Current Weather & Climate |
UO Webcam [click to enlarge] |
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Info | [Time Zones] [wx abbr] [METAR codes] glossaries [NWS] [AMS] [IPCC] |
Text |
[NWS Portland observational Data] [Current Oregon area forecast] [Eugene forecast at a glance] |
Images |
Oregon Visible Close-Up]
[radar PNW sector and loop]
[Santiam Pass]
[Willamette Pass]
[NH Jet Stream] [US Surface]
[US temp]
[US radar]
[US severe weather watches and warnings] Eugene hourly weather forecast graphs: [0-144hrs] MFJD [0-144hrs] [text] [web page] |
Movies |
Vis] [PNW
WV] [Western
IR] [Western
Vis] [Western
WV] |
Links |
[Environmental Change Research Group] [Department of Geography Home Page]
[UO Home Page]
[Geog 321:Climatology]
361 Global Environmental Change] [Global Climate Animations] |
Mobile | [US Composite Sat] PAW [link] OR [sfc obs] [images] [loops] EUG [history] [txt fcst] NWS [EUG] [PDX] |