Day 21 - super_diff Gem - A More Helpful Way to View Differences Between Complex Data Structures in Test Spec(ification)s
Written by {% avatar mcmire %} Elliot Winkler
A foodie, music nerd, aspiring polyglot, computer whisperer and full-stack web developer with years of experience at product companies and consultancies emphasizing in Ruby on Rails. Works with talented folks at Tuft & Needle selling great products for helping you sleep at night. Loves to learn new things and has a few different side projects going on at any given time.
Super Diff is a library that plugs into RSpec in order to give you more meaningful output when an expectation fails by providing a diff of the expected and actual data that is more complete than the one provided by RSpec.
Say we're building a Ruby class that's responsible for talking to an API:
require "twitter"
module MyCoolApp
class TwitterClient
def initialize
@twitter = do |config|
# ... configure Twitter accordingly ...
def top_tweets_by(username)
count: 10,
exclude_replies: true,
include_rts: false
.map do |tweet|
tweet.attrs.slice(:text, :entities, :lang, :created_at)
As we happen to be using RSpec, we write a test that looks like this:
require "spec_helper"
describe MyCoolApp::TwitterClient, vcr: true do
describe "#top_tweets_by" do
it "returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user" do
client =
tweets = client.top_tweets_by("mcmire")
expect(tweets).to eq([
text: "when something looks too good to be true....",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
urls: [
display_url: "…",
expanded_url: "",
indices: [45, 68],
url: ""
user_mentions: []
lang: "en",
created_at: "Mon Nov 30 18:14:51 +0000 2020",
text: "i want to find new people to follow on YouTube but The Algorithm™ (as we all know) is horrible and only gives you p…",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
urls: [
display_url: "…",
expanded_url: "",
indices: [117, 140],
url: ""
user_mentions: []
lang: "en",
created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:41:59 +0000 2020",
text: "accidentally watered down coffee is the worst :(",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
urls: [],
user_mentions: []
lang: "en",
created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:02:14 +0000 2020",
text: "really anxious to see if the batteries in the new macbooks last longer than this 😖",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
media: [
display_url: "",
expanded_url: "",
id: 1333143280444293120,
id_str: "1333143280444293120",
indices: [83, 106],
media_url: "",
media_url_https: "",
sizes: {
large: { h: 502, resize: "fit", w: 1004 },
medium: { h: 502, resize: "fit", w: 1004 },
small: { h: 340, resize: "fit", w: 680 },
thumb: { h: 150, resize: "crop", w: 150 }
type: "photo",
url: ""
symbols: [],
urls: [],
user_mentions: []
lang: "en",
created_at: "Sun Nov 29 21:24:47 +0000 2020",
Now we go to run this test, and instead of receiving successful output, we get a failure:
returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user (FAILED - 1)
1) MyCoolApp::TwitterClient#top_tweets_by returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user
expect(tweets).to eq([
text: "when something looks too good to be true....",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
urls: [
display_url: "…",
expanded_url: "",
expected: [{:created_at=>"Mon Nov 30 18:14:51 +0000 2020", :entities=>{:hashtags=>[], :symbols=>[], :urls=>[{:d...xious to see if the batteries in the new macbooks last longer than this 😖"}]
got: [{:created_at=>"Mon Nov 30 18:14:51 +0000 2020", :entities=>{:hashtags=>[], :symbols=>[], :urls=>[{:d...xious to see if the batteries in the new macbooks last longer than this 😖"}]
(compared using ==)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- :expanded_url=>"",
+ :expanded_url=>"",
:indices=>[117, 140],
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
:entities=>{:hashtags=>[], :symbols=>[], :urls=>[], :user_mentions=>[]},
:text=>"accidentally watered down coffee is the worst :("},
- {:created_at=>"Sun Nov 29 21:24:47 +0000 2020",
+ {:created_at=>"Sun Nov 29 20:24:47 +0000 2020",
# ./spec/my_cool_app/twitter_client_spec.rb:8:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.02713 seconds (files took 0.7756 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/my_cool_app/twitter_client_spec.rb:5 # MyCoolApp::TwitterClient#top_tweets_by returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user
A brief glance tells us that both of these issues are typos in our test data: in the first one, a character is missing; in the second, the time is off by an hour. That's good, but where in the test data do these typos occur?
That's not so easy to figure out. There seem to be line numbers listed here, but we will quickly realize that they are not very helpful, as they do not match the line numbers of our test file. If we are trained at interpreting RSpec's failure messages, we might look at the context surrounding these pairs of -
and +
lines and try searching for "133346631915348608" (or some piece of it) in the test file. That would help us fix the first typo, but we would not be so lucky with locating the second typo. We could certainly search for "21:24:47", but we would find that the order of the hash keys in the test output do not reflect the order of the hash keys in our test data. Eventually, of course, we would find it, but only after staring at the problem for some time.
