A website where people can search for their anime, see what anime are currently airing, and find out what anime are coming outsoon. Bellow are functions and tags I used to create the website.
- div
- form
- ul
- select, option
- link
- script
- h1, h3
- XMLHttpRequest();
- new Date();
- JSON.parse(response);
- getElementByID(id);
- createElement(idTag);
- setAttribute(attribute, value);
- parent.appendChild(child);
- substring();
- parent.removeChild(child);
- onclick();
- str.bold();
- array.forEach(element=>{});
- background-color:
- color:
- text-shadow:
- padding:
- text-align:
- border:
- border-width:
- height:
- max-height:
- margin:
- overflow:
- float:
- display:
- grid-template-columns:
- gap:
- box-shadow:
- transition:
- :hover
- cursor:
- overflow-wrap:
- text-overflow:
- margin: