diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index c8038ef3..80fe0c2f 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@
index ce8b29a7..8abff617 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: sdtm.oak
Type: Package
Title: SDTM Data Transformation Engine
Authors@R: c(
person("Rammprasad", "Ganapathy", role = c("aut", "cre"),
email = "ganapathy.rammprasad@gene.com"),
@@ -38,11 +38,15 @@ Depends: R (>= 4.2)
dplyr (>= 1.0.0),
+ memoise,
purrr (>= 0.3.3),
rlang (>= 0.4.4),
stringr (>= 1.4.0),
- tibble
+ tibble,
+ vctrs,
+ readr,
+ glue
index f1161f5e..6170cee4 100644
@@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 77776156..297b7d53 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+# sdtm.oak (development version)
+## New Features
+* New function: `derive_study_day()` for study day calculation.
+* New functions for basic SDTM derivations: ` assign_no_ct()`, `assign_ct()`,
+`hardcode_no_ct()` and `hardcode_ct()`.
+* New functions for handling controlled terminologies: `read_ct_spec()`,
+`read_ct_spec_example()`, `ct_spec_example()` and `ct_map()`.
# sdtm.oak (development version)
## New Features
diff --git a/R/.gitkeep b/R/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/R/assign.R b/R/assign.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a91eacaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/assign.R
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#' Derive an SDTM variable
+#' @description
+#' [sdtm_assign()] is an internal function packing the same functionality as
+#' [assign_no_ct()] and [assign_ct()] together but aimed at developers only.
+#' As a user please use either [assign_no_ct()] or [assign_ct()].
+#' @param raw_dat The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+#' variables passed in `id_vars` and `raw_var`.
+#' @param raw_var The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+#' raw variable in `raw_dat`.
+#' @param tgt_var The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+#' of variable to be derived.
+#' @param ct_spec Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+#' minimal set of columns, see [ct_spec_vars()] for details. This parameter is
+#' optional, if left as `NULL` no controlled terminology recoding is applied.
+#' @param ct_clst A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+#' terminology to apply in the derivation. This parameter is optional, if left
+#' as `NULL`, all possible recodings in `ct_spec` are attempted.
+#' @param tgt_dat Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against `raw_dat` by
+#' the variables indicated in `id_vars`. This parameter is optional, see
+#' section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.
+#' @param id_vars Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+#' (`raw_dat`) and the target data set (`raw_dat`).
+#' @returns The returned data set depends on the value of `tgt_dat`:
+#' - If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that `tgt_dat` defaults to
+#' `NULL`, then the returned data set is `raw_dat`, selected for the variables
+#' indicated in `id_vars`, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+#' indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' - If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+#' `raw_dat` by the variables indicated in `id_vars`, with a new column: the
+#' derived variable, as indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' @importFrom rlang :=
+#' @keywords internal
+sdtm_assign <- function(raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(raw_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(id_vars)
+ assertthat::assert_that(contains_oak_id_vars(id_vars),
+ msg = "`id_vars` must include the oak id vars."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(raw_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(c(id_vars, raw_var)))
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(tgt_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(id_vars), optional = TRUE)
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = TRUE)
+ assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = ct_clst, optional = TRUE)
+ # Recode the raw variable following terminology.
+ tgt_val <- ct_map(raw_dat[[raw_var]], ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = ct_clst)
+ # Apply derivation by assigning `raw_var` to `tgt_var`.
+ # `der_dat`: derived dataset.
+ der_dat <-
+ raw_dat |>
+ dplyr::select(c(id_vars, raw_var)) |>
+ dplyr::mutate("{tgt_var}" := tgt_val) |> # nolint object_name_linter()
+ dplyr::select(-rlang::sym(raw_var))
+ # If a target dataset is supplied, then join the so far derived dataset with
+ # the target dataset (`tgt_dat`), otherwise leave it be.
+ der_dat <-
+ if (!is.null(tgt_dat)) {
+ der_dat |>
+ dplyr::right_join(y = tgt_dat, by = id_vars) |>
+ dplyr::relocate(tgt_var, .after = dplyr::last_col())
+ } else {
+ der_dat
+ }
+ der_dat
+#' Derive an SDTM variable
+#' @description
+#' - [assign_no_ct()] maps a variable in a raw dataset to a target SDTM
+#' variable that has no terminology restrictions.
+#' - [assign_ct()] maps a variable in a raw dataset to a target SDTM variable
+#' following controlled terminology recoding.
+#' @param raw_dat The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+#' variables passed in `id_vars` and `raw_var`.
+#' @param raw_var The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+#' raw variable in `raw_dat`.
+#' @param tgt_var The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+#' of variable to be derived.
+#' @param ct_spec Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+#' minimal set of columns, see [ct_spec_vars()] for details.
+#' @param ct_clst A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+#' terminology to apply in the derivation.
+#' @param tgt_dat Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against `raw_dat` by
+#' the variables indicated in `id_vars`. This parameter is optional, see
+#' section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.
+#' @param id_vars Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+#' (`raw_dat`) and the target data set (`raw_dat`).
+#' @returns The returned data set depends on the value of `tgt_dat`:
+#' - If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that `tgt_dat` defaults to
+#' `NULL`, then the returned data set is `raw_dat`, selected for the variables
+#' indicated in `id_vars`, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+#' indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' - If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+#' `raw_dat` by the variables indicated in `id_vars`, with a new column: the
+#' derived variable, as indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' @examples
+#' md1 <-
+#' tibble::tibble(
+#' oak_id = 1:14,
+#' raw_source = "MD1",
+#' patient_number = 101:114,
+#' MDIND = c(
+#' )
+#' )
+#' assign_no_ct(
+#' raw_dat = md1,
+#' raw_var = "MDIND",
+#' tgt_var = "CMINDC",
+#' )
+#' cm_inter <-
+#' tibble::tibble(
+#' oak_id = 1:14,
+#' raw_source = "MD1",
+#' patient_number = 101:114,
+#' CMTRT = c(
+#' "ASPIRIN",
+#' "SOMINEX",
+#' "ZQUILL"
+#' ),
+#' CMROUTE = c(
+#' "ORAL",
+#' "ORAL",
+#' NA,
+#' "ORAL",
+#' "ORAL",
+#' "ORAL",
+#' NA,
+#' )
+#' )
+#' # Controlled terminology specification
+#' (ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+#' assign_ct(
+#' raw_dat = md1,
+#' raw_var = "MDIND",
+#' tgt_var = "CMINDC",
+#' ct_spec = ct_spec,
+#' ct_clst = "C66729",
+#' tgt_dat = cm_inter
+#' )
+#' @name assign
+#' @order 1
+#' @export
+#' @rdname assign
+assign_no_ct <- function(raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(raw_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(id_vars)
+ assertthat::assert_that(contains_oak_id_vars(id_vars),
+ msg = "`id_vars` must include the oak id vars."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(raw_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(c(id_vars, raw_var)))
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(tgt_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(id_vars), optional = TRUE)
+ sdtm_assign(
+ raw_dat = raw_dat,
+ raw_var = raw_var,
+ tgt_var = tgt_var,
+ tgt_dat = tgt_dat,
+ id_vars = id_vars
+ )
+#' @order 2
+#' @export
+#' @rdname assign
+assign_ct <- function(raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ ct_spec,
+ ct_clst,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(raw_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(id_vars)
+ assertthat::assert_that(contains_oak_id_vars(id_vars),
+ msg = "`id_vars` must include the oak id vars."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(raw_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(c(id_vars, raw_var)))
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(tgt_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(id_vars), optional = TRUE)
+ sdtm_assign(
+ raw_dat = raw_dat,
+ raw_var = raw_var,
+ tgt_var = tgt_var,
+ tgt_dat = tgt_dat,
+ id_vars = id_vars,
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = ct_clst
+ )
diff --git a/R/clear_cache.R b/R/clear_cache.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..047bd23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/clear_cache.R
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#' Clear `{sdtm.oak}` cache of memoised functions
+#' @description
+#' Some of `{sdtm.oak}` functions have their results cached for runtime
+#' efficiency. Use this function to reset the cache.
+#' Memoised functions:
+#' - [ct_mappings()]
+#' @return Returns a logical value, indicating whether the resetting of the
+#' cache was successful (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`).
+#' @examples
+#' clear_cache()
+#' @export
+clear_cache <- function() {
+ memoise::forget(ct_mappings)
diff --git a/R/ct.R b/R/ct.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32b0596a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/ct.R
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#' Controlled terminology variables
+#' @description
+#' [ct_spec_vars()] returns the mandatory variables to be present in a data set
+#' representing a controlled terminology. By default, it returns all required
+#' variables.
+#' If only the subset of variables used for matching terms are needed, then
+#' request this subset of variables by passing the argument value `"from"`. If
+#' only the mapping-to variable is to be requested, then simply pass `"to"`. If
+#' only the codelist code variable name is needed then pass `"ct_clst"`.
+#' @param set A scalar character (string), one of: `"all"` (default), `"ct_clst"`,
+#' `"from"` or `"to"`.
+#' @examples
+#' # These two calls are equivalent and return all required variables in a
+#' # controlled terminology data set.
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars()
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars("all")
+#' # "Codelist code" variable name.
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")
+#' # "From" variables
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars("from")
+#' # The "to" variable.
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars("to")
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+ct_spec_vars <- function(set = c("all", "ct_clst", "from", "to")) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(set)
+ set <- match.arg(set)
+ ct_clst_var <- "codelist_code"
+ from_vars <- c("collected_value", "term_synonyms")
+ to_var <- "term_value"
+ if (identical(set, "all")) {
+ return(c(ct_clst_var, from_vars, to_var))
+ }
+ if (identical(set, "ct_clst")) {
+ return(ct_clst_var)
+ }
+ if (identical(set, "from")) {
+ return(from_vars)
+ }
+ if (identical(set, "to")) {
+ return(to_var)
+ }
+#' Assert a controlled terminology specification
+#' @description
+#' [assert_ct_spec()] will check whether `ct_spec` is a data frame and if it contains the
+#' variables: `r knitr::combine_words(ct_spec_vars())`.
+#' In addition, it will also check if the data frame is not empty (no rows), and
+#' whether the columns \code{`r ct_spec_vars('ct_clst')`} and \code{`r ct_spec_vars('to')`} do
+#' not contain any `NA` values.
+#' @param ct_spec A data frame to be asserted as a valid controlled terminology data
+#' set.
+#' @returns The function throws an error if `ct_spec` is not a valid controlled
+#' terminology data set; otherwise, `ct_spec` is returned invisibly.
+#' @examples
+#' # If `ct_spec` is a valid controlled terminology then it is returned invisibly.
+#' ct_spec_01 <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+#' all.equal(ct_spec_01, sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_spec(ct_spec_01))
+#' # A minimal set of variables needs to be present in `ct_spec` for it to pass the
+#' # assertion; `sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars()` defines their names.
+#' (req_vars <- sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars())
+#' # Other (facultative) variables also present in the controlled terminology
+#' # example.
+#' (opt_vars <- setdiff(colnames(ct_spec_01), req_vars))
+#' # With only the mandatory variables, the assertion still passes.
+#' sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_spec(ct_spec_01[req_vars])
+#' # Not having the required variables results in an error.
+#' try(sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_spec(ct_spec_01[opt_vars]))
+#' @keywords internal
+assert_ct_spec <- function(ct_spec, optional = FALSE) {
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(
+ arg = ct_spec,
+ required_vars = rlang::syms(ct_spec_vars()),
+ optional = optional
+ )
+ if (!is.null(ct_spec) && nrow(ct_spec) == 0L) {
+ rlang::abort("`ct_spec` can't be empty.")
+ }
+ if (!is.null(ct_spec) && anyNA(ct_spec[[ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")]])) {
+ rlang::abort(glue::glue("`{ct_spec_vars('ct_clst')}` can't have any NA values."))
+ }
+ if (!is.null(ct_spec) && anyNA(ct_spec[[ct_spec_vars("to")]])) {
+ rlang::abort(glue::glue("`{ct_spec_vars('to')}` can't have any NA values."))
+ }
+ invisible(ct_spec)
+#' Assert a codelist code
+#' [assert_ct_clst()] asserts the validity of a codelist code in the context of
+#' a controlled terminology specification.
+#' @param ct_spec Either a data frame encoding a controlled terminology data set, or
+#' `NULL`.
+#' @param ct_clst A string with a to-be asserted codelist code, or `NULL`.
+#' @param optional A scalar logical, indicating whether `ct_clst` can be `NULL` or
+#' not.
+#' @returns The function throws an error if `ct_clst` is not a valid codelist code
+#' given the controlled terminology data set; otherwise, `ct_clst` is returned
+#' invisibly.
+#' @examples
+#' # Load a controlled terminology example.
+#' (ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+#' # Should work fine.
+#' sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = "C71113")
+#' # In certain cases, you might allow `ct_clst` to be `NULL` as to indicate absence,
+#' # in that case, set `optional` to `TRUE` to make `assert_ct_clst()` more
+#' # forgiving.
+#' sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = NULL, optional = TRUE)
+#' # Otherwise it would err.
+#' try(sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = NULL, optional = FALSE))
+#' @keywords internal
+assert_ct_clst <- function(ct_spec, ct_clst, optional = FALSE) {
+ is_ct_spec_missing <- is.null(ct_spec)
+ is_ct_clst_missing <- is.null(ct_clst)
+ is_required_ct_clst_missing <- is_ct_clst_missing && !optional
+ is_ct_clst_without_ct_spec <- is_ct_spec_missing && !is_ct_clst_missing
+ are_ct_spec_ct_clst_available <- !is_ct_spec_missing && !is_ct_clst_missing
+ if (!is_ct_clst_missing) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(ct_clst)
+ }
+ if (is_required_ct_clst_missing) {
+ rlang::abort("`ct_clst` is a required parameter.")
+ }
+ if (is_ct_clst_without_ct_spec) {
+ rlang::abort("`ct_spec` must be a valid controlled terminology if `ct_clst` is supplied.")
+ }
+ if (is_ct_clst_missing) {
+ return(invisible(NULL))
+ }
+ if (!is_ct_spec_missing && is.na(ct_clst)) {
+ rlang::abort("`ct_clst` can't be NA. Did you mean `NULL`?")
+ }
+ if (are_ct_spec_ct_clst_available) {
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = FALSE)
+ ct_clst_possibilities <-
+ ct_spec |>
+ dplyr::pull(ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")) |>
+ unique()
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(ct_clst, values = ct_clst_possibilities)
+ }
+ return(ct_clst)
+#' Controlled terminology mappings
+#' @description
+#' [ct_mappings()] takes a controlled terminology specification and returns the
+#' mappings in the form of a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] in long format,
+#' i.e. the recoding of values in the `from` column to the `to` column values,
+#' one mapping per row.
+#' The resulting mappings are unique, i.e. if `from` values are duplicated in
+#' two `from` columns, the first column indicated in `from` takes precedence,
+#' and only that mapping is retained in the controlled terminology map.
+#' @param ct_spec Controlled terminology specification as a
+#' [tibble][tibble::tibble-package]. Each row is for a mapped controlled term.
+#' Controlled terms are expected in the column indicated by `to_col`.
+#' @param from A character vector of column names indicating the variables
+#' containing values to be recoded.
+#' @param to A single string indicating the column whose values are to be
+#' recoded into.
+#' @returns A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with two columns, `from` and
+#' `to`, indicating the mapping of values, one per row.
+#' @examples
+#' # Read in a bundled controlled terminology spec example (ex. 01).
+#' (ct_spec_01 <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+#' # Generate mappings from the terminology specification.
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_mappings(ct_spec = ct_spec_01)
+#' # Take a glimpse at those mappings where an actual recoding happens.
+#' sdtm.oak:::ct_mappings(ct_spec = ct_spec_01) |>
+#' dplyr::filter(from != to) |>
+#' print(n = 20)
+#' @importFrom rlang .data
+#' @keywords internal
+ct_mappings <- function(ct_spec, from = ct_spec_vars("from"), to = ct_spec_vars("to")) {
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec)
+ cols <- c(to, from)
+ ct_mappings <-
+ ct_spec |>
+ dplyr::mutate(to = !!rlang::sym(to)) |>
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(
+ cols = dplyr::all_of(cols),
+ values_to = "from",
+ names_to = "type"
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::select(c("type", "from", "to")) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(type = factor(.data$type, levels = cols)) |>
+ dplyr::arrange(.data$type) |>
+ dplyr::select(-"type") |>
+ tidyr::drop_na("from") |>
+ dplyr::mutate(from = str_split(.data$from)) |>
+ tidyr::unnest(from) |>
+ dplyr::filter(from != "") |> # In case the split resulted in empty strings.
+ dplyr::mutate(from = trimws(.data$from), to = trimws(.data$to)) |>
+ dplyr::distinct(.data$from, .keep_all = TRUE)
+ ct_mappings
+#' Recode according to controlled terminology
+#' [ct_map()] recodes a vector following a controlled terminology.
+#' @param x A character vector of terms to be recoded following a controlled
+#' terminology.
+#' @param ct_spec A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] providing a controlled
+#' terminology specification.
+#' @param ct_clst A character vector indicating a set of possible controlled
+#' terminology codelists codes to be used for recoding. By default (`NULL`)
+#' all codelists available in `ct_spec` are used.
+#' @param from A character vector of column names indicating the variables
+#' containing values to be matched against for terminology recoding.
+#' @param to A single string indicating the column whose values are to be
+#' recoded into.
+#' @returns A character vector of terminology recoded values from `x`. If no
+#' match is found in the controlled terminology spec provided in `ct_spec`, then
+#' `x` values are returned in uppercase. If `ct_spec` is not provided `x` is
+#' returned unchanged.
+#' @examples
+#' # A few example terms.
+#' terms <-
+#' c(
+#' "/day",
+#' "Yes",
+#' "Unknown",
+#' "Prior",
+#' "Every 2 hours",
+#' "Percentage",
+#' "International Unit"
+#' )
+#' # Load a controlled terminology example
+#' (ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+#' # Use all possible matching terms in the controlled terminology.
+#' ct_map(x = terms, ct_spec = ct_spec)
+#' # Note that if the controlled terminology mapping is restricted to a codelist
+#' # code, e.g. C71113, then only `"/day"` and `"Every 2 hours"` get mapped to
+#' # `"QD"` and `"Q2H"`, respectively; remaining terms won't match given the
+#' # codelist code # restriction, and will be mapped to an uppercase version of
+#' # the original terms.
+#' ct_map(x = terms, ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = "C71113")
+#' @importFrom rlang %||% .data
+#' @export
+ct_map <-
+ function(x,
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ from = ct_spec_vars("from"),
+ to = ct_spec_vars("to")) {
+ ct_spec %||% return(x)
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec)
+ ct_clst <- ct_clst %||% unique(ct_spec[[ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")]])
+ ct_spec <- dplyr::filter(ct_spec, .data[[ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")]] %in% ct_clst)
+ mappings <- ct_mappings(ct_spec, from = from, to = to)
+ recode(
+ x,
+ from = mappings$from,
+ to = mappings$to,
+ .no_match = toupper(x)
+ )
+ }
+#' Read in a controlled terminology
+#' [read_ct_spec()] imports a controlled terminology specification data set as a
+#' [tibble][tibble::tibble-package].
+#' @param file A path to a file containing a controlled terminology
+#' specification data set. The following are expected of this file:
+#' - The file is expected to be a CSV file;
+#' - The file is expected to contain a first row of column names;
+#' - This minimal set of variables is expected: `r knitr::combine_words(ct_spec_vars())`.
+#' @returns A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with a controlled terminology
+#' specification.
+#' @examples
+#' # Get the local path to one of the controlled terminology example files.
+#' path <- ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+#' # Import it to R.
+#' read_ct_spec(file = path)
+#' @export
+read_ct_spec <- function(file = stop("`file` must be specified")) {
+ ct_spec <- readr::read_csv(file = file, col_types = "c")
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec)
+ ct_spec
+#' Find the path to an example controlled terminology file
+#' [ct_spec_example()] resolves the local path to an example controlled
+#' terminology file.
+#' @param example A string with either the basename, file name, or relative path
+#' to a controlled terminology file bundled with `{stdm.oak}`, see examples.
+#' @returns The local path to an example file if `example` is supplied, or a
+#' character vector of example file names.
+#' @examples
+#' # Get the local path to controlled terminology example file 01
+#' # Using the basename only:
+#' ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+#' # Using the file name:
+#' ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm.csv")
+#' # Using the relative path:
+#' ct_spec_example("ct/ct-01-cm.csv")
+#' # If no example is provided it returns a vector of possible choices.
+#' ct_spec_example()
+#' @export
+ct_spec_example <- function(example) {
+ # If no example is requested, then return all available files.
