Welcome to the Tekton Pipelines project! Thanks for considering contributing to our project and we hope you'll enjoy it :D
All contributors must comply with the code of conduct.
To get started developing, see our DEVELOPMENT.md.
In this file you'll find info on:
- Principles
- Development process
- The pull request process and Prow commands
- Standards around commit messages and code
- Finding something to work on
- The roadmap
- API compatibility policy
- Contacting other contributors
See also the contribution guidelines for Knative.
When possbile, try to practice:
- Documentation driven development - Before implementing anything, write docs to explain how it will work
- Test driven development - Before implementing anything, write tests to cover it
Minimize the number of integration tests written and maximize the unit tests! Unit test coverage should increase or stay the same with every PR.
This means that most PRs should include both:
- Tests
- Documentation explaining features being added, including updates to DEVELOPMENT.md if required
Our contributors are made up of:
- A core group of OWNERS (defined in OWNERS) who can approve PRs
- Any and all other contributors!
If you are interested in becoming an OWNER, take a look at the approver requirements and follow up with an existing OWNER on slack).
Reviewers will be auto-assigned by Prow from the
OWNERS file, which acts as suggestions for which OWNERS
review the PR. Your review requests can be viewed at
who prepared to give the final /approve
and /lgtm
for a PR should
use the assign
button to indicate they are willing to own the review of that
As the project progresses we define milestones to indicate what functionality the OWNERS are focusing on.
If you are interested in contributing but not an OWNER, feel free to take on something from the milestone but be aware of the contributor SLO.
You can see more details (including a burndown, issues in epics, etc.) on our zenhub board. To see this board, you must:
- Ask an OWNER via slack for an invitation
- Add the zenhub browser extension to see new info via GitHub (or just use zenhub.com directly)
This repo uses Prow and related tools like Tide and Gubernator (see Knative Prow). This means that automation will be applied to your pull requests.
See also Knative docs on reviewing.
Prow is configured in
the knative config.yaml
in knative/test-infra
via the sections for tektoncd/pipeline
Prow has a number of commands you can use to interact with it. More on the Prow proces in general is available in the k8s docs.
Before a PR can be merged, it must have both /lgtm
AND /approve
can be added by anyone in the knative org/approve
can be added only by OWNERS
automatically get /approve
but still will need an /lgtm
to merge.
The merge will happen automatically once the PR has both /lgtm
and /approve
and all tests pass. If you don't want this to happen you should
the PR.
Any changes will cause the /lgtm
label to be removed and it will need to be
If you don't a PR to be merged, e.g. so that the author can make changes, you
can put it on hold with /hold
. Remove the hold with /hold cancel
If you are a member of
the knative org, tests (required to
merge) will be automatically kicked off for your PR. If not,
someone with /lgtm
or /approve
permission will need to
add /ok-to-test
to your PR to allow the tests to run.
When tests (run by Prow) fail, it will add a comment to the PR with the commands to re-run any failing tests
You can add dog and cat pictures with /woof
and /meow
This section describes the standards we will try to maintain in this repo.
All commit messages should follow these best practices, specifically:
- Start with a subject line
- Contain a body that explains why you're making the change you're making
- Reference an issue number one exists, closing it if applicable (with text such as "Fixes #245" or "Closes #111")
Aim for 2 paragraphs in the body. Not sure what to put? Include:
- What is the problem being solved?
- Why is this the best approach?
- What other approaches did you consider?
- What side effects will this approach have?
- What future work remains to be done?
The code in this repo should follow best practices, specifically:
Thanks so much for considering contributing to our project!! We hope very much you can find something interesting to work on:
- To find issues that we particularly would like contributors to tackle, look for issues with the "help wanted" label.
- Issues that are good for new folks will additionally be marked with "good first issue".
To assign an issue to a user (or yourself), use GitHub or the Prow command by writing a comment in the issue such as:
/assign @your_github_username
Unfortunately, GitHub will only allow issues to be assigned to users who are part of the knative org.
But don't let that stop you! Leave a comment in the issue indicating you would like to work on it and we will consider it assigned to you.
If you declare your intention to work on an issue:
- If it becomes urgent that the issue be resolved (e.g. critical bug or nearing the end of a milestone), someone else may take over (apologies if this happens!!)
- If you do not respond to queries on an issue within about 3 days and someone else wants to work on your issue, we will assume you are no longer interested in working on it and it is fair game to assign to someone else (no worries at all if this happens, we don't mind!)
The project's roadmap for 2019 is published here.
The API compatibility policy (i.e. the policy for making backwards incompatible API changes) can be found here.
This work is being done by
the Build CRD working group.
If you are interested please join our meetings and or in slack at
All docs shared with this group are made visible to members of knative-dev@, please join if you are interested!