diff --git a/pmix_governance.tex b/pmix_governance.tex index 688683c..459d455 100755 --- a/pmix_governance.tex +++ b/pmix_governance.tex @@ -1349,4 +1349,102 @@ \subsubsection{Major Text Changes}% accepted and that actual publication of the accepted proposal must be included in the next major release of the standard. +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\hypertarget{errata-changes}{% +\subsubsection{Errata Changes}% +\label{errata-changes}} + +Errata changes are defined as ``small'' changes that correct errors or clarify ambiguities in the document. +The definition of ``small'' is determined by the members of the ASC. +As such, any errata item may be deemed by an ASC member as a major change (e.g., because it changes semantics in a subtle, but significant way) and thus need to go through a more formal process such as the \hyperlink{provisional-acceptance}{Provisional acceptance} process. +Note that for typos or grammar edits the \hyperlink{administrative-changes-guidance}{Minor Document Changes Guidance} applies. + +The process for errata changes begins with a GitHub Draft PR while writing the proposal, optionally proceeded by a GitHub Issue for more general discussion and guidance. +When the GitHub PR is ready for discussion the authors(s) must remove the Draft PR status, add the ``RFC'' and ``Errata'' labels, and add the Straw Poll Comment to it. +Then the author(s) must send an announcement of the PR to the PMIx community mailing list requesting consideration of the PR as an errata change. +This starts the more formal discussion and Straw Poll voting process. + +The Straw Poll Comment is used by the ASC as a mechanism for +obtaining a sense of how many people have viewed the PR and are +following the discussion. This serves no official purpose other than to +help define participation in the consensus building process and record +the tally of votes per emoji category, as defined above. +The author(s) must engage with any concerns raised on the PR in an attempt to +resolve those concerns before moving to the next stage in the process. + +The ASC Co-Chairs shall monitor the status of discussion on the PR. Once +discussion appears to have consolidated (either measured by +participation in the Straw Poll, rate of comments, or a combination of +both), or at the request of the proposal's author(s), the Co-Chairs will +schedule the proposal for a reading at the next quarterly meeting of the +ASC. The proposal shall be included in the announced agenda for the +meeting along with a link to the PR. +The Co-Chairs shall label the PR as ``Eligible'' to indicate that the proposal is +eligible for formal consideration by the ASC at the next quarterly meeting. + +At least one proposal author must attend the quarterly meeting to +present the PR and participate in discussion regarding its approval. A +\textit{Reading} of the proposal shall be conducted at the meeting with the +author(s) reviewing any questions/concerns raised and how they were +addressed. During the presentation, someone designated by the Co-Chairs +will take notes on the PR (and/or Issue) on behalf of the presenter. +At the conclusion of the reading, a formal vote of the ASC shall be held +(per the above voting rules) to determine if the proposal is accepted or +pushed back for further modification. +The Co-Chairs shall set a GitHub label indicating the +result as either ``Accepted' or ``Pushed Back''. + +Accepted proposals can be committed to the next minor release version by +the Release Manager in accordance with their schedule. +Proposals that are pushed back for further work can be brought forward +again at a later date, or can be withdrawn by the author(s) by +closing the PR. + +\hypertarget{process-flow-for-errata-changes}{% +\paragraph{Process Flow for Errata Changes.}% +\label{process-flow-for-errata-changes}} + +In summary, the flow for proposing and gaining approval of a errata change consists of the following steps: + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + Optionally, open an Issue describing the proposed change to serve as a discussion + forum +\item + Open a Draft PR while writing the proposal itself +\item + When the PR is ready for discussion: + \begin{enumerate} + \def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} + \tightlist + \item + Remove the Draft PR status + \item + Label the PR ``RFC'' and ``Errata'' + \item + Add the Straw Poll Comment to request feedback + \item + Send announcement to the mailing list that it is ready for formal review + \end{enumerate} +\item + Discuss PR - only new commits can be added +\item + ASC Co-Chairs will schedule the proposal for Reading at next quarterly + meeting and label the PR with ``Eligible'' +\item + Author(s) present proposal for review at quarterly meeting +\item + Formal ASC vote taken to designate as ``Pushed Back'' or ``Accepted'' +\item + Accepted proposals merged by Release Managers +\item + Any corresponding Issue(s) are closed +\end{enumerate} + +Note that an errata changes proposal could be accepted in as little as one quarterly +meeting. + \end{document}