+ if (missing(example)) {
+ ct_spec_path <- system.file("ct", package = "sdtm.oak", mustWork = TRUE)
+ ct_spec_files <- list.files(ct_spec_path, pattern = "*.csv")
+ return(ct_spec_files)
+ }
+ # Otherwise, resolve the local path to the example requested.
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(example, optional = TRUE)
+ base_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(example))
+ path <- file.path("ct", paste0(base_name, ".csv"))
+ local_path <- system.file(path, package = "sdtm.oak")
+ if (identical(local_path, "")) {
+ stop(
+ glue::glue(
+ "'{example}' does not match any ct spec files. Run `ct_spec_example()` for options."
+ ),
+ call. = FALSE
+ )
+ } else {
+ local_path <-
+ system.file(path, package = "sdtm.oak", mustWork = TRUE)
+ return(local_path)
+ }
+#' Read an example controlled terminology specification
+#' [read_ct_spec_example()] imports one of the bundled controlled terminology
+#' specification data sets as a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] into R.
+#' @param example The file name of a controlled terminology data set bundled
+#' with `{stdm.oak}`, run `read_ct_spec_example()` for available example files.
+#' @returns A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with a controlled terminology
+#' specification data set, or a character vector of example file names.
+#' @examples
+#' # Leave the `example` parameter as missing for available example files.
+#' read_ct_spec_example()
+#' # Read an example controlled terminology spec file.
+#' read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm.csv")
+#' # You may omit the file extension.
+#' read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+#' @export
+read_ct_spec_example <- function(example) {
+ if (missing(example)) {
+ return(ct_spec_example())
+ } else {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(example)
+ }
+ path <- ct_spec_example(example)
+ read_ct_spec(file = path)
diff --git a/R/dtc_problems.R b/R/dtc_problems.R
index c6ab3494..9c23544e 100644
--- a/R/dtc_problems.R
+++ b/R/dtc_problems.R
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ any_problems <- function(cap_matrices, .cutoff_2000 = 68L) {
#' provides easy access to these parsing problems.
#' @param x An object of class iso8601, as typically obtained from a call to
-#' [create_iso8601()]. The argument can also be left empty, in that case it
+#' [create_iso8601()]. The argument can also be left empty, in that case
#' `problems()` will use the last returned value, making it convenient to use
#' immediately after [create_iso8601()].
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ any_problems <- function(cap_matrices, .cutoff_2000 = 68L) {
#' "20231225"
#' )
-#' #' # By inspecting the problematic dates it can be understood that
+#' # By inspecting the problematic dates it can be understood that
#' # the `.format` parameter needs to updated to include other variations.
#' iso8601_dttm <- create_iso8601(dates, .format = "y-m-d")
#' problems(iso8601_dttm)
diff --git a/R/hardcode.R b/R/hardcode.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31938689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/hardcode.R
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#' Derive an SDTM variable with a hardcoded value
+#' @description
+#' [sdtm_hardcode()] is an internal function packing the same functionality as
+#' [hardcode_no_ct()] and [hardcode_ct()] together but aimed at developers only.
+#' As a user please use either [hardcode_no_ct()] or [hardcode_ct()].
+#' @param raw_dat The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+#' variables passed in `id_vars` and `raw_var`.
+#' @param raw_var The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+#' raw variable in `raw_dat`.
+#' @param tgt_var The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+#' of variable to be derived.
+#' @param tgt_val The target SDTM value to be hardcoded into the variable
+#' indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' @param ct_spec Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+#' minimal set of columns, see [ct_spec_vars()] for details. This parameter is
+#' optional, if left as `NULL` no controlled terminology recoding is applied.
+#' @param ct_clst A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+#' terminology to apply in the derivation. This parameter is optional, if left
+#' as `NULL`, all possible recodings in `ct_spec` are attempted.
+#' @param tgt_dat Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against `raw_dat` by
+#' the variables indicated in `id_vars`. This parameter is optional, see
+#' section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.
+#' @param id_vars Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+#' (`raw_dat`) and the target data set (`raw_dat`).
+#' @returns The returned data set depends on the value of `tgt_dat`:
+#' - If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that `tgt_dat` defaults to
+#' `NULL`, then the returned data set is `raw_dat`, selected for the variables
+#' indicated in `id_vars`, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+#' indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' - If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+#' `raw_dat` by the variables indicated in `id_vars`, with a new column: the
+#' derived variable, as indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' @importFrom rlang :=
+#' @keywords internal
+sdtm_hardcode <- function(raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_val,
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(raw_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_val)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(id_vars)
+ assertthat::assert_that(contains_oak_id_vars(id_vars),
+ msg = "`id_vars` must include the oak id vars."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(raw_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(c(id_vars, raw_var)))
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(tgt_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(id_vars), optional = TRUE)
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = TRUE)
+ assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = ct_clst, optional = TRUE)
+ # Recode the hardcoded value following terminology.
+ tgt_val <- ct_map(tgt_val, ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = ct_clst)
+ # Apply derivation of the hardcoded value.
+ # `der_dat`: derived dataset.
+ der_dat <-
+ raw_dat |>
+ dplyr::select(c(id_vars, raw_var)) |>
+ dplyr::mutate("{tgt_var}" := recode(x = !!rlang::sym(raw_var), to = tgt_val)) |> # nolint object_name_linter()
+ dplyr::select(-rlang::sym(raw_var))
+ # If a target dataset is supplied, then join the so far derived dataset with
+ # the target dataset (`tgt_dat`), otherwise leave it be.
+ der_dat <-
+ if (!is.null(tgt_dat)) {
+ der_dat |>
+ dplyr::right_join(y = tgt_dat, by = id_vars) |>
+ dplyr::relocate(tgt_var, .after = dplyr::last_col())
+ } else {
+ der_dat
+ }
+ der_dat
+#' Derive an SDTM variable with a hardcoded value
+#' @description
+#' - [hardcode_no_ct()] maps a hardcoded value to a target SDTM variable that has
+#' no terminology restrictions.
+#' - [hardcode_ct()] maps a hardcoded value to a target SDTM variable with
+#' controlled terminology recoding.
+#' @param raw_dat The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+#' variables passed in `id_vars` and `raw_var`.
+#' @param raw_var The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+#' raw variable in `raw_dat`.
+#' @param tgt_var The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+#' of variable to be derived.
+#' @param tgt_val The target SDTM value to be hardcoded into the variable
+#' indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' @param ct_spec Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+#' minimal set of columns, see [ct_spec_vars()] for details. This parameter is
+#' optional, if left as `NULL` no controlled terminology recoding is applied.
+#' @param ct_clst A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+#' terminology to apply in the derivation. This parameter is optional, if left
+#' as `NULL`, all possible recodings in `ct_spec` are attempted.
+#' @param tgt_dat Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against `raw_dat` by
+#' the variables indicated in `id_vars`. This parameter is optional, see
+#' section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.
+#' @param id_vars Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+#' (`raw_dat`) and the target data set (`raw_dat`).
+#' @returns The returned data set depends on the value of `tgt_dat`:
+#' - If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that `tgt_dat` defaults to
+#' `NULL`, then the returned data set is `raw_dat`, selected for the variables
+#' indicated in `id_vars`, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+#' indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' - If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+#' `raw_dat` by the variables indicated in `id_vars`, with a new column: the
+#' derived variable, as indicated in `tgt_var`.
+#' @examples
+#' md1 <-
+#' tibble::tribble(
+#' ~oak_id, ~raw_source, ~patient_number, ~MDRAW,
+#' 1L, "MD1", 101L, "BABY ASPIRIN",
+#' 2L, "MD1", 102L, "CORTISPORIN",
+#' 3L, "MD1", 103L, NA_character_,
+#' )
+#' # Derive a new variable `CMCAT` by overwriting `MDRAW` with the
+#' hardcode_no_ct(
+#' raw_dat = md1,
+#' raw_var = "MDRAW",
+#' tgt_var = "CMCAT",
+#' )
+#' cm_inter <-
+#' tibble::tribble(
+#' ~oak_id, ~raw_source, ~patient_number, ~CMTRT, ~CMINDC,
+#' 1L, "MD1", 101L, "BABY ASPIRIN", NA,
+#' 2L, "MD1", 102L, "CORTISPORIN", "NAUSEA",
+#' 3L, "MD1", 103L, "ASPIRIN", "ANEMIA",
+#' 5L, "MD1", 105L, "PARACETAMOL", "PYREXIA"
+#' )
+#' # Derive a new variable `CMCAT` by overwriting `MDRAW` with the
+#' # hardcoded value "GENERAL CONCOMITANT MEDICATIONS" with a prior join to
+#' # `target_dataset`.
+#' hardcode_no_ct(
+#' raw_dat = md1,
+#' raw_var = "MDRAW",
+#' tgt_var = "CMCAT",
+#' tgt_dat = cm_inter
+#' )
+#' # Controlled terminology specification
+#' (ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+#' # Hardcoding of `CMCAT` with the value `"GENERAL CONCOMITANT MEDICATIONS"`
+#' # involving terminology recoding. `NA` values in `MDRAW` are preserved in
+#' # `CMCAT`.
+#' hardcode_ct(
+#' raw_dat = md1,
+#' raw_var = "MDRAW",
+#' tgt_var = "CMCAT",
+#' ct_spec = ct_spec,
+#' ct_clst = "C66729",
+#' tgt_dat = cm_inter
+#' )
+#' @name harcode
+#' @export
+#' @rdname harcode
+hardcode_no_ct <- function(raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_val,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(raw_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_var)
+ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.scalar(tgt_val),
+ msg = "`tgt_val` must be a scalar value."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(id_vars)
+ assertthat::assert_that(contains_oak_id_vars(id_vars),
+ msg = "`id_vars` must include the oak id vars."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(raw_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(c(id_vars, raw_var)))
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(tgt_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(id_vars), optional = TRUE)
+ sdtm_hardcode(
+ raw_dat = raw_dat,
+ raw_var = raw_var,
+ tgt_var = tgt_var,
+ tgt_val = tgt_val,
+ tgt_dat = tgt_dat,
+ id_vars = id_vars
+ )
+#' @export
+#' @rdname harcode
+hardcode_ct <-
+ function(raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_val,
+ ct_spec,
+ ct_clst,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(raw_var)
+ admiraldev::assert_character_scalar(tgt_var)
+ assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.scalar(tgt_val),
+ msg = "`tgt_val` must be a scalar value."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(id_vars)
+ assertthat::assert_that(contains_oak_id_vars(id_vars),
+ msg = "`id_vars` must include the oak id vars."
