So, you're ready to contribute to pgweb, and you want to set up a local working copy of the website code, so you have something to work with. Here's a quick step-by-step on how to do that:
Make sure you have downloaded and installed django version 4.2, and python 3 (tested with version 3.9).
You will also need a few other dependencies, see the requirements.txt in the root directory.
It is recommended to make the installation using a virtualenv
Make sure you have downloaded and installed PostgreSQL (tested with version 11, but should work fine with anything newer)
Create a database in your PostgreSQL installation called pgweb (other names are of course possible, but that's the standard one)
Create a file called, located in the pgweb directory (next to This file will contain any settings you override from the main settings one. Normally, you will want to override the following:
There are some parts of the site that require further settings, but this should be enough to get the basics up and running.
In the pgweb directory run the following command to create all tables and indexes, as well as create a superuser for your local installation:
./ migrate
A few functions are required, or at least recommended in order to test all of the system. The SQL scripts in the directory sql/ needs to be run in the database. Note that for a local dev install without varnish frontends, you should use the varnish_local.sql script, and not use the varnish.sql script.
Load these files with something like:
psql -d pgweb -f sql/varnish_local.sql
To load some initial data for some tables (far from all at this point), in the pgweb directory, run the following command:
You'll want to creaet a superuser so you can access the /admin/ interface:
./ createsuperuser
At this point, you're ready to get started. Start your local server by running:
./ runserver
Now load up the website by going to http://localhost:8000
The plan is to make it possible to get a good snapshot of the actual PostgreSQL website to do development work on, including parts from the database. However, there are a number of privacy issues that need to be figured out before we can do that (we don't want to put a database-dump containing thousands of well confirmed email addresses easily available for download, for example). Any suggestions on exactly how to get this done are much appreciated.