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Releases: popeen/Booksonic-Air

Booksonic 2201.1.0

13 Jan 19:58
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  • Fix a rendering bug on Safari where the navbar would just be a white box
  • cxf updated to 3.3.12
  • log4j-api updated to 2.17.1
  • log4j-to-slf4j updated to 2.17.1
  • mysql-connector-java updated to 8.0.27
  • postgresql updated to 42.2.14

Please report bugs or problems to any of these channels

Those are the preferred channels as the answer may help others that are having the same issue but if you don't want the issue public you can also email me at [email protected]

Booksonic 2112.2.0

16 Dec 22:30
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* log4j-api updated to 1.16.0
* log4j-to-slf4j updated to 1.16.0
* spring-boot-dependencies updated to 2.2.7
* tomcat updated to 9.0.37
* commons-io updated to 2.7
* ant updated to 1.10.12
* guava updated to 31.0.1
* jquery updated to 3.6.0
* jdom updated to

Please report bugs or problems to any of these channels

Those are the preferred channels as the answer may help others that are having the same issue but if you don't want the issue public you can also email me at [email protected]

Booksonic 2112.1.0

11 Dec 23:47
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Please update to this version as soon as possible!

A very bad security vulnerability was found in a library used by Booksonic.

While I have not been able to make this attack work on Booksonic 2009.1.0 there is no guarantee that it can't be done so please update as soon as possible.


  • Updated log4j due to security vulnerability
  • Fixed bug where Narrator would show as Unknown in the Android app
  • Fixed bug with small table on the book page if there is no description

Please report bugs or problems to any of these channels

Those are the preferred channels as the answer may help others that are having the same issue but if you don't want the issue public you can also email me at [email protected]

Booksonic 2009.1.0

15 Sep 17:23
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This is the first full release of Booksonic Air

Please report bugs or problems to any of these channels

Those are the preferred channels as the answer may help others that are having the same issue but if you don't want the issue public you can also email me at [email protected]