+ )
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(raw_dat, required_vars = rlang::syms(c(id_vars, raw_var)))
+ admiraldev::assert_data_frame(tgt_dat,
+ required_vars = rlang::syms(id_vars),
+ optional = TRUE
+ )
+ assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = FALSE)
+ assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = ct_clst, optional = FALSE)
+ sdtm_hardcode(
+ raw_dat = raw_dat,
+ raw_var = raw_var,
+ tgt_var = tgt_var,
+ tgt_val = tgt_val,
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = ct_clst,
+ tgt_dat = tgt_dat,
+ id_vars = id_vars
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/R/oak_id_vars.R b/R/oak_id_vars.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..718d11da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/oak_id_vars.R
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#' Raw dataset keys
+#' [oak_id_vars()] is a helper function providing the variable (column) names to
+#' be regarded as keys in [tibbles][tibble::tibble-package] representing raw
+#' datasets. By default, the set of names is
+#' `r knitr::combine_words(oak_id_vars())`. Extra variable names may be
+#' indicated and passed in `extra_vars` which are appended to the default names.
+#' @param extra_vars A character vector of extra column names to be appended to
+#' the default names: `r knitr::combine_words(oak_id_vars())`.
+#' @returns A character vector of column names to be regarded
+#' as keys in raw datasets.
+#' @examples
+#' sdtm.oak:::oak_id_vars()
+#' sdtm.oak:::oak_id_vars(extra_vars = "sample_id")
+#' @keywords internal
+oak_id_vars <- function(extra_vars = NULL) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(extra_vars, optional = TRUE)
+ unique(c("oak_id", "raw_source", "patient_number", extra_vars))
+#' Does a vector contain the raw dataset key variables?
+#' [contains_oak_id_vars()] evaluates whether a character vector `x` contains
+#' the raw dataset key variable names, i.e. the so called Oak identifier
+#' variables --- these are defined by the return value of [oak_id_vars()].
+#' @param x A character vector.
+#' @returns A logical scalar value.
+#' @examples
+#' # `oak_id_vars()` is the function that defines what are the minimal set of
+#' # oak keys. Hence, by definition, the following code should always return
+#' # `TRUE`.
+#' sdtm.oak:::contains_oak_id_vars(sdtm.oak:::oak_id_vars())
+#' # Returns `FALSE`.
+#' sdtm.oak:::contains_oak_id_vars(character())
+#' # Another example that returns `FALSE` because it is missing
+#' # `"patient_number"`.
+#' sdtm.oak:::contains_oak_id_vars(c("oak_id", "raw_source"))
+#' @keywords internal
+contains_oak_id_vars <- function(x) {
+ admiraldev::assert_character_vector(x)
+ all(oak_id_vars() %in% x)
diff --git a/R/recode.R b/R/recode.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..424096b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/recode.R
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#' Determine Indices for Recoding
+#' [index_for_recode()] identifies the positions of elements in `x` that match
+#' any of the values specified in the `from` vector. This function is primarily
+#' used to facilitate the recoding of values by pinpointing which elements in
+#' `x` correspond to the `from` values and thus need to be replaced or updated.
+#' @param x A vector of values in which to search for matches.
+#' @param from A vector of values to match against the elements in `x`.
+#' @return An integer vector of the same length as `x`, containing the indices
+#' of the matched values from the `from` vector. If an element in `x` does not
+#' match any value in `from`, the corresponding position in the output will be
+#' `NA`. This index information is critical for subsequent recoding operations.
+#' @examples
+#' sdtm.oak:::index_for_recode(x = 1:5, from = c(2, 4))
+#' @keywords internal
+index_for_recode <- function(x, from) {
+ match(x, from)
+#' Recode values
+#' [recode()] recodes values in `x` by matching elements in `from` onto values
+#' in `to`.
+#' @param x An atomic vector of values are to be recoded.
+#' @param from A vector of values to be matched in `x` for recoding.
+#' @param to A vector of values to be used as replacement for values in `from`.
+#' @param .no_match Value to be used as replacement when cases in `from` are not
+#' matched.
+#' @param .na Value to be used to recode missing values.
+#' @returns A vector of recoded values.
+#' @examples
+#' x <- c("male", "female", "x", NA)
+#' sdtm.oak:::recode(x,
+#' from = c("male", "female"),
+#' to = c("M", "F")
+#' )
+#' sdtm.oak:::recode(
+#' x,
+#' from = c("male", "female"),
+#' to = c("M", "F"),
+#' .no_match = "?"
+#' )
+#' sdtm.oak:::recode(
+#' x,
+#' from = c("male", "female"),
+#' to = c("M", "F"),
+#' .na = "missing"
+#' )
+#' @keywords internal
+recode <- function(
+ x,
+ from = unique(na.omit(x)),
+ to = from,
+ .no_match = x,
+ .na = NA) {
+ to <- vctrs::vec_recycle(to, length(from))
+ index <- index_for_recode(x, from)
+ y <- ifelse(!is.na(index), to[index], .no_match)
+ y[is.na(x)] <- .na
+ y
diff --git a/R/sdtm.oak-package.R b/R/sdtm.oak-package.R
index b1a48e6f..0ba23dc1 100644
--- a/R/sdtm.oak-package.R
+++ b/R/sdtm.oak-package.R
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
## usethis namespace: start
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom rlang .data
+#' @importFrom stats na.omit
## usethis namespace: end
diff --git a/R/str_split.R b/R/str_split.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b5b1125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/str_split.R
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+str_split_ <- function(x, split = ";", quote = '"') {
+ scan(
+ text = x,
+ what = "character",
+ sep = split,
+ quote = quote,
+ quiet = TRUE
+ )
+str_split <- function(x, split = ";", quote = '"') {
+ lapply(x, str_split_, split = split, quote = quote)
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e05837ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
+ ct_mappings <<- memoise::memoise(ct_mappings)
diff --git a/_pkgdown.yml b/_pkgdown.yml
index d0716d79..2f306131 100644
--- a/_pkgdown.yml
+++ b/_pkgdown.yml
@@ -6,3 +6,29 @@ template:
title: "sdtm.oak"
+- title: SDTM derivation
+ desc: Set of functions to perform SDTM derivations
+ contents:
+ - assign
+ - harcode
+ - derive_study_day
+- title: Controlled terminology
+ contents:
+ - read_ct_spec
+ - read_ct_spec_example
+ - ct_spec_example
+ - ct_map
+- title: Date and time conversion
+ contents:
+ - create_iso8601
+ - fmt_cmp
+ - dtc_formats
+ - problems
+- title: Package global state
+ contents:
+ - clear_cache
diff --git a/inst/WORDLIST b/inst/WORDLIST
index 50b2eb7e..538f7a2e 100644
--- a/inst/WORDLIST
+++ b/inst/WORDLIST
@@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ ORCID
diff --git a/inst/ct/README.md b/inst/ct/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58433341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/ct/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Controlled terminology examples
+## Introduction
+The folder inst/ct is meant to hold examples of controlled terminology
+specifications. These example files should be plain CSV files.
+If you're adding new example files please follow the naming convention:
-.csv`, where `` is a simple numerical identifier
+for the example, i.e. 01, 02, etc.. The `` is a short keyword
+providing a simple contextual annotation for the controlled terminology.
+For example, `ct-01-cm.csv` is an example of a controlled terminology
+specification data set:
+- `01`: indicates that it is the first example
+- `cm`: suggests that this data set is related to the Concomitant Medication
+## Examples
+- `ct-01-cm.csv`: TBD.
diff --git a/inst/ct/ct-01-cm.csv b/inst/ct/ct-01-cm.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffbe0903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/ct/ct-01-cm.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+C71113,C25473,QD,QD,QD (Every Day),Daily,/day; Daily; Per Day,FREQ_CV1
+C71113,C64496,BID,BID,BID (Twice a Day),Twice Daily,BD; Twice per day,FREQ_CV1
+C71113,C64499,PRN,PRN,PRN (As Needed),As Needed,As needed,FREQ_CV1
+C71113,C64516,Q2H,Q2H,Q2H (Every 2 Hours),Every Two Hours,Every 2 hours,FREQ_CV1
+C71113,C64530,QID,QID,QID (4 Times a Day),Four Times Daily,4 times per day,FREQ_CV1
+C66726,C25158,CAPSULE,CAPSULE,Capsule,Capsule Dosage Form,cap,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C25394,PILL,PILL,Pill,Pill Dosage Form,NA,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C29167,LOTION,LOTION,Lotion,Lotion Dosage Form,NA,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C42887,AEROSOL,AEROSOL,Aerosol,Aerosol Dosage Form,aer,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C42944,INHALANT,INHALANT,Inhalant,Inhalant Dosage Form,NA,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C42946,INJECTION,INJECTION,Injection,Injectable Dosage Form,NA,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C42953,LIQUID,LIQUID,Liquid,Liquid Dosage Form,NA,FRM_CV1
+C66726,C42998,TABLET,TABLET,Tablet,Tablet Dosage Form,tab,FRM_CV1
+C66729,C28161,INTRAMUSCULAR,INTRAMUSCULAR,IM (Intramuscular),Intramuscular Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38210,EPIDURAL,EPIDURAL,EP (Epidural),Epidural Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38222,INTRA-ARTERIAL,INTRA-ARTERIAL,IA (Intra-arterial),Intraarterial Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38223,INTRA-ARTICULAR,INTRA-ARTICULAR,IJ (Intra-articular),Intraarticular Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38287,OPHTHALMIC,OPHTHALMIC,OP (Ophthalmic),Ophthalmic Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38288,ORAL,ORAL,PO (Oral),Oral Route of Administration,Intraoral Route of Administration; PO,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38305,TRANSDERMAL,TRANSDERMAL,DE (Transdermal),Transdermal Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C66729,C38311,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,Unknown,Unknown Route of Administration,NA,ROUTE_CV1
+C71620,C28254,ML,mL,mL,Milliliter,cm3; Milliliter,UNIT_CV1
+C71620,C48480,CAPSULE,CAPSULE,Capsule,Capsule Dosing Unit,cap; Capsule Dosing Unit,UNIT_CV1
+C71620,C48542,TABLET,TABLET,Tablet,Tablet Dosing Unit,tab; Tablet Dosing Unit,UNIT_CV1
+C71620,C48579,IU,IU,IU,International Unit,IE; International Unit,UNIT_CV1
+C71620,C28254,ML,mL,mL,Milliliter,cm3; Milliliter,UNIT_CV5
+C66734,C49568,CM,CM,Concomitant Medication Domain,Concomitant Medication Domain,Concomitant/Prior Medications,NA
diff --git a/man/assert_ct_clst.Rd b/man/assert_ct_clst.Rd
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Assert a codelist code}
+assert_ct_clst(ct_spec, ct_clst, optional = FALSE)
+\item{ct_spec}{Either a data frame encoding a controlled terminology data set, or
+\item{ct_clst}{A string with a to-be asserted codelist code, or \code{NULL}.}
+\item{optional}{A scalar logical, indicating whether \code{ct_clst} can be \code{NULL} or
+The function throws an error if \code{ct_clst} is not a valid codelist code
+given the controlled terminology data set; otherwise, \code{ct_clst} is returned
+\code{\link[=assert_ct_clst]{assert_ct_clst()}} asserts the validity of a codelist code in the context of
+a controlled terminology specification.
