- Compatibility with GeoPoint (from geo_calc gem) in point.rb (see use_geo_calc_spec.rb)
- GeoVectors extension to allow adding vectors to locations ext/geo_vectors.rb (see use_geo_vectors_spec.rb)
I’m not sure if #lat and #lng methods still work as they should given May 25 update and reverse of location array!
- Fixed major bug which stored coordinate in [:lat, :lng]. This is incorrect. Coordinates must be stored with :lng as the first value in order for geospatial queries to work properly.
- Excerpt from MongoDB GeoSpatial Indexing
‘The code assumes that you are using decimal degrees in (longitude, latitude) order. This is the same order used for the GeoJSON spec.
Using (latitude, longitude) will result in very incorrect results, but is often the ordering used elsewhere, so it is good to double-check.
The names you assign to a location object (if using an object and not an array) are completely ignored, only the ordering is detected.’
- removed date field from gemspec
Released version 0.5.4
- alias methods using underscore ‘_’ for methods such as #near_sphere
Released version 0.5.3 (improvements by davemitchell)
- Accept hash with 0, 1 for lat,lng (support auto conversion from a multipart post as an array)
- updated fields to support embedded location document
- allow lat/lng to be assigned independently when location has not been initialized