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What the FAQ

Dmitry Ivanov edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 11 revisions

I've encountered a bug, what do I do?

Create an issue and describe your problem. Here's what we expect to see:

  • A short description;
  • PostgreSQL + pg_pathman's versions;
  • Reproduction steps (i.e. partitioning scheme, set of executed commands, settings);

Is pg_pathman free?

Yes. It's open source, and it's published under the PostgreSQL license.

How do I view all partitions?

/* execute me! */
select * from pathman_partition_list;

Does COPY FROM/TO work?

Yes. We redirect input of COPY FROM to corresponding partitions. COPY TO returns all rows.

Will pg_pathman work with N partitions?

It depends. We've tested a table with 100K+ partitions, and it works fine, since we have several caches (dispatch cache, bounds cache and some others).

I can't build pg_pathman on Ubuntu / Fedora etc. There are missing dependencies (e.g. libkrb5-dev).

See this and this.

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