.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2
To start using ProjectQ, simply run
python -m pip install --user projectq
or, alternatively, clone/download this repo (e.g., to your /home directory) and run
cd /home/projectq
python -m pip install --user .
ProjectQ comes with a high-performance quantum simulator written in C++. Please see the detailed OS specific installation instructions below to make sure that you are installing the fastest version.
The setup will try to build a C++-Simulator, which is much faster than the Python implementation. If it fails, you may use the --without-cppsimulator parameter, i.e.,
python -m pip install --user --global-option=--without-cppsimulator .
and the framework will use the slow Python simulator instead. Note that this only works if the installation has been tried once without the --without-cppsimulator parameter and hence all requirements are now installed. See the instructions below if you want to run larger simulations. The Python simulator works perfectly fine for the small examples (e.g., running Shor's algorithm for factoring 15 or 21).
If building the C++-Simulator does not work out of the box, consider specifying a different compiler. For example:
env CC=g++-5 python -m pip install --user projectq
Please note that the compiler you specify must support C++11!
Please use pip version v6.1.0 or higher as this ensures that dependencies are installed in the correct order.
ProjectQ should be installed on each computer individually as the C++ simulator compilation creates binaries which are optimized for the specific hardware on which it is being installed (potentially using our AVX version and -march=native). Therefore, sharing the same ProjectQ installation across different hardware can cause problems.
After having installed the build tools (for g++):
sudo apt-get install build-essentialYou only need to install Python (and the package manager). For version 3, run
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pipWhen you then run
sudo pip3 install --user projectqall dependencies (such as numpy and pybind11) should be installed automatically.
It is easiest to install a pre-compiled version of Python, including numpy and many more useful packages. One way to do so is using, e.g., the Python3.5 installers from python.org or ANACONDA. Installing ProjectQ right away will succeed for the (slow) Python simulator (i.e., with the --without-cppsimulator flag). For a compiled version of the simulator, install the Visual C++ Build Tools and the Microsoft Windows SDK prior to doing a pip install. The built simulator will not support multi-threading due to the limited OpenMP support of msvc.
Should you want to run multi-threaded simulations, you can install a compiler which supports newer OpenMP versions, such as MinGW GCC and then manually build the C++ simulator with OpenMP enabled.
These are the steps to install ProjectQ on a new Mac:
In order to install the fast C++ simulator, we require that your system has a C++ compiler (see option 3 below on how to only install the slower Python simulator via the --without-cppsimulator parameter)
Below you will find two options to install the fast C++ simulator. The first one is the easiest and requires only the standard compiler which Apple distributes with XCode. The second option uses macports to install the simulator with additional support for multi-threading by using OpenMP, which makes it slightly faster. We show how to install the required C++ compiler (clang) which supports OpenMP and additionally, we show how to install a newer python version.
Depending on your system you might need to use sudo for the installation.
Installation using XCode and the default python:
Install XCode by opening a terminal and running the following command:
xcode-select --install
Next, you will need to install Python and pip. See option 2 for information on how to install a newer python version with macports. Here, we are using the standard python which is preinstalled with macOS. Pip can be installed by:
sudo easy_install pip
Now, you can install ProjectQ with the C++ simulator using the standard command:
python -m pip install --user projectq
Installation using macports:
Either use the standard python and install pip as shown in option 1 or better use macports to install a newer python version, e.g., Python 3.5 and the corresponding pip. Visit macports.org and install the latest version (afterwards open a new terminal). Then, use macports to install Python 3.5 by
sudo port install python35
It might show a warning that if you intend to use python from the terminal, you should also install
sudo port install py35-readline
Install pip by
sudo port install py35-pip
Next, we can install ProjectQ with the high performance simulator written in C++. First, we will need to install a suitable compiler with support for C++11, OpenMP, and instrinsics. The best option is to install clang 3.9 also using macports (note: gcc installed via macports does not work)
sudo port install clang-3.9
ProjectQ is now installed by:
env CC=clang-mp-3.9 env CXX=clang++-mp-3.9 python3.5 -m pip install --user projectq
Installation with only the slow Python simulator:
While this simulator works fine for small examples, it is suggested to install the high performance simulator written in C++.
If you just want to install ProjectQ with the (slow) Python simulator and no compiler, then first try to install ProjectQ with the default compiler
python -m pip install --user projectq
which most likely will fail. Then, try again with the flag
:python -m pip install --user --global-option=--without-cppsimulator projectq
Our goal is to have an intuitive syntax in order to enable an easy learning curve. Therefore, ProjectQ features a lean syntax which is close to the mathematical notation used in physics.
For example, consider applying an x-rotation by an angle theta to a qubit. In ProjectQ, this looks as follows:
Rx(theta) | qubit
whereas the corresponding notation in physics would be
R_x(\theta) \; |\text{qubit}\rangle
Moreover, the |-operator separates the classical arguments (on the left) from the quantum arguments (on the right). Next, you will see a basic quantum program using this syntax. Further examples can be found in the docs (Examples in the panel on the left) and in the ProjectQ examples folder on GitHub.
To check out the ProjectQ syntax in action and to see whether the installation worked, try to run the following basic example
from projectq import MainEngine # import the main compiler engine
from projectq.ops import H, Measure # import the operations we want to perform (Hadamard and measurement)
eng = MainEngine() # create a default compiler (the back-end is a simulator)
qubit = eng.allocate_qubit() # allocate 1 qubit
H | qubit # apply a Hadamard gate
Measure | qubit # measure the qubit
eng.flush() # flush all gates (and execute measurements)
print("Measured {}".format(int(qubit))) # output measurement result
Which creates random bits (0 or 1).