Target ID | Part# | UART Thru |
328p_left | U19 | mega_wheel U9 |
328p_right | U16 | mega_wheel U9 |
328p_imu | U11 | mega_wheel U9 |
328p_pan | U25 | mega_head U12 |
328p_tilt | U22 | mega_head U12 |
328p_avoid | U3 | FTDI U4 |
328p_dock | U1 | FTDI U2 |
mega_head | U12 | FTDI U13 |
mega_wheel | U9 | FTDI U10 |
Pins | Left (M1) right (M2) | Pan (M3) | (S1) | (S2) | Tilt (M4) | (S3) | (S4) | 328p_dock (J1) |
6 | OUT_A | OUT_A | -- | -- | OUT_A | -- | -- | -- |
5 | OUT_B | OUT_B | -- | -- | OUT_B | -- | -- | -- |
4 | GND | GND | -- | -- | GND | -- | -- | 5V |
3 | 5V | 5V | 5V | 5V | 5V | 5V | 5V | Gnd |
2 | HALL_A | HALL_A | LA | LB | HALL_A | LA | LB | D5 |
1 | HALL_B | HALL_B | GND | GND | HALL_B | GND | GND | D6 |
Pins | 328p_avoid (J3) | (J4) | (J5) | (J6) | 328p_program (J8) | 328p_IMU (J9) | mega_head (J10) | (J11) |
7 | -- | -- | -- | 5V | -- | -- | -- | -- |
6 | -- | -- | 5V | GND | GND | -- | -- | -- |
5 | -- | -- | Gnd | D10 | RESET | 5V | 5V | SCL |
4 | 5V | 5V | D6 | D11 | MOSI | -- | Gnd | SDA |
3 | Gnd | Gnd | D7 | D12 | SCK | Gnd | SA0 | -- |
2 | D2 | D4 | D8 | D13 | 5V | SCL | SA1 | GND |
1 | D3 | D5 | D9 | RESET | MISO | SDA | SD2 | GND |
$ cd bootloader
$ sudo pio run -t uploadboot
$ avrdude -P /dev/ttyUSB5 -b 57600 -c arduino -p m328p -v
$ sudo python
$ sudo python
- LED should blink every 500ms
$ sudo python
- LED should blink every 100ms
- we should see all LEDs blinking, if not, check if target fuse set correctly
$ sudo python
- programming uart functions to each MCU
$ python
- send a character to each MCU, see instruction when running this code.
$ sudo platformio run -d ArduinoISP/328p_dock --target upload
- replace 328p_dock when checking other targets
$ avrdude -P /dev/ttyUSB5 -b 19200 -c avrisp -p m328p -v
- fuse for 328p: efuse=0x05 hfuse=0xDA lfuse0xFF
$ avrdude -P /dev/ttyUSB5 -b 19200 -c avrisp -p m2560 -v
- fuse for 2560: efuse=0xFD hfuse=0xD8 lfuse0xFF
$ sudo python 328p_dock rugby-blink/rugby-328-blink