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@@ -21,24 +21,14 @@ Gramm is a data visualization toolbox for Matlab that allows to produce publicat
Inspired by ggplot2 ([Wickham 2009](http://ggplot2.org)), the R implementation of "grammar of graphics" principles ([Wilkinson 1999](http://www.springer.com/de/book/9781475731002)), gramm improves Matlab's plotting functionality, allowing to generate complex figures using high-level object-oriented code.
Gramm has been used in several publications in the field of neuroscience, from human psychophysics ([Morel et al. 2017](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2001323)), to electrophysiology ([Morel et al. 2016](https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2560/13/1/016002); [Ferrea et al. 2017](https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00504.2017)), human functional imaging ([Wan et al. 2017](https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.23932)) and animal training ([Berger et al. 2017](https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00614.2017)).
-## Citing gramm ##
-Gramm has been published in the Journal of Open Source Software. If you use gramm plots in a publication you can thus cite it using the following:
-Morel, (2018). Gramm: grammar of graphics plotting in Matlab. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(23), 568, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.00568
## About gramm ##
-### Compatibility ###
-Tested under Matlab 2014b+ versions. With pre-2014b versions, gramm forces 'painters', renderer to avoid some graphic bugs, which deactivates transparencies (use non-transparent geoms, for example stat_summary('geom','lines')). The statistics toolbox is required for some methods: stat_glm(), some stat_summary() methods, stat_density(). The curve fitting toolbox is required for stat_fit().
### Installation ###
-Download the gramm toolbox from GitHub ("Clone or download" button>download ZIP) or [clone it](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/), and add the folder containing the @gramm class folder to your Matlab path (using the [GUI](https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_env/add-remove-or-reorder-folders-on-the-search-path.html) or [```addpath()```](https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/addpath.html))
+- Automatically within Matlab : Open the Add-ons explorer, search for "gramm" and click Add !
+- Or by townloading the toolbox package : download the latest .mltbx file from the [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/piermorel/gramm/releases) and double-click the downloaded file to install.
+- Or manually : download the gramm toolbox from the [Matlab File exchange](https://mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54465-gramm-data-visualization-toolbox) or GitHub ("Clone or download" button>download ZIP) or [clone it](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/), and add the folder containing the @gramm class folder to your Matlab path (using the [GUI](https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_env/add-remove-or-reorder-folders-on-the-search-path.html) or [```addpath()```](https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/addpath.html))
### Documentation ###
@@ -46,6 +36,17 @@ Download the gramm toolbox from GitHub ("Clone or download" button>download ZIP)
- Numerous coding examples and test cases in ```examples.m```, exported for preview in [html/examples.html](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/piermorel/gramm/blob/master/html/examples.html)
- From MATLAB: doc gramm to find links to the documentation of each method.
+## Citing gramm ##
+Gramm has been published in the Journal of Open Source Software. If you use gramm plots in a publication you can thus cite it using the following:
+Morel, (2018). Gramm: grammar of graphics plotting in Matlab. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(23), 568, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.00568
+### Compatibility ###
+Tested under Matlab 2014b+ versions. With pre-2014b versions, gramm forces 'painters', renderer to avoid some graphic bugs, which deactivates transparencies (use non-transparent geoms, for example stat_summary('geom','lines')). The statistics toolbox is required for some methods: stat_glm(), some stat_summary() methods, stat_density(). The curve fitting toolbox is required for stat_fit().
## Using gramm ##
@@ -99,11 +100,12 @@ To export figures in a vector-based format, use the SVG or PDF option rather tha
- Multiple ways of directly plotting the data:
- scatter plots (geom_point()) and jittered scatter plot (geom_jitter())
- lines (geom_line())
- - confidence intervals (geom_interval())
+ - pre-computed confidence intervals (geom_interval())
- bars plots (geom_bar())
- raster plots (geom_raster())
- labels (geom_label())
- - point counts (point_count())
+ - point counts (geom_count())
+ - swarm / beeswarm plots (geom_swarm())
- Multiple ways of plotting statistics on the data:
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ To export figures in a vector-based format, use the SVG or PDF option rather tha
- Custom fits with user-provided anonymous function (stat_fit())
- Ellipses of confidence (stat_ellipse())
-- When Z data is provided in the call to gramm(), geom_point() and geom_line() generate 3D plots
+- When Z data is provided in the call to gramm(), geom_point(), geom_line() and geom_label() generate 3D plots
- Subplots are created without too much empty space in between (and resize properly !)
- Polar coordinates (set_polar())
- Color data can also be displayed as a continous variable, not as a grouping factor (set_continuous_color())
@@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ Using stat_bin() it is possible to construct peristimulus time hist
### Custom layouts ###
### Text labels with geom_label() ###
@@ -199,23 +201,23 @@ Using stat_bin() it is possible to construct peristimulus time hist
### Colormap customization ###
With set_color_options()
### Continuous colors
### Reordering of categorical variables
With set_order_options()
### Superimposition of gramm objects on the same axes
By making calling the update() method after a first draw, the same axes can be reused for another gramm plot.
Here this allows to plot the whole dataset in the background of each facet.
## Acknowledgements
gramm was inspired and/or used code from:
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Gramm is a powerful plotting toolbox which allows to quickly create complex, publication-quality figures in Matlab, and is inspired by R's ggplot2 library. As a reference to this inspiration, gramm stands for GRAMmar of graphics for Matlab.
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