Become a PennApps Campus Ambassador
Want to represent PennApps and expand the nation's first college hacakthon to more potential hackers? Looking to expand your network and gain communication and leadership skills? PennApps Campus Ambassador is the role for you!
As a PennApps campus ambassador, you will be promoting PennApps to your college campus and develop a plan to share PennApps to students and bring our hackathon events to more campuses and students across the United States and the world!
You will also be part of the PennApps team and receive cool perks including priority admission to PennApps XXIV, PennApps swag, merch, and a shoutout from our social media!
Application Information
- Communicating between PennApps and students on your campus
- Marketing & promoting PennApps and our Hackathon events
- Developing social media ideas and strategies to expand PennApps to potential hackers in the United States and across the world
- Why do you want to be a campus ambassador for PennApps?
- What ideas do you have to attract potential PennApps hackers on you campus? What platforms can you advertise PennApps to?