You can extend mamonsu with your own custom plugins as follows:
- Save all custom plugins in a single directory such as /etc/mamonsu/plugins.
- Make sure this directory is specified in your configuration file under the [plugins] section:
[plugins] directory = /etc/mamonsu/plugins
- Generate a new Zabbix template to include custom plugins:
mamonsu export template template.xml --add-plugins=/etc/mamonsu/plugins
- Upload generated template.xml to the Zabbix server as explained in sections “Installation" and "Configuration”.
Plugin have a fixed structure:
# all possible elements are listed here, but they are optional and it is not necessary to add all of them
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mamonsu.plugins.pgsql.plugin import PgsqlPlugin as Plugin
from .pool import Pooler
from mamonsu.lib.zbx_template import ZbxTemplate
class PLUGIN_NAME(Plugin):
# metrics collection interval in seconds
# Plugin type specifies which group new metrics will belong to. Plugin type can be one of 'pg', 'sys' or 'all:
# 'pg' configures PostgreSQL metrics
# 'sys' configures system metrics
# 'all' configures both PostgreSQL and system metrics
AgentPluginType = 'PLUGIN TYPE'
# queries to form sql files
query_plugin_metric_for_sql_file = 'QUERY'
# example:
# query_bloating_tables = "select count(*) from pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables where " \
# "(n_dead_tup/(n_live_tup+n_dead_tup)::float8) > {0} and " \
# "(n_live_tup+n_dead_tup) > {1};"
# queries for zabbix agent
query_plugin_metric_for_zabbix_agent = 'QUERY'
# example:
# query_size = "select pg_database_size(datname::text) from pg_catalog.pg_database where" \
# " datistemplate = false and datname = :'p1';"
# zabbix elements keys
key_plugin_metric = 'KEY'
# example:
# key_db_bloating_tables = 'pgsql.database.bloating_tables{0}'
# plugin options
# example:
# DEFAULT_CONFIG = {'min_rows': str(50), 'bloat_scale': str(0.2)}
# run(self, zbx) specifies queries execution and processing
def run(self, zbx):
result = Pooler.query(self.query_plugin_metric_for_sql_file)
zbx.send(self.key_plugin_metric, int(result[0][0]))
# ====================================================================================
# Methods for generating Zabbix objects
# Each method has fixed signature (self, template, dashboard),
# where 'dashboard' parameter specifies what type of object we are going to generate:
# False for generating template objects;
# True for adding objects to screen.
def items(self, template, dashboard=False):
if not dashboard:
result = template.item({
'name': 'ITEM NAME',
'key': self.right_type(self.key_plugin_metric), # right_type() generates key depending on template type - mamonsu template key or zabbix agent template key
'delay': self.plugin_config('interval'),
'value_type': VALUE TYPE, # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ VALUE_TYPE
'units': UNITS, # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ UNITS
'delta': DELTA # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ DELTA
return result
# to add item (as simple graph) to Zabbix screen we must define:
# item key ('name')
# screen name ('page')
# graph size ('size')
# position on screen ('position', but it's optionally - you can set 0 to avoid sorting)
return [{'dashboard': {'name': self.right_type(self.key_autovacumm),
'page': ZbxTemplate.dashboard_page_PAGE['name'], # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ dashboard_page_*
'size': ZbxTemplate.dashboard_widget_size_SIZE, # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ dashboard_widget_size_*
'position': N}}]
def discovery_rules(self, template, dashboard=False):
rule = {
'key': self.key_discovery_key
items = [{
'name': 'ITEM NAME',
'key': self.right_type(self.key_plugin_metric),
'delay': self.plugin_config('interval'),
'value_type': VALUE TYPE,
'units': UNITS,
'delta': DELTA
graphs = [{
'name': 'GRAPH NAME',
'type': GRAPH TYPE,
'items': [{
'name': 'ITEM NAME',
'key': self.right_type(self.key_plugin_metric),
'delay': self.plugin_config('interval'),
'value_type': VALUE TYPE,
'units': UNITS,
'delta': DELTA
return template.discovery_rule(rule=rule, conditions=conditions, items=items, graphs=graphs)
def graphs(self, template, dashboard=False):
result = template.graph({'name': 'GRAPH NAME',
'items': {
'name': 'ITEM NAME',
'key': self.right_type(self.key_plugin_metric),
'delay': self.plugin_config('interval'),
'value_type': VALUE TYPE,
'units': UNITS,
'delta': DELTA
if not dashboard:
return result
# to add graph to Zabbix screen we must define:
# graph name ('name')
# screen name ('page')
# graph size ('size')
# position on screen ('position', but it's optionally - you can set 0 to avoid sorting)
return [{'dashboard': {'name': 'GRAPH NAME',
'page': ZbxTemplate.dashboard_page_PAGE['name'], # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ dashboard_page_*
'size': ZbxTemplate.dashboard_widget_size_SIZE, # see available values in mamonsu/lib/ dashboard_widget_size_*
'position': N}}]
def triggers(self, template, dashboard=False):
result = template.trigger({
'name': 'TRIGGER NAME',
'expression': 'TRIGGER EXPRESSION'
return result
# ====================================================================================
# keys_and_queries(self, template_zabbix) generates parameters files for Zabbix agent (by command export zabbix-parameters)
def keys_and_queries(self, template_zabbix):
result = ['{0},$2 $1 -c "{1}"'.format(self.key_plugin_metric, self.query_plugin_metric_for_zabbix_agent)]
return template_zabbix.key_and_query(result)
Native mamonsu plugins are stored in mamonsu/plugins.
Also you can explore user examples.