+# Load a controlled terminology example.
+(ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+# Should work fine.
+sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = "C71113")
+# In certain cases, you might allow `ct_clst` to be `NULL` as to indicate absence,
+# in that case, set `optional` to `TRUE` to make `assert_ct_clst()` more
+# forgiving.
+sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = NULL, optional = TRUE)
+# Otherwise it would err.
+try(sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_clst(ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = NULL, optional = FALSE))
diff --git a/man/assert_ct_spec.Rd b/man/assert_ct_spec.Rd
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/assert_ct_spec.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Assert a controlled terminology specification}
+assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = FALSE)
+\item{ct_spec}{A data frame to be asserted as a valid controlled terminology data
+The function throws an error if \code{ct_spec} is not a valid controlled
+terminology data set; otherwise, \code{ct_spec} is returned invisibly.
+\code{\link[=assert_ct_spec]{assert_ct_spec()}} will check whether \code{ct_spec} is a data frame and if it contains the
+variables: codelist_code, collected_value, term_synonyms, and term_value.
+In addition, it will also check if the data frame is not empty (no rows), and
+whether the columns \code{codelist_code} and \code{term_value} do
+not contain any \code{NA} values.
+# If `ct_spec` is a valid controlled terminology then it is returned invisibly.
+ct_spec_01 <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+all.equal(ct_spec_01, sdtm.oak:::assert_ct_spec(ct_spec_01))
+# A minimal set of variables needs to be present in `ct_spec` for it to pass the
+# assertion; `sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars()` defines their names.
+(req_vars <- sdtm.oak:::ct_spec_vars())
+# Other (facultative) variables also present in the controlled terminology
+# example.
+(opt_vars <- setdiff(colnames(ct_spec_01), req_vars))
+# With only the mandatory variables, the assertion still passes.
+# Not having the required variables results in an error.
diff --git a/man/assign.Rd b/man/assign.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff7df056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/assign.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/assign.R
+\title{Derive an SDTM variable}
+ raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()
+ raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ ct_spec,
+ ct_clst,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()
+\item{raw_dat}{The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+variables passed in \code{id_vars} and \code{raw_var}.}
+\item{raw_var}{The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+raw variable in \code{raw_dat}.}
+\item{tgt_var}{The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+of variable to be derived.}
+\item{tgt_dat}{Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against \code{raw_dat} by
+the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}. This parameter is optional, see
+section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.}
+\item{id_vars}{Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+(\code{raw_dat}) and the target data set (\code{raw_dat}).}
+\item{ct_spec}{Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+minimal set of columns, see \code{\link[=ct_spec_vars]{ct_spec_vars()}} for details.}
+\item{ct_clst}{A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+terminology to apply in the derivation.}
+The returned data set depends on the value of \code{tgt_dat}:
+\item If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that \code{tgt_dat} defaults to
+\code{NULL}, then the returned data set is \code{raw_dat}, selected for the variables
+indicated in \code{id_vars}, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\item If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+\code{raw_dat} by the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}, with a new column: the
+derived variable, as indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\item \code{\link[=assign_no_ct]{assign_no_ct()}} maps a variable in a raw dataset to a target SDTM
+variable that has no terminology restrictions.
+\item \code{\link[=assign_ct]{assign_ct()}} maps a variable in a raw dataset to a target SDTM variable
+following controlled terminology recoding.
+md1 <-
+ tibble::tibble(
+ oak_id = 1:14,
+ raw_source = "MD1",
+ patient_number = 101:114,
+ MDIND = c(
+ )
+ )
+ raw_dat = md1,
+ raw_var = "MDIND",
+ tgt_var = "CMINDC",
+cm_inter <-
+ tibble::tibble(
+ oak_id = 1:14,
+ raw_source = "MD1",
+ patient_number = 101:114,
+ CMTRT = c(
+ ),
+ CMROUTE = c(
+ "ORAL",
+ "ORAL",
+ NA,
+ "ORAL",
+ "ORAL",
+ "ORAL",
+ NA,
+ )
+ )
+# Controlled terminology specification
+(ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+ raw_dat = md1,
+ raw_var = "MDIND",
+ tgt_var = "CMINDC",
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C66729",
+ tgt_dat = cm_inter
diff --git a/man/clear_cache.Rd b/man/clear_cache.Rd
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/man/clear_cache.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/clear_cache.R
+\title{Clear \code{{sdtm.oak}} cache of memoised functions}
+Returns a logical value, indicating whether the resetting of the
+cache was successful (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}).
+Some of \code{{sdtm.oak}} functions have their results cached for runtime
+efficiency. Use this function to reset the cache.
+Memoised functions:
+\item \code{\link[=ct_mappings]{ct_mappings()}}
diff --git a/man/contains_oak_id_vars.Rd b/man/contains_oak_id_vars.Rd
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/oak_id_vars.R
+\title{Does a vector contain the raw dataset key variables?}
+\item{x}{A character vector.}
+A logical scalar value.
+\code{\link[=contains_oak_id_vars]{contains_oak_id_vars()}} evaluates whether a character vector \code{x} contains
+the raw dataset key variable names, i.e. the so called Oak identifier
+variables --- these are defined by the return value of \code{\link[=oak_id_vars]{oak_id_vars()}}.
+# `oak_id_vars()` is the function that defines what are the minimal set of
+# oak keys. Hence, by definition, the following code should always return
+# `TRUE`.
+# Returns `FALSE`.
+# Another example that returns `FALSE` because it is missing
+# `"patient_number"`.
+sdtm.oak:::contains_oak_id_vars(c("oak_id", "raw_source"))
diff --git a/man/ct_map.Rd b/man/ct_map.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f00c10a
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+++ b/man/ct_map.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Recode according to controlled terminology}
+ x,
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ from = ct_spec_vars("from"),
+ to = ct_spec_vars("to")
+\item{x}{A character vector of terms to be recoded following a controlled
+\item{ct_spec}{A \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble} providing a controlled
+terminology specification.}
+\item{ct_clst}{A character vector indicating a set of possible controlled
+terminology codelists codes to be used for recoding. By default (\code{NULL})
+all codelists available in \code{ct_spec} are used.}
+\item{from}{A character vector of column names indicating the variables
+containing values to be matched against for terminology recoding.}
+\item{to}{A single string indicating the column whose values are to be
+recoded into.}
+A character vector of terminology recoded values from \code{x}. If no
+match is found in the controlled terminology spec provided in \code{ct_spec}, then
+\code{x} values are returned in uppercase. If \code{ct_spec} is not provided \code{x} is
+returned unchanged.
+\code{\link[=ct_map]{ct_map()}} recodes a vector following a controlled terminology.
+# A few example terms.
+terms <-
+ c(
+ "/day",
+ "Yes",
+ "Unknown",
+ "Prior",
+ "Every 2 hours",
+ "Percentage",
+ "International Unit"
+ )
+# Load a controlled terminology example
+(ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+# Use all possible matching terms in the controlled terminology.
+ct_map(x = terms, ct_spec = ct_spec)
+# Note that if the controlled terminology mapping is restricted to a codelist
+# code, e.g. C71113, then only `"/day"` and `"Every 2 hours"` get mapped to
+# `"QD"` and `"Q2H"`, respectively; remaining terms won't match given the
+# codelist code # restriction, and will be mapped to an uppercase version of
+# the original terms.
+ct_map(x = terms, ct_spec = ct_spec, ct_clst = "C71113")
diff --git a/man/ct_mappings.Rd b/man/ct_mappings.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83ca4898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ct_mappings.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Controlled terminology mappings}
+ct_mappings(ct_spec, from = ct_spec_vars("from"), to = ct_spec_vars("to"))
+\item{ct_spec}{Controlled terminology specification as a
+\link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble}. Each row is for a mapped controlled term.
+Controlled terms are expected in the column indicated by \code{to_col}.}
+\item{from}{A character vector of column names indicating the variables
+containing values to be recoded.}
+\item{to}{A single string indicating the column whose values are to be
+recoded into.}
+A \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble} with two columns, \code{from} and
+\code{to}, indicating the mapping of values, one per row.
+\code{\link[=ct_mappings]{ct_mappings()}} takes a controlled terminology specification and returns the
+mappings in the form of a \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble} in long format,
+i.e. the recoding of values in the \code{from} column to the \code{to} column values,
+one mapping per row.
+The resulting mappings are unique, i.e. if \code{from} values are duplicated in
+two \code{from} columns, the first column indicated in \code{from} takes precedence,
+and only that mapping is retained in the controlled terminology map.
+# Read in a bundled controlled terminology spec example (ex. 01).
+(ct_spec_01 <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+# Generate mappings from the terminology specification.
+sdtm.oak:::ct_mappings(ct_spec = ct_spec_01)
+# Take a glimpse at those mappings where an actual recoding happens.
+sdtm.oak:::ct_mappings(ct_spec = ct_spec_01) |>
+ dplyr::filter(from != to) |>
+ print(n = 20)
diff --git a/man/ct_spec_example.Rd b/man/ct_spec_example.Rd
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Find the path to an example controlled terminology file}
+\item{example}{A string with either the basename, file name, or relative path
+to a controlled terminology file bundled with \code{{stdm.oak}}, see examples.}
+The local path to an example file if \code{example} is supplied, or a
+character vector of example file names.
+\code{\link[=ct_spec_example]{ct_spec_example()}} resolves the local path to an example controlled
+terminology file.