Now let's try throwing in Super Diff, a new gem designed to highlight differences between complex data structures. We're using Rails in this scenario, so we'll add this line to our Gemfile under our :test
gem "super_diff"
Now we'll go to our rails_helper.rb
(or open a file called spec/support/super_diff.rb
, depending on how we've configured our project) and we'll add:
require "super_diff/rspec-rails"
Now when we run our tests, we get something like this:
returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user (FAILED - 1)
1) MyCoolApp::TwitterClient#top_tweets_by returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user
expect(tweets).to eq([
text: "when something looks too good to be true....",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
urls: [
display_url: "…",
expanded_url: "",
Expected [{ text: "when something looks too good to be true....", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], user_mentions: [], urls: [{ url: "", expanded_url: "", display_url: "…", indices: [45, 68] }] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Mon Nov 30 18:14:51 +0000 2020" }, { text: "i want to find new people to follow on YouTube but The Algorithm™ (as we all know) is horrible and only gives you p…", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], user_mentions: [], urls: [{ url: "", expanded_url: "", display_url: "…", indices: [117, 140] }] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:41:59 +0000 2020" }, { text: "accidentally watered down coffee is the worst :(", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], user_mentions: [], urls: [] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:02:14 +0000 2020" }, { text: "really anxious to see if the batteries in the new macbooks last longer than this 😖", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], user_mentions: [], urls: [], media: [{ id: 1333143280444293120, id_str: "1333143280444293120", indices: [83, 106], media_url: "", media_url_https: "", url: "", display_url: "", expanded_url: "", type: "photo", sizes: { thumb: { w: 150, h: 150, resize: "crop" }, medium: { w: 1004, h: 502, resize: "fit" }, small: { w: 680, h: 340, resize: "fit" }, large: { w: 1004, h: 502, resize: "fit" } } }] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Sun Nov 29 20:24:47 +0000 2020" }]
to eq [{ text: "when something looks too good to be true....", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], urls: [{ display_url: "…", expanded_url: "", indices: [45, 68], url: "" }], user_mentions: [] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Mon Nov 30 18:14:51 +0000 2020" }, { text: "i want to find new people to follow on YouTube but The Algorithm™ (as we all know) is horrible and only gives you p…", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], urls: [{ display_url: "…", expanded_url: "", indices: [117, 140], url: "" }], user_mentions: [] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:41:59 +0000 2020" }, { text: "accidentally watered down coffee is the worst :(", entities: { hashtags: [], symbols: [], urls: [], user_mentions: [] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:02:14 +0000 2020" }, { text: "really anxious to see if the batteries in the new macbooks last longer than this 😖", entities: { hashtags: [], media: [{ display_url: "", expanded_url: "", id: 1333143280444293120, id_str: "1333143280444293120", indices: [83, 106], media_url: "", media_url_https: "", sizes: { large: { h: 502, resize: "fit", w: 1004 }, medium: { h: 502, resize: "fit", w: 1004 }, small: { h: 340, resize: "fit", w: 680 }, thumb: { h: 150, resize: "crop", w: 150 } }, type: "photo", url: "" }], symbols: [], urls: [], user_mentions: [] }, lang: "en", created_at: "Sun Nov 29 21:24:47 +0000 2020" }]
┌ (Key) ──────────────────────────┐
│ ‹-› in expected, not in actual │
│ ‹+› in actual, not in expected │
│ ‹ › in both expected and actual │
text: "when something looks too good to be true....",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
user_mentions: [],
urls: [
url: "",
expanded_url: "",
display_url: "…",
indices: [
lang: "en",
created_at: "Mon Nov 30 18:14:51 +0000 2020"
text: "i want to find new people to follow on YouTube but The Algorithm™ (as we all know) is horrible and only gives you p…",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
user_mentions: [],
urls: [
url: "",
- expanded_url: "",
+ expanded_url: "",
display_url: "…",
indices: [
lang: "en",
created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:41:59 +0000 2020"
text: "accidentally watered down coffee is the worst :(",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
user_mentions: [],
urls: []
lang: "en",
created_at: "Mon Nov 30 17:02:14 +0000 2020"
text: "really anxious to see if the batteries in the new macbooks last longer than this 😖",
entities: {
hashtags: [],
symbols: [],
user_mentions: [],
urls: [],
media: [
id: 1333143280444293120,
id_str: "1333143280444293120",
indices: [
media_url: "",
media_url_https: "",
url: "",
display_url: "",
expanded_url: "",
type: "photo",
sizes: {
thumb: {
w: 150,
h: 150,
resize: "crop"
medium: {
w: 1004,
h: 502,
resize: "fit"
small: {
w: 680,
h: 340,
resize: "fit"
large: {
w: 1004,
h: 502,
resize: "fit"
lang: "en",
- created_at: "Sun Nov 29 21:24:47 +0000 2020"
+ created_at: "Sun Nov 29 20:24:47 +0000 2020"
# ./spec/my_cool_app/twitter_client_spec.rb:8:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.05311 seconds (files took 0.79852 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/my_cool_app/twitter_client_spec.rb:5 # MyCoolApp::TwitterClient#top_tweets_by returns the most recent 5 tweets of the given user
While the output is longer, it is more comprehensive. In a matter of seconds, we have a clear picture of what was changed where, and we can use this knowledge to modify our test data accordingly.
Admittedly, the example above was relatively simple, as our test data only involved hashes, arrays, strings, and numbers. However, Super Diff also knows how to compare Active Record objects, HashWithDifferentAccess
objects, "placeholder" objects such as an_object_having_attributes
or a_hash_including
, and more. This means that we can replace tests like this:
created_posts = Post.all
expect(created_posts.first.title).to eq("My First Post")
expect(created_posts.first.content).to eq("Some cool post")
expect(created_posts.second.title).to eq("My Second Post")
expect(created_posts.second.content).to eq("Another cool post")
with something like this:
expect(Post.all).to match_array([
title: "My First Post",
content: "Some cool post"
title: "My Second Post",
content: "Another cool post"
...and - if such a test fails - get useful output that looks and feels similar to our test data.
You might think that this gem can only be used for Rails. Not so! This happens to be the most popular use case, but you can also use it in any Ruby project. Instead of having this in your spec_helper
require "super_diff/rspec-rails"
you'd say this:
require "super_diff/rspec"
See the README for other ways that you can use the gem to suit your needs.
Happy testing!
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