2.0.3 / 2022-04-20 fix: issue with the history.md file not included in MANIFEST.in file 2.0.0 / 2022-04-20 feat: add make file for release automation and generate python3 wheels only correct readme fix: correct metadata feat:add more metadata to the setup.py and add a setup.cfg too feat: update ci setup feat: set default auto field feat: get package building for python 3.10 too feat: python3+ only fix: upgrade deps and also add more settins feat: try updated package for djangocms-helper fix: upgrade to a newer version of djangocms-helper feat: add github actions feat: make python code python3.7+ fix: make code django 3.2+ compatible Merge pull request #50 from centralniak/fix/failing-migration-tofiler wrap migration in try except bump version fix yet another typo make it backward compatible add module name in settings name bump version fix typo add configurable module name