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Adapter Developer Guide

Lukas Herman edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 28 revisions

Note: This page is meant for developers who are interested in creating/maintaining new/current adapters. If you're only interested in using them, you probably want to visit the driver usage page instead.


The design for adapter/driver is heavily based on unix design principle, everything is a file. Therefore, you can always think of any adapter as a file, you open the adapter, read from it, and then close it:

Driver Lifecycle

How to implement a new Adapter?

1. Implement Adapter interface

First of all, any adapter has to implement the Adapter interface,

type Adapter interface {
	Open() error
	Close() error
	Properties() []prop.Media

This interface is being used to generalize different kinds of adapters. We use this interface so that we can store it in the driver manager (I'll talk about this more later).

We see that when you implement the Adapter interface, you implement the Open() and Close() methods shown in the Driver Lifecycle diagram above.

  • Open

Open() opens the underlying hardware through an OS interface, might also get permission when it's needed (permission to read from the hardware). At this point, the adapter user can start getting its Properties and get data from it through, VideoRecord or AudioRecord (which are described below).

  • Close

Close() is a cleanup method to free all used resources and stop the underlying hardware from transmitting data.

  • Properties

Properties() returns a list of prop.Media that the adapter supports. These values will later be chosen by the adapter user for VideoRecord or AudioRecord.

2. Implement Specialized interface

Each adapter must implement either

type VideoRecorder interface {
	VideoRecord(p prop.Media) (r video.Reader, err error)


AudioRecorder interface {
	AudioRecord(p prop.Media) (r audio.Reader, err error)

These methods do the work of getting the actual data from the hardware.

VideoRecord Interface

You must implement the VideoRecord method.

Which interacts with the hardware to get video as raw bytes, decodes the raw bytes into frames, and returns a video.Reader.

The decoded data is accessed by calling Read().

package video

type Reader interface {
	Read() (img image.Image, err error)

AudioRecord Interface

You must implement the AudioRecord method.

Which interacts with the hardware to get audio as raw bytes, decodes the raw bytes into frames, and returns an audio.Reader.

The decoded data is accessed by calling Read().

package audio

type Reader interface {
	Read(samples [][2]float32) (n int, err error)
Stereo Channel

The L and the R are samples, simply floating point numbers in the range of [0,1], this number represents the amplitude at a given time.

In stereo, a datapoint is a 'LR pair' which represent what input we are giving the left ear and independent input we are giving to the right ear at this point in time.

We consider a 'LR pair' as a datapoint and a frame as a list of 'LR pairs.

Bringing these concepts together, the Read method returns a 2D array with the first array representing the

Mono Channel

This is the same concept as Stereo Channel, except for we consider ourselves giving the listener the same sound to both ears, so instead of 'LR pairs' we have 'LL pairs' / 'RR pairs'.

Basically it returns two copies of the same sample.

3. Register yourself

You must register yourself to allow your adapter to be discoverable.

Device Type

Your device type is exactly one of these:

  • Camera
  • Screen ** for screen-sharing
  • Microphone

Adapter Label

A label for your adapter (for metadata). A string.

Device Instance

You should define a type for your Adapter to hold necessary information.

You should then create an instance of your type and pass this to the Register method

driver.GetManager().Register(<DEVICE_INSTANCE>, driver.Info{
	DeviceType: driver.<DEVICE_TYPE>,
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