The fingerflex
component "bends" fingers on a glove object according to fingerflex
E.g. if the glove recieves an event with event.detail.finger == 1
(index finger), then the component will find the entity matching .bend.index
selector, rotate it around the Y-axis between min
and max
property values according to event.detail.flex
.. It will then do the same with any descendant .bend
<a-hand side="left">
<a-entity class="glove" fingerflex="min:10;max:90;">
<a-box class="palm" position="-0.01 -0.03 0.08" rotation="-35 0 0" width="0.02" height="0.08" depth="0.08">
<a-entity class="index bend" position="0 0.03 -0.04">
<a-box position="0 0 -0.02" width="0.02" height="0.02" depth="0.04">
<a-entity class="bend" position="0 0 -0.02">
<a-box position="0 0 -0.02" width="0.02" height="0.02" depth="0.04"></a-box>
Property | Description |
min | Angle for when the finger is straight. |
max | Angle for when the finger is bent. |