+# Get the local path to controlled terminology example file 01
+# Using the basename only:
+# Using the file name:
+# Using the relative path:
+# If no example is provided it returns a vector of possible choices.
diff --git a/man/ct_spec_vars.Rd b/man/ct_spec_vars.Rd
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Controlled terminology variables}
+ct_spec_vars(set = c("all", "ct_clst", "from", "to"))
+\item{set}{A scalar character (string), one of: \code{"all"} (default), \code{"ct_clst"},
+\code{"from"} or \code{"to"}.}
+\code{\link[=ct_spec_vars]{ct_spec_vars()}} returns the mandatory variables to be present in a data set
+representing a controlled terminology. By default, it returns all required
+If only the subset of variables used for matching terms are needed, then
+request this subset of variables by passing the argument value \code{"from"}. If
+only the mapping-to variable is to be requested, then simply pass \code{"to"}. If
+only the codelist code variable name is needed then pass \code{"ct_clst"}.
+# These two calls are equivalent and return all required variables in a
+# controlled terminology data set.
+# "Codelist code" variable name.
+# "From" variables
+# The "to" variable.
diff --git a/man/harcode.Rd b/man/harcode.Rd
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/man/harcode.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/hardcode.R
+\title{Derive an SDTM variable with a hardcoded value}
+ raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_val,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()
+ raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_val,
+ ct_spec,
+ ct_clst,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()
+\item{raw_dat}{The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+variables passed in \code{id_vars} and \code{raw_var}.}
+\item{raw_var}{The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+raw variable in \code{raw_dat}.}
+\item{tgt_var}{The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+of variable to be derived.}
+\item{tgt_val}{The target SDTM value to be hardcoded into the variable
+indicated in \code{tgt_var}.}
+\item{tgt_dat}{Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against \code{raw_dat} by
+the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}. This parameter is optional, see
+section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.}
+\item{id_vars}{Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+(\code{raw_dat}) and the target data set (\code{raw_dat}).}
+\item{ct_spec}{Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+minimal set of columns, see \code{\link[=ct_spec_vars]{ct_spec_vars()}} for details. This parameter is
+optional, if left as \code{NULL} no controlled terminology recoding is applied.}
+\item{ct_clst}{A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+terminology to apply in the derivation. This parameter is optional, if left
+as \code{NULL}, all possible recodings in \code{ct_spec} are attempted.}
+The returned data set depends on the value of \code{tgt_dat}:
+\item If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that \code{tgt_dat} defaults to
+\code{NULL}, then the returned data set is \code{raw_dat}, selected for the variables
+indicated in \code{id_vars}, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\item If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+\code{raw_dat} by the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}, with a new column: the
+derived variable, as indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\item \code{\link[=hardcode_no_ct]{hardcode_no_ct()}} maps a hardcoded value to a target SDTM variable that has
+no terminology restrictions.
+\item \code{\link[=hardcode_ct]{hardcode_ct()}} maps a hardcoded value to a target SDTM variable with
+controlled terminology recoding.
+md1 <-
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~oak_id, ~raw_source, ~patient_number, ~MDRAW,
+ 1L, "MD1", 101L, "BABY ASPIRIN",
+ 2L, "MD1", 102L, "CORTISPORIN",
+ 3L, "MD1", 103L, NA_character_,
+ )
+# Derive a new variable `CMCAT` by overwriting `MDRAW` with the
+ raw_dat = md1,
+ raw_var = "MDRAW",
+ tgt_var = "CMCAT",
+cm_inter <-
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~oak_id, ~raw_source, ~patient_number, ~CMTRT, ~CMINDC,
+ 1L, "MD1", 101L, "BABY ASPIRIN", NA,
+ 2L, "MD1", 102L, "CORTISPORIN", "NAUSEA",
+ 3L, "MD1", 103L, "ASPIRIN", "ANEMIA",
+ )
+# Derive a new variable `CMCAT` by overwriting `MDRAW` with the
+# hardcoded value "GENERAL CONCOMITANT MEDICATIONS" with a prior join to
+# `target_dataset`.
+ raw_dat = md1,
+ raw_var = "MDRAW",
+ tgt_var = "CMCAT",
+ tgt_dat = cm_inter
+# Controlled terminology specification
+(ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm"))
+# Hardcoding of `CMCAT` with the value `"GENERAL CONCOMITANT MEDICATIONS"`
+# involving terminology recoding. `NA` values in `MDRAW` are preserved in
+# `CMCAT`.
+ raw_dat = md1,
+ raw_var = "MDRAW",
+ tgt_var = "CMCAT",
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C66729",
+ tgt_dat = cm_inter
diff --git a/man/index_for_recode.Rd b/man/index_for_recode.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2362517f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/index_for_recode.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/recode.R
+\title{Determine Indices for Recoding}
+index_for_recode(x, from)
+\item{x}{A vector of values in which to search for matches.}
+\item{from}{A vector of values to match against the elements in \code{x}.}
+An integer vector of the same length as \code{x}, containing the indices
+of the matched values from the \code{from} vector. If an element in \code{x} does not
+match any value in \code{from}, the corresponding position in the output will be
+\code{NA}. This index information is critical for subsequent recoding operations.
+\code{\link[=index_for_recode]{index_for_recode()}} identifies the positions of elements in \code{x} that match
+any of the values specified in the \code{from} vector. This function is primarily
+used to facilitate the recoding of values by pinpointing which elements in
+\code{x} correspond to the \code{from} values and thus need to be replaced or updated.
+sdtm.oak:::index_for_recode(x = 1:5, from = c(2, 4))
diff --git a/man/oak_id_vars.Rd b/man/oak_id_vars.Rd
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/oak_id_vars.R
+\title{Raw dataset keys}
+oak_id_vars(extra_vars = NULL)
+\item{extra_vars}{A character vector of extra column names to be appended to
+the default names: oak_id, raw_source, and patient_number.}
+A character vector of column names to be regarded
+as keys in raw datasets.
+\code{\link[=oak_id_vars]{oak_id_vars()}} is a helper function providing the variable (column) names to
+be regarded as keys in \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibbles} representing raw
+datasets. By default, the set of names is
+oak_id, raw_source, and patient_number. Extra variable names may be
+indicated and passed in \code{extra_vars} which are appended to the default names.
+sdtm.oak:::oak_id_vars(extra_vars = "sample_id")
diff --git a/man/problems.Rd b/man/problems.Rd
index ce68ad46..8a5c23fe 100644
--- a/man/problems.Rd
+++ b/man/problems.Rd
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ problems(x = .Last.value)
\item{x}{An object of class iso8601, as typically obtained from a call to
-\code{\link[=create_iso8601]{create_iso8601()}}. The argument can also be left empty, in that case it
+\code{\link[=create_iso8601]{create_iso8601()}}. The argument can also be left empty, in that case
\code{problems()} will use the last returned value, making it convenient to use
immediately after \code{\link[=create_iso8601]{create_iso8601()}}.}
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ dates <-
-#' # By inspecting the problematic dates it can be understood that
+# By inspecting the problematic dates it can be understood that
# the `.format` parameter needs to updated to include other variations.
iso8601_dttm <- create_iso8601(dates, .format = "y-m-d")
diff --git a/man/read_ct_spec.Rd b/man/read_ct_spec.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21d6103d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Read in a controlled terminology}
+read_ct_spec(file = stop("`file` must be specified"))
+\item{file}{A path to a file containing a controlled terminology
+specification data set. The following are expected of this file:
+\item The file is expected to be a CSV file;
+\item The file is expected to contain a first row of column names;
+\item This minimal set of variables is expected: codelist_code, collected_value, term_synonyms, and term_value.
+A \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble} with a controlled terminology
+\code{\link[=read_ct_spec]{read_ct_spec()}} imports a controlled terminology specification data set as a
+# Get the local path to one of the controlled terminology example files.
+path <- ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+# Import it to R.
+read_ct_spec(file = path)
diff --git a/man/read_ct_spec_example.Rd b/man/read_ct_spec_example.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3b26c08
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+++ b/man/read_ct_spec_example.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ct.R
+\title{Read an example controlled terminology specification}
+\item{example}{The file name of a controlled terminology data set bundled
+with \code{{stdm.oak}}, run \code{read_ct_spec_example()} for available example files.}
+A \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble} with a controlled terminology
+specification data set, or a character vector of example file names.
+\code{\link[=read_ct_spec_example]{read_ct_spec_example()}} imports one of the bundled controlled terminology
+specification data sets as a \link[tibble:tibble-package]{tibble} into R.
+# Leave the `example` parameter as missing for available example files.
+# Read an example controlled terminology spec file.
+# You may omit the file extension.
diff --git a/man/recode.Rd b/man/recode.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aca082ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/recode.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/recode.R
+\title{Recode values}
+recode(x, from = unique(na.omit(x)), to = from, .no_match = x, .na = NA)
+\item{x}{An atomic vector of values are to be recoded.}
+\item{from}{A vector of values to be matched in \code{x} for recoding.}
+\item{to}{A vector of values to be used as replacement for values in \code{from}.}
+\item{.no_match}{Value to be used as replacement when cases in \code{from} are not
+\item{.na}{Value to be used to recode missing values.}
+A vector of recoded values.
+\code{\link[=recode]{recode()}} recodes values in \code{x} by matching elements in \code{from} onto values
+in \code{to}.
+x <- c("male", "female", "x", NA)
+ from = c("male", "female"),
+ to = c("M", "F")
+ x,
+ from = c("male", "female"),
+ to = c("M", "F"),
+ .no_match = "?"
+ x,
+ from = c("male", "female"),
+ to = c("M", "F"),
+ .na = "missing"
diff --git a/man/sdtm_assign.Rd b/man/sdtm_assign.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..676979dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/sdtm_assign.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/assign.R
+\title{Derive an SDTM variable}
+ raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()
+\item{raw_dat}{The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+variables passed in \code{id_vars} and \code{raw_var}.}
+\item{raw_var}{The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+raw variable in \code{raw_dat}.}
+\item{tgt_var}{The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+of variable to be derived.}
+\item{ct_spec}{Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+minimal set of columns, see \code{\link[=ct_spec_vars]{ct_spec_vars()}} for details. This parameter is
+optional, if left as \code{NULL} no controlled terminology recoding is applied.}
+\item{ct_clst}{A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+terminology to apply in the derivation. This parameter is optional, if left
+as \code{NULL}, all possible recodings in \code{ct_spec} are attempted.}
+\item{tgt_dat}{Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against \code{raw_dat} by
+the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}. This parameter is optional, see
+section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.}
+\item{id_vars}{Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+(\code{raw_dat}) and the target data set (\code{raw_dat}).}
+The returned data set depends on the value of \code{tgt_dat}:
+\item If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that \code{tgt_dat} defaults to
+\code{NULL}, then the returned data set is \code{raw_dat}, selected for the variables
+indicated in \code{id_vars}, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\item If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+\code{raw_dat} by the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}, with a new column: the
+derived variable, as indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\code{\link[=sdtm_assign]{sdtm_assign()}} is an internal function packing the same functionality as
+\code{\link[=assign_no_ct]{assign_no_ct()}} and \code{\link[=assign_ct]{assign_ct()}} together but aimed at developers only.
