GAR_LOCATION }}${{ env.PROJECT_ID }}/${{ env.REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:latest

Important Notes

  1. Replace placeholders:

    • YOUR_PROJECT_ID: Your GCP project ID
    • YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER: Your GCP project number
    • YOUR_REPOSITORY: Your Artifact Registry repository name
    • YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME: Your GitHub username
    • YOUR_REPO_NAME: Your GitHub repository name
    • YOUR_IMAGE_NAME: Desired name for your Docker image
  2. Critical Points:

    • Use project number (not project ID) in workload identity provider path
    • Ensure all GCP APIs are enabled before starting
    • Verify resource creation after each step
    • Maintain exact case sensitivity in repository names


  1. Check Workload Identity Pool:
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools describe github-pool-new --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global
  1. Verify Service Account:
gcloud iam service-accounts describe
  1. Check Artifact Registry Repository:
gcloud artifacts repositories list --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=asia-south1

Teardown Process

Follow these steps to clean up all created resources. Execute them in order to properly remove all dependencies.

1. Delete Artifact Registry Repository

# Windows single line
gcloud artifacts repositories delete YOUR_REPOSITORY --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=asia-south1 --quiet
# Expanded version
gcloud artifacts repositories delete YOUR_REPOSITORY \
  --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID \
  --location=asia-south1 \

2. Remove Service Account IAM Bindings

# Windows single line
gcloud iam service-accounts remove-iam-policy-binding --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" --member="principalSet://"

3. Delete Service Account

# Windows single line
gcloud iam service-accounts delete --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --quiet
# Expanded version
gcloud iam service-accounts delete \
  --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID \

4. Delete Workload Identity Pool Provider

# Windows single line
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers delete github-provider --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global --workload-identity-pool=github-pool-new --quiet
# Expanded version
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers delete github-provider \
  --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID \
  --location=global \
  --workload-identity-pool=github-pool-new \

5. Delete Workload Identity Pool

# Windows single line
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools delete github-pool-new --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global --quiet
# Expanded version
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools delete github-pool-new \
  --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID \
  --location=global \

6. Verify Resource Deletion

# Check if Artifact Registry repository is deleted
gcloud artifacts repositories list --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=asia-south1

# Check if Service Account is deleted
gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID

# Check if Workload Identity Pool is deleted
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools list --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --location=global


  1. Pool Already Exists Error:

    • Use gcloud iam workload-identity-pools list to check existing pools
    • Create pool with a different name if needed
  2. Invalid Argument for Identity Pool:

    • Verify project number is used (not project ID)
    • Check repository name case sensitivity
    • Ensure all slashes and quotes are correct
  3. Docker Authentication Error:

    • Verify token_format: 'access_token' is set in workflow
    • Check service account permissions
    • Ensure Artifact Registry API is enabled
  4. Permission Denied:

    • Verify APIs are enabled
    • Check service account roles
    • Ensure correct project is set
  5. Resource Busy During Deletion:

    • Wait a few minutes and try again
    • Check for dependencies in the GCP Console
    • Ensure no active workloads are using the resources
  6. Dependencies Still Exist During Deletion:

    • Follow the deletion order as specified
    • Check for any custom IAM bindings
    • Look for any custom configurations in GCP Console