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李全城 edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 5 revisions


Configuration is done through web.xml. All values can be left blank and a default value will be chosen.

Below is an example of the init-param you would add to your web.xml. If you want to set other variables, then you would add more init-param blocks.




</init-param> Note: This only works with the KaptchaServlet. SimpleServlet does not pay attention to the web.xml parameters.


These values are stored in the class.

Constant Description Default
kaptcha.border Border around kaptcha. Legal values are yes or no. yes
kaptcha.border.color Color of the border. Legal values are r,g,b (and optional alpha) or white,black,blue. black
kaptcha.border.thickness Thickness of the border around kaptcha. Legal values are > 0. 1
kaptcha.image.width Width in pixels of the kaptcha image. 200
kaptcha.image.height Height in pixels of the kaptcha image. 50
kaptcha.producer.impl The image producer.
kaptcha.textproducer.impl The text producer.
kaptcha.textproducer.char.string The characters that will create the kaptcha. abcde2345678gfynmnpwx
kaptcha.textproducer.char.length The number of characters to display. 5
kaptcha.textproducer.font.names A list of comma separated font names. Arial, Courier
kaptcha.textproducer.font.size The size of the font to use. 40px.
kaptcha.textproducer.font.color The color to use for the font. Legal values are r,g,b. black The space between the characters 2
kaptcha.noise.impl The noise producer.
kaptcha.noise.color The noise color. Legal values are r,g,b. black
kaptcha.obscurificator.impl The obscurificator implementation.
kaptcha.background.impl The background implementation.
kaptcha.background.clear.from Starting background color. Legal values are r,g,b. light grey Ending background color. Legal values are r,g,b. white
kaptcha.word.impl The word renderer implementation.
kaptcha.session.key The value for the kaptcha is generated and is put into the HttpSession. This is the key value for that item in the session. KAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY The date the kaptcha is generated is put into the HttpSession. This is the key value for that item in the session. KAPTCHA_SESSION_DATE
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