+As a user please use either \code{\link[=assign_no_ct]{assign_no_ct()}} or \code{\link[=assign_ct]{assign_ct()}}.
diff --git a/man/sdtm_hardcode.Rd b/man/sdtm_hardcode.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c3435b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/sdtm_hardcode.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/hardcode.R
+\title{Derive an SDTM variable with a hardcoded value}
+ raw_dat,
+ raw_var,
+ tgt_var,
+ tgt_val,
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ tgt_dat = NULL,
+ id_vars = oak_id_vars()
+\item{raw_dat}{The raw dataset (dataframe); must include the
+variables passed in \code{id_vars} and \code{raw_var}.}
+\item{raw_var}{The raw variable: a single string indicating the name of the
+raw variable in \code{raw_dat}.}
+\item{tgt_var}{The target SDTM variable: a single string indicating the name
+of variable to be derived.}
+\item{tgt_val}{The target SDTM value to be hardcoded into the variable
+indicated in \code{tgt_var}.}
+\item{ct_spec}{Study controlled terminology specification: a dataframe with a
+minimal set of columns, see \code{\link[=ct_spec_vars]{ct_spec_vars()}} for details. This parameter is
+optional, if left as \code{NULL} no controlled terminology recoding is applied.}
+\item{ct_clst}{A codelist code indicating which subset of the controlled
+terminology to apply in the derivation. This parameter is optional, if left
+as \code{NULL}, all possible recodings in \code{ct_spec} are attempted.}
+\item{tgt_dat}{Target dataset: a data frame to be merged against \code{raw_dat} by
+the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}. This parameter is optional, see
+section Value for how the output changes depending on this argument value.}
+\item{id_vars}{Key variables to be used in the join between the raw dataset
+(\code{raw_dat}) and the target data set (\code{raw_dat}).}
+The returned data set depends on the value of \code{tgt_dat}:
+\item If no target dataset is supplied, meaning that \code{tgt_dat} defaults to
+\code{NULL}, then the returned data set is \code{raw_dat}, selected for the variables
+indicated in \code{id_vars}, and a new extra column: the derived variable, as
+indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\item If the target dataset is provided, then it is merged with the raw data set
+\code{raw_dat} by the variables indicated in \code{id_vars}, with a new column: the
+derived variable, as indicated in \code{tgt_var}.
+\code{\link[=sdtm_hardcode]{sdtm_hardcode()}} is an internal function packing the same functionality as
+\code{\link[=hardcode_no_ct]{hardcode_no_ct()}} and \code{\link[=hardcode_ct]{hardcode_ct()}} together but aimed at developers only.
+As a user please use either \code{\link[=hardcode_no_ct]{hardcode_no_ct()}} or \code{\link[=hardcode_ct]{hardcode_ct()}}.
diff --git a/renv.lock b/renv.lock
index 329ec463..ebc34e12 100644
--- a/renv.lock
+++ b/renv.lock
@@ -128,6 +128,30 @@
"Hash": "543776ae6848fde2f48ff3816d0628bc"
+ "bit": {
+ "Package": "bit",
+ "Version": "4.0.5",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "d242abec29412ce988848d0294b208fd"
+ },
+ "bit64": {
+ "Package": "bit64",
+ "Version": "4.0.5",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "bit",
+ "methods",
+ "stats",
+ "utils"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "9fe98599ca456d6552421db0d6772d8f"
+ },
"brew": {
"Package": "brew",
"Version": "1.0-8",
@@ -911,6 +935,19 @@
"Hash": "e9d21e79848e02e524bea6f5bd53e7e4"
+ "progress": {
+ "Package": "progress",
+ "Version": "1.2.2",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R6",
+ "crayon",
+ "hms",
+ "prettyunits"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "14dc9f7a3c91ebb14ec5bb9208a07061"
+ },
"promises": {
"Package": "promises",
"Version": "",
@@ -995,6 +1032,29 @@
"Hash": "8f25ebe2ec38b1f2aef3b0d2ef76f6c4"
+ "readr": {
+ "Package": "readr",
+ "Version": "2.1.4",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "R6",
+ "cli",
+ "clipr",
+ "cpp11",
+ "crayon",
+ "hms",
+ "lifecycle",
+ "methods",
+ "rlang",
+ "tibble",
+ "tzdb",
+ "utils",
+ "vroom"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "b5047343b3825f37ad9d3b5d89aa1078"
+ },
"rematch2": {
"Package": "rematch2",
"Version": "2.1.2",
@@ -1007,7 +1067,7 @@
"remotes": {
"Package": "remotes",
- "Version": "",
+ "Version": "2.5.0",
"Source": "Repository",
"Repository": "RSPM",
"Requirements": [
@@ -1017,7 +1077,7 @@
- "Hash": "63d15047eb239f95160112bcadc4fcb9"
+ "Hash": "3ee025083e66f18db6cf27b56e23e141"
"renv": {
"Package": "renv",
@@ -1424,6 +1484,17 @@
"Hash": "e4e357f28c2edff493936b6cb30c3d65"
+ "tzdb": {
+ "Package": "tzdb",
+ "Version": "0.3.0",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "cpp11"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "b2e1cbce7c903eaf23ec05c58e59fb5e"
+ },
"urlchecker": {
"Package": "urlchecker",
"Version": "1.0.1",
@@ -1493,6 +1564,32 @@
"Hash": "a745bda7aff4734c17294bb41d4e4607"
+ "vroom": {
+ "Package": "vroom",
+ "Version": "1.6.1",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "bit64",
+ "cli",
+ "cpp11",
+ "crayon",
+ "glue",
+ "hms",
+ "lifecycle",
+ "methods",
+ "progress",
+ "rlang",
+ "stats",
+ "tibble",
+ "tidyselect",
+ "tzdb",
+ "vctrs",
+ "withr"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "7015a74373b83ffaef64023f4a0f5033"
+ },
"waldo": {
"Package": "waldo",
"Version": "0.4.0",
diff --git a/renv/profiles/4.2/renv.lock b/renv/profiles/4.2/renv.lock
index 494312ef..885895ef 100644
--- a/renv/profiles/4.2/renv.lock
+++ b/renv/profiles/4.2/renv.lock
@@ -128,6 +128,30 @@
"Hash": "543776ae6848fde2f48ff3816d0628bc"
+ "bit": {
+ "Package": "bit",
+ "Version": "4.0.5",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "d242abec29412ce988848d0294b208fd"
+ },
+ "bit64": {
+ "Package": "bit64",
+ "Version": "4.0.5",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "bit",
+ "methods",
+ "stats",
+ "utils"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "9fe98599ca456d6552421db0d6772d8f"
+ },
"brew": {
"Package": "brew",
"Version": "1.0-8",
@@ -912,6 +936,19 @@
"Hash": "e9d21e79848e02e524bea6f5bd53e7e4"
+ "progress": {
+ "Package": "progress",
+ "Version": "1.2.2",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R6",
+ "crayon",
+ "hms",
+ "prettyunits"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "14dc9f7a3c91ebb14ec5bb9208a07061"
+ },
"promises": {
"Package": "promises",
"Version": "",
@@ -996,6 +1033,29 @@
"Hash": "8f25ebe2ec38b1f2aef3b0d2ef76f6c4"
+ "readr": {
+ "Package": "readr",
+ "Version": "2.1.4",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "R6",
+ "cli",
+ "clipr",
+ "cpp11",
+ "crayon",
+ "hms",
+ "lifecycle",
+ "methods",
+ "rlang",
+ "tibble",
+ "tzdb",
+ "utils",
+ "vroom"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "b5047343b3825f37ad9d3b5d89aa1078"
+ },
"rematch2": {
"Package": "rematch2",
"Version": "2.1.2",
@@ -1008,7 +1068,7 @@
"remotes": {
"Package": "remotes",
- "Version": "",
+ "Version": "2.5.0",
"Source": "Repository",
"Repository": "RSPM",
"Requirements": [
@@ -1018,7 +1078,7 @@
- "Hash": "63d15047eb239f95160112bcadc4fcb9"
+ "Hash": "3ee025083e66f18db6cf27b56e23e141"
"renv": {
"Package": "renv",
@@ -1424,6 +1484,17 @@
"Hash": "c0f007e2eeed7722ce13d42b84a22e07"
+ "tzdb": {
+ "Package": "tzdb",
+ "Version": "0.3.0",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "cpp11"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "b2e1cbce7c903eaf23ec05c58e59fb5e"
+ },
"urlchecker": {
"Package": "urlchecker",
"Version": "1.0.1",
@@ -1493,6 +1564,32 @@
"Hash": "e4ffa94ceed5f124d429a5a5f0f5b378"
+ "vroom": {
+ "Package": "vroom",
+ "Version": "1.6.1",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "bit64",
+ "cli",
+ "cpp11",
+ "crayon",
+ "glue",
+ "hms",
+ "lifecycle",
+ "methods",
+ "progress",
+ "rlang",
+ "stats",
+ "tibble",
+ "tidyselect",
+ "tzdb",
+ "vctrs",
+ "withr"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "7015a74373b83ffaef64023f4a0f5033"
+ },
"waldo": {
"Package": "waldo",
"Version": "0.4.0",
diff --git a/renv/profiles/4.3/renv.lock b/renv/profiles/4.3/renv.lock
index 329ec463..ebc34e12 100644
--- a/renv/profiles/4.3/renv.lock
+++ b/renv/profiles/4.3/renv.lock
@@ -128,6 +128,30 @@
"Hash": "543776ae6848fde2f48ff3816d0628bc"
+ "bit": {
+ "Package": "bit",
+ "Version": "4.0.5",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "d242abec29412ce988848d0294b208fd"
+ },
+ "bit64": {
+ "Package": "bit64",
+ "Version": "4.0.5",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "bit",
+ "methods",
+ "stats",
+ "utils"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "9fe98599ca456d6552421db0d6772d8f"
+ },
"brew": {
"Package": "brew",
"Version": "1.0-8",
@@ -911,6 +935,19 @@
"Hash": "e9d21e79848e02e524bea6f5bd53e7e4"
+ "progress": {
+ "Package": "progress",
+ "Version": "1.2.2",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R6",
+ "crayon",
+ "hms",
+ "prettyunits"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "14dc9f7a3c91ebb14ec5bb9208a07061"
+ },
"promises": {
"Package": "promises",
"Version": "",
@@ -995,6 +1032,29 @@
"Hash": "8f25ebe2ec38b1f2aef3b0d2ef76f6c4"
+ "readr": {
+ "Package": "readr",
+ "Version": "2.1.4",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "R6",
+ "cli",
+ "clipr",
+ "cpp11",
+ "crayon",
+ "hms",
+ "lifecycle",
+ "methods",
+ "rlang",
+ "tibble",
+ "tzdb",
+ "utils",
+ "vroom"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "b5047343b3825f37ad9d3b5d89aa1078"
+ },
"rematch2": {
"Package": "rematch2",
"Version": "2.1.2",
@@ -1007,7 +1067,7 @@
"remotes": {
"Package": "remotes",
- "Version": "",
+ "Version": "2.5.0",
"Source": "Repository",
"Repository": "RSPM",
"Requirements": [
@@ -1017,7 +1077,7 @@
- "Hash": "63d15047eb239f95160112bcadc4fcb9"
+ "Hash": "3ee025083e66f18db6cf27b56e23e141"
"renv": {
"Package": "renv",
@@ -1424,6 +1484,17 @@
"Hash": "e4e357f28c2edff493936b6cb30c3d65"
+ "tzdb": {
+ "Package": "tzdb",
+ "Version": "0.3.0",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "cpp11"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "b2e1cbce7c903eaf23ec05c58e59fb5e"
+ },
"urlchecker": {
"Package": "urlchecker",
"Version": "1.0.1",
@@ -1493,6 +1564,32 @@
"Hash": "a745bda7aff4734c17294bb41d4e4607"
+ "vroom": {
+ "Package": "vroom",
+ "Version": "1.6.1",
+ "Source": "Repository",
+ "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Requirements": [
