This project streams the Screeps console output to the terminal. It strips out any html tags and adds colors.
The settings file is a yaml file. Begin by copying the settings.dist file to
.settings.yaml in the directory you will be calling
cp .settings.dist.yaml .settings.yaml
The settings file is in yaml and takes various authentication tokens.
# Copy this to .settings.yaml and fill it out.
# Screeps account info
# Your username is your full email address.
screeps_ptr: false
# Proxy configuration
To stream the console output directly to your terminal's stdout run the
$ ./screeps_console/
This project also offers an interactive shell that can be used for both reading console output and sending console commands to the server.
$ ./screeps_console/
The interactive console allows you to directly interact with your screeps program through the in game console. Most of the time what you put in will be sent directly to the screeps server to be processed. There are a few built in commands however.
- clear - resets the console display.
- exit - exits the shell.
- list - lists these and other built in commands and aliases.
- themes - lists available themes when called without an argument, or switches themes when called with the theme name as the first argument
Console output can have colors, in both the website version and the shell. To get the best of both worlds use font tags that also have a severity attribute.
<font color="#999999" severity="2">Message goes here!</font>
The severity can be anywhere from 0 to 5, with five beign the most extreme.