+ "R",
+ "bit64",
+ "cli",
+ "cpp11",
+ "crayon",
+ "glue",
+ "hms",
+ "lifecycle",
+ "methods",
+ "progress",
+ "rlang",
+ "stats",
+ "tibble",
+ "tidyselect",
+ "tzdb",
+ "vctrs",
+ "withr"
+ ],
+ "Hash": "7015a74373b83ffaef64023f4a0f5033"
+ },
"waldo": {
"Package": "waldo",
"Version": "0.4.0",
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-ct.R b/tests/testthat/test-ct.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1fb5ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-ct.R
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+test_that("ct_spec_vars() works as expected", {
+ expect_identical(
+ ct_spec_vars(),
+ c(
+ "codelist_code",
+ "collected_value",
+ "term_synonyms",
+ "term_value"
+ )
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ct_spec_vars(set = "all"),
+ c(
+ "codelist_code",
+ "collected_value",
+ "term_synonyms",
+ "term_value"
+ )
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ct_spec_vars(set = "ct_clst"),
+ "codelist_code"
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ct_spec_vars(set = "from"),
+ c(
+ "collected_value",
+ "term_synonyms"
+ )
+ )
+ expect_identical(ct_spec_vars(set = "to"), "term_value")
+test_that("ct_spec_vars() fails with invalid input choice", {
+ expect_error(ct_spec_vars("foo"))
+ expect_error(ct_spec_vars(1L))
+ expect_error(ct_spec_vars(FALSE))
+ expect_error(ct_spec_vars(NULL))
+test_that("assert_ct_spec() works as expected", {
+ # Load an example controlled terminology spec.
+ ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+ cols <- colnames(ct_spec)
+ ct_clst_col <- ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")
+ to_col <- ct_spec_vars("to")
+ expect_no_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = FALSE))
+ expect_no_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = TRUE))
+ expect_identical(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = FALSE), ct_spec)
+ expect_identical(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec, optional = TRUE), ct_spec)
+ expect_null(assert_ct_spec(NULL, optional = TRUE))
+ # Codelist code column is one of the key variables that must be present
+ # in `ct_spec`, so being missing should trigger an error.
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec[setdiff(cols, ct_clst_col)], optional = FALSE))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec[setdiff(cols, ct_clst_col)], optional = TRUE))
+ # The codelist code and the "to" columns of a controlled terminology should
+ # not contain NAs, as otherwise the mapping is undefined. If that happens
+ # an error is triggered.
+ ct_spec01 <- ct_spec
+ ct_spec01[[ct_clst_col]] <- NA_character_
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec01, optional = FALSE))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec01, optional = TRUE))
+ ct_spec02 <- ct_spec
+ ct_spec02[[to_col]] <- NA_character_
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec01, optional = FALSE))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec01, optional = TRUE))
+ ct_spec_empty <-
+ data.frame(
+ codelist_code = character(),
+ collected_value = character(),
+ term_synonyms = character(),
+ term_value = character(),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
+ # `ct_spec` cannot be empty as that means that there are no mappings.
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec_empty, optional = TRUE))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_spec(ct_spec_empty, optional = FALSE))
+test_that("assert_ct_clst() works as expected", {
+ # Read in a controlled terminology example.
+ ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+ # If `ct_clst` is not supplied and is not optional, then it should err.
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ # If `ct_clst` is not supplied but it is optional, then all fine.
+ expect_no_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ # Moreover, in case of no error, `ct_clst` should be returned invisibly, in this
+ # case `NULL`.
+ expect_null(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ # If `ct_clst` is supplied but `ct_spec` is not, then err.
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = "C71113",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = NULL,
+ ct_clst = "C71113",
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ # If `ct_spec` is supplied but `ct_clst` is NULL, then err if `ct_clst` is not optional, or
+ # return `ct_clst` invisibly.
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_no_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ expect_null(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ # If both `ct_spec` and `ct_clst` are supplied, then `ct_spec` must be a valid controlled
+ # terminology data set and `ct_clst` must contain a codelist code available among
+ # the possibilities in column `codelist_code` (as returned by `ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")`).
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "foo",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NA_character_,
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NA_character_,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ expect_identical(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C71113",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ), "C71113")
+ expect_identical(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C66726",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ), "C66726")
+ expect_identical(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C71113",
+ optional = TRUE
+ ), "C71113")
+ expect_identical(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C66726",
+ optional = TRUE
+ ), "C66726")
+test_that("assert_ct_clst(): when ct_spec is empty", {
+ ct_spec <-
+ data.frame(
+ codelist_code = character(),
+ collected_value = character(),
+ term_synonyms = character(),
+ term_value = character(),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
+ # If `ct_spec` is supplied but `ct_clst` is NULL, then err if `ct_clst` is not optional, or
+ # return `ct_clst` invisibly.
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_no_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ expect_null(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NULL,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ # If both `ct_spec` and `ct_clst` are supplied, then `ct_spec` must be a valid controlled
+ # terminology data set and `ct_clst` must contain a codelist code available among
+ # the possibilities in column `codelist_code` (as returned by `ct_spec_vars("ct_clst")`).
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "foo",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NA_character_,
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = NA_character_,
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C71113",
+ optional = FALSE
+ ))
+ expect_error(assert_ct_clst(
+ ct_spec = ct_spec,
+ ct_clst = "C71113",
+ optional = TRUE
+ ))
+test_that("ct_mappings(): works as expected", {
+ ct_spec <- read_ct_spec_example("ct-01-cm")
+ ct_spec_qd <- dplyr::filter(ct_spec, term_code == "C25473")
+ expect_identical(
+ ct_mappings(ct_spec = ct_spec_qd),
+ tibble::tibble(
+ from = c("QD", "QD (Every Day)", "/day", "Daily", "Per Day"),
+ to = rep("QD", 5L)
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-recode.R b/tests/testthat/test-recode.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87562015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-recode.R
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+test_that("recode() works as intended on typical input", {
+ x <- c("a", NA_character_, "α")
+ # Map letters from lowercase to uppercase. NA is left as NA. Unmatched
+ # values are returned as inputted.
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(x = x, from = letters, to = LETTERS),
+ c("A", NA_character_, "α")
+ )
+ # The same as before but map now to integer values. Note though that the
+ # type of the returned vector is nonetheless character because "α" is not
+ # matched and will be preserved in the output, forcing coercion to character.
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = letters,
+ to = seq_along(LETTERS)
+ ),
+ c("1", NA_character_, "α")
+ )
+ # Now that `.no_match` is of integer type, like the vector supplied in `to`,
+ # the returned vector is also integer
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = letters,
+ to = seq_along(LETTERS),
+ .no_match = 0L
+ ),
+ c(1L, NA_integer_, 0L)
+ )
+test_that("recode() handling of NAs in input", {
+ x <- c("aye", "nay", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ from <- c("aye", "nay")
+ to <- c("yes", "no")
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(x = x, from = from, to = to),
+ c("yes", "no", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = from,
+ to = to,
+ .na = "uh?"
+ ),
+ c("yes", "no", "maybe", "uh?")
+ )
+ # The type of the vector in the output is always the most compatible across
+ # the types of `to`, `.no_match` and `.na`.
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = from,
+ to = to,
+ .na = NA
+ ),
+ c("yes", "no", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = from,
+ to = to,
+ .na = NA_integer_
+ ),
+ c("yes", "no", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = from,
+ to = to,
+ .na = NA_character_
+ ),
+ c("yes", "no", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ )
+test_that("recode(): recycling between `from` and `to` parameters", {
+ x <- c("aye", "nay", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ from <- c("aye", "nay")
+ to <- "?"
+ # Mapping one to many values
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(x = x, from = from, to = to),
+ c("?", "?", "maybe", NA_character_)
+ )
+ # Enforce every value to become the hardcoded value specified in `to`.
+ expect_identical(
+ recode(
+ x = x,
+ from = from,
+ to = to,
+ .no_match = to,
+ .na = to
+ ),
+ c("?", "?", "?", "?")
+ )
+test_that("recode(): notable cases", {
+ x <- c(letters[1L:3L], NA_character_)
+ # Identity: no recoding.
+ expect_identical(recode(x = x), x)
+ # Hardcode all values, leave NA at peace
+ expect_identical(recode(x = x, to = "X"), c(rep("X", 3L), NA_character_))
+ # Or, really hardcode every single value
+ expect_identical(recode(
+ x = x,
+ to = "X",
+ .no_match = "X",
+ .na = "X"
+ ), rep("X", 4L))